Korea Investment Management Co., Ltd. is an investment adviser registered with the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and was initially approved as an investment adviser in
January 2015. Korea Investment Management Co., Ltd. is a corporation formed under the laws of the
Republic of Korea.
Description of Advisory Services
The following are descriptions of the primary advisory services of KIM. Please understand that a written
agreement, which details the exact terms of the service, must be signed by clients and KIM before KIM can
provide clients the services described below.
Asset Management Services – KIM offers asset management services to separate accounts for clients in
regards to exchange listed securities.
The account is managed by us based on client’s situation, investment objectives and risk tolerance. KIM
actively monitors the account and provides advice regarding buying, selling, reinvesting or holding
securities, cash or other investments of the account.
Client Assets Managed by Korea Investment Management
As of December 2019, KIM manages $44,480,364,393 of discretionary assets under management in the
form of multiple collective investment schemes, subadvisor services to separately managed accounts for
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Asset Management Services
KIM’s fees vary depending upon the nature and extent of the mandate. KIM charges investment
management fees to clients as a percentage of assets under management (e.g., management and/or
incentive fees). Fees are set out within the governing documents, offering documents and/or the investment
management agreements between KIM and the client, as applicable. KIM does not have one fee schedule
that applies to all clients. With respect to separate accounts, fees and expenses are generally assessed
depending upon the size of mandate, type of strategy and unique features of the account. Certain clients
may also pay KIM an incentive fee based upon an annual percentage of the net capital appreciation above
a hurdle rate, if applicable. All incentive fees charged by KIM are in compliance with Rule 205-3 of the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940.
In relation to separate accounts, fees will be deducted from clients’ accounts and paid directly to the firm
by the qualified custodian(s) of clients’ accounts. Clients will authorize their qualified custodian(s) of their
accounts to deduct fees from their accounts and pay such fees directly to KIM.
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As described above in Item 5 –
Fees and Compensation, KIM may charge only the qualified client a
performance fee, which is based upon a share of capital gains or capital appreciation of the assets of such
Performance-based fee arrangements may create an incentive for portfolio manager to favor performance-
based fee account over asset-based fee account and also recommend investments which may be riskier
or more speculative than those which would be recommended under a different fee arrangement. KIM
strives to minimize such conflicts of interests by taking fiduciary obligation very seriously and always acting
in the best interests of clients according to “Code of Ethics Summary under Item 11”.
Moreover, evaluation and compensation of portfolio managers are based solely on performances of those
funds and separately managed accounts which a portfolio manager has full discretionary control of, not on
performance fees earned or assets under management, etc. Such evaluation and compensation system
ensures that a portfolio manager has no incentive to devote unequal time or attention to the management
of one account over another or to recommend investments which may be riskier or more speculative than
those which would be recommended under a different fee arrangement, thereby treating all accounts in a
manner that is fair and equitable to all.
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KIM generally provides investment advice to the following types of clients:
High net worth individuals
Banks or thrift institutions
Pension and profit-sharing plans
State or municipal government entities
Trusts, estates, or charitable organizations
Corporations or business entities other than those listed above
Clients are required to execute a written agreement with KIM specifying the particular advisory services in
order to establish a client arrangement with KIM.
Minimum Investment Amounts Required
There are no minimum investment amounts or conditions required for establishing an account managed by
KIM. However, all clients are required to execute an agreement for services in order to establish a client
arrangement with KIM and/or the third-party money manager or the sponsor of third-party money manager
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Methods of Analysis
KIM uses the following methods of analysis in formulating investment advice:
Fundamental – This is a method of evaluating a security by attempting to measure its intrinsic value
by examining related economic, financial and other qualitative and quantitative factors.
Fundamental analysts attempt to study everything that can affect the security's value, including
macroeconomic factors (like the overall economy and industry conditions) and individually specific
factors (like the financial condition and management of a company). The end goal of performing
fundamental analysis is to produce a value that an investor can compare with the security's current
price in hopes of figuring out what sort of position to take with that security (underpriced = buy,
overpriced = sell or short).
The risk associated with fundamental analysis is that it is somewhat subjective. While a
quantitative approach is possible, fundamental analysis usually entails a qualitative assessment of
how market forces interact with one another in their impact on the investment in question. It is
possible for those market forces to point in different directions, thus necessitating an interpretation
of which forces will be dominant. This interpretation may be wrong and could therefore lead to an
unfavorable investment decision.
To conduct analysis, KIM gathers information from financial newspapers and magazines, inspection of
corporate activities, research materials prepared by others, corporate rating services, annual reports,
prospectuses and company press releases.
Risk of Loss
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Therefore, client should never assume that future
performance of any specific investment or investment strategy will be profitable. Investing in securities
(including stocks, mutual funds, and bonds, etc.) involves risk of loss. Further, depending on the different
types of investments there may be varying degrees of risk. Clients should be prepared to bear investment
loss including loss of original principal.
Because of the inherent risk of loss associated with investing, KIM is unable to represent, guarantee, or
even imply that our services and methods of analysis can or will predict future results, successfully identify
market tops or bottoms, or insulate you from losses due to market corrections or declines. There are certain
additional risks associated with investing in securities through KIM’s investment management program, as
described below:
Market Risk – Either the stock market as a whole, or the value of an individual company,
goes down resulting in a decrease in the value of client investments. This is also referred
to as systemic risk.
Equity (stock) market risk – Common stocks are susceptible to general stock market
fluctuations and to volatile increases and decreases in value as market confidence in and
perceptions of their issuers change. If clients held common stock, or common stock
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equivalents, of any given issuer, they would generally be exposed to greater risk than if
they held preferred stocks and debt obligations of the issuer.
Company Risk – When investing in stock positions, there is always a certain level of
company or industry specific risk that is inherent in each investment. This is also referred
to as unsystematic risk and can be reduced through appropriate diversification. There is
the risk that the company will perform poorly or have its value reduced based on factors
specific to the company or its industry. For example, if a company’s employees go on
strike or the company receives unfavorable media attention for its actions, the value of the
company may be reduced.
Fixed Income Risk – When investing in bonds, there is the risk that the issuer will default
on the bond and be unable to make payments. Further, individuals who depend on set
amounts of periodically paid income face the risk that inflation will erode their spending
power. Fixed-income investors receive set, regular payments that face the same inflation
Options Risk – Options on securities may be subject to greater fluctuations in value than
an investment in the underlying securities. Purchasing and writing put and call options are
highly specialized activities and entail greater than ordinary investment risks.
Management Risk – Client’s investment with the firm varies with the success and failure of
our investment strategies, research, analysis and determination of portfolio securities. If
KIM’s investment strategies do not produce the expected returns, the value of the
investment will decrease.
Currency Risks - a form of risk that originates from changes in the relative valuation of
currencies. When the exchange rate between the foreign currency of an international
investment and the U.S. dollar changes, it can increase or reduce client’s investment
return. Foreign companies trade and pay dividends in the currency of their local market.
When client receives dividends or sell client’s international investment, client will need to
convert the cash client receives into U.S. dollars. During a period when the foreign currency
is strong compared to the U.S. dollar, this strength increases client’s investment return
because client’s foreign earnings translate into more dollars. If the foreign currency
weakens compared to the U.S. dollar, this weakness reduces client’s investment return
because client’s earnings translate into fewer dollars. In addition to exchange rates, client
should be aware that some countries may impose foreign currency controls that restrict or
delay client from moving currency out of a country.
Liquidity Risk - the risk stemming from the lack of marketability of an investment that cannot
be bought or sold quickly enough to prevent or minimize a loss.
Political/Country Risk - The risk that an investment's returns could suffer as a result of
political changes or instability in a country. Instability affecting investment returns could
stem from a change in government, legislative bodies, other foreign policy makers, or
military control.
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In October 2013 KIM was found by the Korea Financial Supervisory Service to have violated the
Enforcement Decree of the Financial Investment Business and Capital Markets Act, Articles 87-(4)
(Prohibition of Unsound Business Conduct) – Accepting a property interest, directly or indirectly, from an
investment trader or broker (including its executives and employees) in the course of business in violation
of the guidelines prescribed and publicly notified by the Financial Services Commission. The firm agreed
to sanction that included a fine of KRW 37,500,000 (Approximately $37,500.00 in USD).
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KIM is not and does not have a related person that is an accountant or accounting firm, a lawyer or law
firm, an insurance company or agency, a pension consultant, a real estate broker or dealer, and/or a
sponsor or syndicator of limited partnerships.
KIM is an independent registered investment adviser and only provides investment advisory services.
However, while KIM does not sell products or services other than investment advice, its representatives
may sell other products or provide services outside of their role as investment adviser representatives with
Affiliated Companies (firms under common ownership)
KIM is a 100% owned subsidiary of Korea Investment Securities Co., Ltd. which is in turn owned by Korea
Investment Holdings Ltd., a Korean based financial services holding company. The subsidiaries of Korea
Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. include the following:
Korea Investment Securities Co., Ltd. – a South Korea based firm specializing in investment banking,
brokerage and principal investment.
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Code of Ethics Summary
According to the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940, an investment adviser is considered a fiduciary and has
a fiduciary duty to all clients. KIM has established a Code of Ethics to comply with the requirements of
Section 204(A)-1 of the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940 that reflects its fiduciary obligations and those of
its supervised persons. The Code of Ethics also requires compliance with federal securities laws. The
Code of Ethics covers all individuals that are classified as “supervised persons”. All employees, officers,
directors and investment adviser representatives are classified as supervised persons. KIM requires its
supervised persons to consistently act in your best interest in all advisory activities. KIM imposes certain
requirements on its affiliates and supervised persons to ensure that they meet the firm’s fiduciary
responsibilities to clients. The standard of conduct required is higher than ordinarily required and
encountered in commercial business.
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This section is intended to provide a summary description of the Code of Ethics of KIM. If clients wish to
review the Code of Ethics in its entirety, they should send the firm a written request and KIM will promptly
provide a copy of the Code of Ethics to them.
Affiliate and Employee Personal Securities Transactions Disclosure
KIM or associated persons of the firm may not buy or sell for their personal accounts, investment products
identical to those recommended to clients. It is the express policy of KIM that all persons associated in any
manner with the firm must place clients’ interests ahead of their own when implementing personal
investments. KIM and its associated persons will not buy or sell securities for their personal account(s)
where their decision is derived, in whole or in part, by information obtained as a result of employment or
association with the firm unless the information is also available to the investing public upon reasonable
KIM is now and will continue to be in compliance with applicable state and federal rules and regulations.
To prevent conflicts of interest, KIM has developed written supervisory procedures that include personal
investment and trading policies for our representatives, employees and their immediate family members
(collectively, associated persons):
Associated persons cannot prefer their own interests to that of the client;
Associated persons cannot purchase or sell any security for their personal accounts prior to
implementing transactions for client accounts;
Associated persons cannot buy or sell securities for their personal accounts when those decisions
are based on information obtained as a result of their employment, unless that information is also
available to the investing public upon reasonable inquiry;
Associated persons are prohibited from purchasing or selling securities of companies in which any
client is deemed an “insider”;
Associated persons are discouraged from conducting frequent personal trading; and
Associated persons are generally prohibited from serving as board members of publicly traded
companies unless an exception has been granted to the Chief Compliance Officer of KIM.
Any associated person not observing KIM’s policies is subject to sanctions up to and including
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If the firm assists in the implementation of any recommendations, KIM is responsible to ensure that the
client receives the best execution possible. Best execution does not necessarily mean that clients receive
the lowest possible commission costs but that the qualitative execution is best. In other words, all conditions
considered, the transaction execution is in clients’ best interest. When considering best execution, KIM
looks at a number of factors besides prices and rates including, but not limited to:
Execution capabilities (e.g., market expertise, ease/reliability/timeliness of execution,
responsiveness, integration with our existing systems, ease of monitoring investments);
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Products and services offered (e.g., investment programs, back office services, technology,
regulatory compliance assistance, research and analytic services);
Financial strength, stability and responsibility;
Reputation and integrity; and
Ability to maintain confidentiality.
KIM exercises reasonable due diligence to make certain that best execution is obtained for all clients when
implementing any transaction by considering the back-office services, technology and pricing of services
Brokerage Recommendations
If KIM assists client in the implementation of any recommendations, client will be provided the opportunity
to choose the custodian/broker dealer used to manage their account. KIM is independently owned and
operated and not affiliated with any custodian or Broker Dealer in the United States.
As referenced in
Item 10 - Other Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations - KIM is under common
ownership with Broker Dealers located in the Republic of Korea with offices in other Asian nations. KIM is
authorized to allocate transactions for our managed accounts to Broker Dealers (including our affiliated
Broker Dealers). Allocating transactions to affiliated Broker Dealers creates a conflict of interest in that there
is a financial incentive to allocate transaction to the Broker Dealers that are under common ownership with
KIM. This conflict is addresses by only allocating transactions to the Broker Dealer, considering 1) level of
contribution of order execution to profits 2) level of brokerage commission 3) credibility and financial status
of the brokerage firm and 4) level of contribution to efficient management of investment trusts.
Directed Brokerage
Clients are allowed to select the broker-dealer that will be used for their accounts. Clients directing the use
of a particular broker/dealer or other custodian must understand that KIM may not be able to obtain the best
prices and execution for the transaction. Under a client-directed brokerage arrangement, clients may
receive less favorable prices than would otherwise be the case if the client had not designated a particular
broker/dealer or custodian. Directed brokerage account trades are generally placed by KIM after effecting
trades for other clients of KIM. In the event that a client directs KIM to use a particular broker or dealer,
KIM may not be authorized to negotiate commissions and may be unable to obtain volume discounts or
best execution. In addition, under these circumstances a disparity in commission charges may exist
between the commissions charged to clients who direct KIM to use a particular broker or dealer versus
clients who do not direct the use of a particular broker or dealer.
Handling Trade Errors
KIM has implemented procedures designed to prevent trade errors; however, trade errors in client accounts
cannot always be avoided. Consistent with its fiduciary duty, it is the policy of KIM to correct trade errors
in a manner that is in the best interest of the client. In cases where the client causes the trade error, the
client is responsible for any loss resulting from the correction. Depending on the specific circumstances of
the trade error, the client may not be able to receive any gains generated as a result of the error
correction. In all situations where the client does not cause the trade error, the client is made whole and
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any loss resulting from the trade error is absorbed by KIM if the error is caused by KIM. If the error is
caused by the broker-dealer, the broker-dealer is responsible for handling the trade error. If an investment
gain results from the correcting trade, the gain remains in the client’s account unless the same error involved
other client account(s) that should also receive the gains. It is not permissible for all clients to retain the
gain. KIM may also confer with a client to determine if the client should forego the gain (e.g., due to tax
KIM will never benefit or profit from trade errors.
Block Trading Policy
KIM may elect to purchase or sell the same securities for several clients at approximately the same time.
This process is referred to as aggregating orders, batch trading or block trading and is used by the firm
when Korea Investment Management believes such action may prove advantageous to clients. If and when
KIM aggregates client orders, allocating securities among client accounts is done on a fair and equitable
basis. Typically, the process of aggregating client orders is done in order to achieve better execution, to
negotiate more favorable commission rates or to allocate orders among clients on a more equitable basis
in order to avoid differences in prices and transaction fees or other transaction costs that might be obtained
when orders are placed independently.
Korea Investment Management uses the pro rata allocation method for transaction allocation.
Under this procedure, pro rata trade allocation means an allocation of the trade at issue among applicable
advisory clients in amounts that are proportional to the participating advisory client’s intended investable
assets. Korea Investment Management will calculate the pro rata share of each transaction included in a
block order and assigns the appropriate number of shares of each allocated transaction executed for the
client’s account.
Neither KIM nor its associated persons receive any additional compensation as a result of block trades.
Agency Cross Transactions
KIM’s associated persons are prohibited from engaging in agency cross transactions, meaning KIM cannot
act as brokers for both the sale and purchase of a single security between two different clients and cannot
receive compensation in the form of an agency cross commission or principal mark-up for the trades.
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Account Reviews and Reviewers
Managed accounts are reviewed at least quarterly. While the calendar is the main triggering factor, reviews
can also be conducted at your request. Account reviews will include investment strategy and objectives
review and making a change if strategy and objectives have changed. Reviews are conducted by the
responsible portfolio manager with oversight by KIM’s risk management and compliance teams to ensure
the accounts are managed in accordance with your investment goals and objectives.
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KIM may enter into an agreement with various individuals or entities (Referring Parties) to refer clients to
KIM. If a referred client enters into an investment advisory agreement with KIM, a cash referral fee may be
paid to the referring party, which is based upon a percentage of the client advisory fees that are generated.
The referral agreements between any referring party and KIM will not result in any charges to clients in
addition to the normal level of advisory fees charged.
When a client is referred to us by a referring party, the referring party provides the client with a copy of our
Disclosure Brochure as required by the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940. The client also will complete a
Solicitor’s Disclosure Statement document. If the referring party is an unaffiliated registered investment
adviser firm, then the client will also receive a copy of the referring party’s Form ADV Part 2 Disclosure
Brochure. If a referred client enters into an investment advisory agreement with KIM, a referral fee is paid
to the referring party. The referral relationship will not result in clients being charged any fees over and
above the normal advisory fees charged for the advisory services provided.
The referral agreements between KIM and referring parties will be in compliance with state and federal
securities rules regarding paid solicitor arrangements.
Please see Item 5, Fees and Compensation, Item 10, Other Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations and
Item 12, Brokerage Practices, for additional discussion concerning other compensation.
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KIM is deemed to have custody of client funds and securities whenever KIM is given the authority to have
fees deducted directly from client accounts. However, this is the only form of custody KIM will ever maintain.
It should be noted that authorization to trade in client accounts is not deemed by regulators to be custody.
For accounts in which KIM is deemed to have custody, KIM has established procedures to ensure all client
funds and securities are held at a qualified custodian in a separate account for each client under that client’s
name. Clients or an independent representative of the client will direct, in writing, the establishment of all
accounts and therefore are aware of the qualified custodian’s name, address and the manner in which the
funds or securities are maintained. Finally, account statements are delivered directly from the qualified
custodian to each client, or the client’s independent representative, at least quarterly. Clients should
carefully review those statements and are urged to compare the statements against reports received from
KIM. When clients have questions about their account statements, they should contact KIM or the qualified
custodian preparing the statement.
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When providing asset management services, KIM maintains trading authorization over clients’ account and
can provide management services on a discretionary basis. When discretionary authority is granted, KIM
will have the authority to determine the type of securities, the amount of securities that can be bought or
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sold and the broker or dealer to be used for clients’ portfolio without obtaining clients’ consent for each
If clients decide to grant trading authorization on a non-discretionary basis, KIM will be required to contact
clients prior to implementing changes in clients’ account. Therefore, clients will be contacted and required
to accept or reject KIM’s investment recommendations including:
The security being recommended
The number of shares or units
Whether to buy or sell
Once the above factors are agreed upon, KIM will be responsible for making decisions regarding the timing
of buying or selling an investment and the price at which the investment is bought or sold. If clients’ account
is managed on a non-discretionary basis, clients need to know that if KIM is not able to reach them or they
are slow to respond to KIM’s request, it can have an adverse impact on the timing of trade implementations
and KIM may not achieve the optimal trading price.
Clients will have the ability to place reasonable restrictions on the types of investments that may be
purchased in clients’ account. Clients may also place reasonable limitations on the discretionary power
granted to KIM so long as the limitations are specifically set forth or included as an attachment to the client
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KIM will provide a copy of its guidelines for exercising voting right to any Client or prospective Client upon
request to
[email protected]. The following is an internal guideline for exercising voting rights.
KIM may have opportunities to vote proxies for companies on behalf of Its Clients. In voting proxies, KIM is
guided by general fiduciary principles. KIM’s goal is to act prudently, solely in the best interest of its Clients
and consistent with efforts to achieve a Client’s stated objectives, including maximizing portfolio value.
Where KIM has discretionary authority over securities held by its Clients it is generally viewed as having
proxy voting authority to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations. In each such case, KIM
has a duty to cast votes in the best interest of its Clients and not subrogate Clients interest to its own
interest. KIM has adopted written proxy voting policies and procedures, which are designed to ensure that
KIM votes proxies in the best interest of its clients and addresses how it will resolve any conflict of interest
that may arise when voting proxies.
The general policy of the KIM is to vote proxy proposals amendments, consents or resolutions relating to
Clients securities in a prudent manner that serves the best interest of its clients and determined by KIM in
its discretion, and taking in to account relevant factors, including but not limited to; (1) the impact on the
value of the securities; (2) the anticipated costs and benefits associated with the proposal; (3) the effect on
liquidity; and (4) customary industry and business practices.
In addition, KIM follows procedures that are reasonably designed to identify conflicts or potential conflicts
that could arise between its own interest and its Clients’ interest. If it is determined that any such conflict or
potential conflict is not material, KIM may vote proxies even with the existence of the conflict. If a conflict of
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interest or potential conflict of interest is material appropriate KIM personnel will endeavor to agree upon a
method to resolve such conflict before voting proxies affected by the conflict.
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Item 18 is not applicable to this brochure. KIM does not require or solicit prepayment of more than
$1200 in fees per client, six months or more in advance. Therefore, KIM is not required to include a balance
sheet for the most recent fiscal year. KIM is not subject to a financial condition that is reasonably likely to
impair its ability to meet contractual commitments to clients. Finally, KIM has not been the subject of a
bankruptcy petition at any time.
Business Continuity Plan
KIM has a business continuity and contingency plan in place designed to respond to significant business
disruptions. These disruptions can be both internal and external. Internal disruptions will impact our ability
to communicate and do business, such as a fire in the office building. External disruptions will prevent the
operation of the securities markets or the operations of a number of firms, such as earthquakes, wildfires,
hurricanes, terrorist attack or other wide-scale, regional disruptions.
KIM’s continuity and contingency plan has been developed to safeguard employees’ lives and firm
property, to allow a method of making financial and operational assessments, to quickly recover and resume
business operations, to protect books and records, and to allow clients to continue transacting business.
The plan includes the following:
Alternate locations to conduct business;
Hard and electronic back-ups of records;
Alternative means of communications with employees, clients, critical business constituents
and regulators; and
KIM’s business continuity and contingency plan is reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure that
the policies in place are sufficient and operational.
Customer Privacy Policy Notice In November of 1999, the U.S. Congress enacted the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA). The GLBA requires
certain financial institutions, such as investment advisor firms, to protect the privacy of customer
information. In situations where a financial institution does disclose customer information to nonaffiliated
third parties, other than permitted or required by law, customers must be given the opportunity to opt out or
prevent such disclosure. KIM does not share or disclose customer information to nonaffiliated third parties
except as permitted or required by law.
KIM is committed to safeguarding the confidential information of its clients. KIM holds all personal
information provided by clients in the strictest confidence and it is the objective of KIM to protect the privacy
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of all clients. Except as permitted or required by law, KIM does not share confidential information about
clients with nonaffiliated parties. In the event that there were to be a change in this policy, KIM will provide
clients with written notice and clients will be provided an opportunity to direct KIM as to whether such
disclosure is permissible.
To conduct regular business, KIM may collect personal information from sources such as:
Information reported by the client on applications or other forms the client provides to KIM;
Information about the client’s transactions implemented by KIM or others; and
Information developed as part of financial plans, analyses or investment advisory services.
To administer, manage, service, and provide related services for client accounts, it is necessary for KIM to
provide access to customer information within the firm and to nonaffiliated companies with whom KIM has
entered into agreements with. To provide the utmost service, KIM may disclose the information below
regarding customers and former customers, as necessary, to companies to perform certain services on
KIM’s behalf.
Information KIM receives from the client on applications (name, social security number, address,
assets, etc.);
Information about the client’s transactions with KIM or others (account information, payment history,
parties to transactions, etc.);
Information concerning investment advisory account transactions; and
Information about a client’s financial products and services transaction with KIM.
Since KIM shares nonpublic information solely to service client accounts, KIM does not disclose any
nonpublic personal information about KIM’s customers or former customers to anyone, except as permitted
by law. However, KIM may also provide customer information outside of the firm as required by law, such
as to government entities, consumer reporting agencies or other third parties in response to subpoenas. In
the event that KIM has a change to its customer privacy policy that would allow it to disclose non-public
information not covered under applicable law, KIM will allow its clients the opportunity to opt out of such
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Open Brochure from SEC website