A. The Firm
Investec Asset Management North America, Inc. (“IAM NA”) is a Delaware corporation organized in 2012, registered with the SEC and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Investec Asset Management Limited (“IAML”). IAML is a limited company organized under the laws of England and Wales and an affiliated investment adviser registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) as well as with the SEC. IAML, founded in 1991, is an indirect majority-owned subsidiary of Investec Plc, a company formed under the laws of England and Wales (“Investec Plc”). Investec Plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange. Investec Plc controls 80.0001% of the voting stock of IAML with the remaining 19.9999% owned by certain employees of IAML and its affiliates.

Investec Plc is affiliated with Investec Limited (“Investec Ltd”), a company incorporated in South Africa and listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the Namibian Stock Exchange, as well as the Botswana Stock Exchange as a secondary listing. Investec Plc and Investec Ltd together form the Investec Group (the “Investec Group”). The Investec Group was founded in South Africa in 1974 and consists of diversified global financial institutions offering specialist banking, asset management and wealth and investment services in the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other jurisdictions. The Investec Group has implemented a dual listed companies structure with linked companies listed in London (Investec Plc) and Johannesburg (Investec Ltd). Investec Plc and Investec Ltd are separate legal entities and listings, but are bound together by contractual agreements and legal mechanisms.

Investec Ltd, a limited company organized under the laws of South Africa, owns 80.0001% of Investec Asset Management Holdings (Pty) Ltd (“IAM Holdings Pty”) with the remaining 19.9999% owned by certain employees of IAML and its affiliates. IAM Holding Pty’s principal office is located in Cape Town, South Africa, and its subsidiaries, including Investec Asset Management Pty Ltd. (“IAM Pty”), are regulated by the South African Financial Sector Conduct Authority (“FSCA”) and/or the Prudential Authority (“PA”).

IAM NA's investment management business originated in 2014 through an asset purchase agreement entered into between IAM NA and its predecessor, Investec Asset Management US Ltd ("IAM US"), in which IAM NA succeeded to the business and SEC registration of IAM US. IAM NA’s principal office and place of business is in New York, NY.

IAM NA entered into a dual-hatting agreement (“Dual-Hatting Agreement”) with IAML, IAM Pty, Investec Asset Management Hong Kong Ltd (“IAM HK”), and Investec Asset Management Singapore Pte Ltd (“IAMS,” and together with IAML, IAM Pty, IAM HK, the “Dual-Hatting Affiliates”). Pursuant to this agreement, certain employees of IAML, IAM Pty, IAM HK and IAMS (“Dual-Hatted Employees”) are permitted to provide discretionary investment advice and portfolio management services to IAM NA’s clients. These employees are deemed IAM NA’s “associated persons” as defined under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (“Advisers Act”) and, in this capacity, are subject to the oversight of IAM NA and its Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”). The Dual-Hatting Agreement is based on no-action letters of the staff of the SEC that permit an SEC-registered investment adviser to rely on and use the resources of advisory affiliates, subject to the supervision of the SEC-registered investment adviser. In connection with their provision of services to IAM NA, IAML and IAM Pty have each appointed IAM NA as its agent for service of process within the jurisdiction of the United States. IAM NA is an investment adviser to Funds (as defined below) and certain separate accounts (“Separate Accounts”), each as more fully described below. IAM NA is also an investment adviser to two funds (the “Registered Funds”) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Investment Company Act”). Complete information concerning each Registered Fund, including advisory fees, minimum account requirements (if any) and termination provisions, is disclosed in its prospectus and/or statement of additional information. IAM NA is also a sub-adviser to certain non-US separate accounts (the “Sub-advised Separate Account(s)”) and sub- funds of (i) Investec Global Strategy Fund, a société d'investissement à capital variable Investment Fund under Luxembourg Law (“GSF”), (ii) Investec Funds Series iv, an open-ended investment company with variable capital, incorporated in England and Wales and registered with the FCA (“OEIC”) and (iii) a cell of the Investec Premier Funds PCC Limited (the “Guernsey Fund,” and together with the GSF and the OEIC, the “Sub-Funds”), as certain of IAML’s investment personnel provide investment advisory functions to such Sub-Funds (and together with the Sub-advised Separate Accounts, the “Sub-Advised Clients”). In each case, IAM NA has been appointed by IAML as a sub-adviser to the Sub-Advised Clients. As of the date of the brochure, no U.S. investors comprise the Sub-Advised Clients. Complete information concerning the Sub-Funds, including advisory fees, minimum account requirements (if any) and termination provisions, is disclosed in the prospectus, product annex, Key Investor Information Document or similar fund disclosure of each Sub-Fund. For the purpose of the brochure, IAML, IAML’s direct or indirect subsidiaries and IAM Pty are each deemed to be an “IAM NA Affiliate.” IAM NA also markets to non-U.S. institutional clients and distributes through financial intermediaries non-U.S. pooled investment vehicles on behalf of IAML and other IAM NA Affiliates. As of March 31, 2019, IAM NA had USD 17,517,343,467 in regulatory assets under management calculated on a gross basis, all managed on a discretionary basis. B. The Services Discretionary Services IAM NA manages Separate Accounts for institutional investors. IAM NA tailors its advisory services to these investors as they typically impose restrictions or limitations on how IAM NA manages their accounts according to their investment strategies. The restrictions or limitations generally appear either in the client’s investment management agreement (“IMA”) or in the investment guidelines adopted for the account. IAM NA manages the Sub-advised Separate Accounts in accordance with the restrictions or limitations in the IMA originally entered into between IAML and such client. IAM NA is also the investment adviser and managing member for certain U.S. private investment funds (each, a “Fund,” and together, the “Funds”) and the Funds are offered to institutional investors (“Fund Investors”). In addition, IAM NA serves as the investment adviser to two Registered Funds that are part of The Advisors’ Inner Circle Fund III, a Delaware business trust registered as an investment company under the Investment Company Act. Finally, IAM NA also serves as a sub-adviser to the Sub-Funds. For the purpose of the brochure (except for Item 11, Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in Client Transaction and Personal Account Dealing), the term “Clients” is defined as the Funds, the Registered Funds and the Separate Accounts to distinguish those from Sub-Advised Clients. Non-Discretionary Services In certain circumstances, IAM NA provides non-discretionary advice to model portfolio or unified managed account programs (“Model Delivery Programs”) in which IAM NA’s services are limited to the creating and maintenance of a non-discretionary model portfolio that is used by an investment adviser, program sponsor or overlay manager (“Model Delivery Manager”) to construct portfolios for and to provide investment advisory and asset allocation services to their clients. With respect to these accounts, clients of the Model Delivery Programs are the clients of such Model Delivery Manager and not clients of IAM NA. IAM NA generally does not know the identity of the underlying clients, does not act as a fiduciary to such underlying clients, does not have access to such underlying clients’ account information, does not trade or vote proxies for such underlying clients participating in a Model Delivery Program, and does not perform brokerage, custody, suitability reviews or any other administrative function for either a Model Delivery Program or its underlying clients. In providing non-discretionary recommendations to the Model Delivery Programs, IAM NA generally uses the same sources of information and investment/research personnel as IAM NA uses to manage its discretionary client accounts with similar investment objectives, subject only to differences resulting from such Model Delivery Manager’s investment guidelines or cash or other needs of the applicable Model Delivery Program. IAM NA amends and updates the model portfolio when a model change occurs and provides this information through a portal or similar uploading system to the Model Delivery Manager. IAM NA does not have direct contact with the clients of any Model Delivery Program. Please see Item 12, Brokerage Practices for more information about the communication and delivery of non-discretionary recommendations to a Model Delivery Program. Investment Strategies of Discretionary and Non-Discretionary Services IAM NA investments are directed by specific processes developed by each of IAM NA’s specialist investment teams. In addition to research analysts, each team has portfolio managers who have authority to manage portfolios within pre-agreed risk parameters. Within this structure, the process used to allocate assets varies by strategy and investment team. With the assistance of the Head of Investment Risk, the Co-Chief Investment Officers oversee each Strategy. On behalf of some Clients and across some Strategies, IAM NA trades certain swaps, futures and derivatives under the jurisdiction of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. IAM NA relies on an exemption from commodity pool operator and commodity trading advisor registrations in respect of such trading. IAM NA provides discretionary investment management services to its Clients under the following investment strategies (“Strategies”):
• 4Factor o International Dynamic Equity o Global Dynamic Equity o Emerging Markets Equity (Core) o Asia Pacific ex-Japan o Global Core Equity o Global Strategic Equity o European Equity
• Emerging Market Fixed Income o Emerging Markets Debt – Local Currency Dynamic o Emerging Markets Debt – Local Currency Specialist o Emerging Markets Debt – Blended Debt o Local Currency - Africa Fixed Income Opportunities
• Multi-Asset o Absolute Return – Target Return o Credit – Investment Grade Corporate Bond o Credit – Global High Yield Bond o Credit – European High Yield Bond o Credit – Multi-Asset Credit o Income – Multi-Asset Income o Growth – Total Return
• Quality o American Equity o Asia Pacific Equity o Global Franchise – Equity o Global Quality Income – Equity o Global Opportunity IAM NA provides non-discretionary investment management services under the following Strategies:
• Quality o Global Franchise – Equity 4Factor Equities The 4Factor team employs an active, bottom-up approach to stock selection following a consistent investment philosophy and disciplined process. The investment philosophy is based on four equally-weighted factors which are believed to drive long-term share price growth, marrying both traditional and behavioral finance theory. These factors are Strategy (measure of company quality), Value (price relative to fair value), Earnings (positive trends in company earnings), and Technicals (analysis of stock price trends). In summary, the 4Factor team searches for high quality, attractively valued companies with improving operating performance that are receiving increasing investor attention. The process begins with an unbiased, objective screening tool, which processes all available information to score each company in the investible universe according to each of the four factors. This serves to narrow a broad universe down to approximately the top quartile of investment opportunities worthy of being taken forward for fundamental analysis. At this stage, the 4Factor team conducts a thorough fundamental analysis to achieve an in-depth understanding of the investment case. The “best ideas” are then presented to the portfolio managers for potential inclusion in one or more of the 4Factor portfolios. The 4Factor team manages a diverse range of global and regional strategies which follow the same philosophy and process, differentiated by their applicable universe (e.g., region) or their portfolio construction guidelines (e.g., number of stocks, exposure limits and outperformance targets). A focus on risk management is maintained throughout the process, from the discipline and consistency of the approach reducing the scope for behavioral errors to close interaction with the firm’s investment risk team to monitor risk exposures in the portfolios. Emerging Market Fixed Income The Global Emerging Markets Fixed Income team (the “EM Fixed Income Team”) has developed a robust process which consists of three key steps that combine top-down and bottom-up factors. Together those factors are expected to make contributions to outperformance over the long term. The top-down allocation is the first step. The EM Fixed Income Team believes it not only determines the general outlook and identifies the different themes for emerging markets, but also determines the relative value and attractiveness of the four component parts of the blended Strategy (local currency debt, currencies, hard currency debt and hard currency corporate debt). These themes enable the EM Fixed Income Team to actively allocate between the asset classes with the goal to optimize returns on the portfolio. The bottom-up allocation is the second step. This process consists of thorough country-level economic and political analysis to determine what the EM Fixed Income Team believes is the best relative and outright trade ideas at a country level. In the third step, these bottom-up ideas are used to achieve the top-down positioning thorough a structured portfolio construction process which aims to manage risk, maintain diversification and reduce the costs of trading and taxes. The EM Fixed Income Team uses a score card approach at both the top-down and bottom-up levels of this process. At the top-down level the scorecard aids the overall risk bias and helps to determine how best to allocate risk between the four asset classes. At the bottom-up level the scorecards create a country ranking within each separate asset class. The scorecards reflect the Compelling Forces framework and serve to prompt ideas, maintain a strong sell discipline and record and monitor the effectiveness of the investment process. Each scorecard is made up of a mix of quantitative and qualitative factors. The scorecards are generally updated and debated by the EM Fixed Income Team weekly; ultimately, however, judgment is applied to determine the final position. Multi-Asset Fixed Income/Target Return The Multi-Asset Income team utilizes an absolute return fixed income strategy whose style is unconstrained, research- led and thematic. The investment process is fully discretionary in which bottom up systematic screening of ideas is combined with dynamic factor risk management. The Multi-Asset Income team aims to be uncorrelated to the business cycle through time. The investment opportunities include both emerging and developed market foreign exchange; geographically unconstrained investment grade and high yield credit; and hard and local currency government bonds, both nominal and inflation-linked. Across these three broad investment categories the teams expresses its views in three ways; top down and thematic; bottom up directional; and bottom up relative value. Ideas are generated in a number of forums with an aim to take the best ideas from across the broader Fixed Income team. Each of these ideas is provided with take profit and review levels with a consideration for optimal expression. However, the strategy manages risk through trade and portfolio construction, rather than solely through a naive stop loss discipline after the trade is initiated and focuses on capital losses. The team undertakes detailed examination of sensitivity of the portfolio to risk factors via correlation and beta analysis and portfolio level analysis simulating extreme market scenarios. Portfolio construction takes into account concentration risk by country and theme while considering other risks, including leverage and liquidity. Multi-Asset – Credit – Investment Grade Corporate Bond and Credit High Yield Bond These Multi-Asset Credit Strategies (“MAC Strategies”) are founded on the following beliefs:
• Credit investors are significantly influenced by behavioral biases such as regional or rating driven approaches, creating structural inefficiencies in credit pricing
• The asymmetric return profile of credit often creates a loss aversion behavior which can give rise to value in the bonds of enduring businesses
• Understanding that credit market cycles are driven by three “Compelling Forces” - fundamentals, valuations and market price behaviors, often in unequal measures - is essential to exploiting these inefficiencies The team believes that objective screening and a global approach helps to exploit market inefficiencies which allows it to build better portfolios. It believes that through the use of objective screening tools and having a global approach in the analysis of credit markets, it can identify these inefficiencies and look to capitalize on them. The screening tools allow the team to filter the extremely large investable universes into a more manageable number of companies. The investment specialists are able to conduct bottom up credit research on this smaller set of companies. This analysis is based on the fundamentals of the debt issuer, takes into account the potential expected return in the context of the credit risk, but also considers technical market price behavior of the individual securities, which may lead to price changes, changes to liquidity and changes to the volatility of those investment instruments. The team also believes that successful credit investing is fundamentally about avoiding the large negative instruments. Credit investors often exhibit an inherent loss aversion that can lead to an overreaction in the pricing of an individual credit. The behavior in itself is understandable as it is rooted in the asymmetrical payoff profile of the credit asset class. A poor investment in credit, which results in a significant capital loss, is unlikely to be compensated for by another credit investment given the inherent cap in its upside. Hence the idiosyncratic risk of one position can have a disproportionate impact on the expected return of the portfolio as a whole. This is why avoiding credit losses is essential, and which we believe can be achieved through targeting investments in enduring businesses, which will stand the test of time. The team also believes that credit markets move in cycles. Macroeconomic concerns, the activity of market distorting central banks, sovereign crises and credit bubbles are a few examples of causes for this cyclicality. The team believes the drivers of credit markets can be broken down into fundamentals, valuation and market price behavior and that these drivers will have varying influence at different points in the cycle. As a result, credit spreads can trend away from their fair value for extended periods of time. The team believes that understanding this cyclicality and maintaining a dynamic approach to portfolio construction is central to building resilient portfolios. Quality – Global Franchise; Global Quality Equity Income The team believes that “quality” means investing in companies for the long term. The focus of these strategies is on sustainable businesses that are thought to invest intelligently in their own futures, which is believed to strengthen their market positions and forge hard-to-replicate competitive advantages. These competitive advantages are typically intangible assets such as brands, copyrights, patents, licenses or distribution networks. These strategies seek highly cash-generative businesses with low capital requirements and low sensitivity to economic and market cycles. Each strategy is unconstrained by sector, geography and market capitalization. The Global Franchise Strategy invests in a concentrated number of “high quality” companies from across the world that the team thinks have robust growth characteristics, applying a disciplined approach to valuation. The Quality team believes that by constructing an attractively valued portfolio of these “high-quality” businesses, the Strategy can achieve strong long-term total returns at below market levels of risk. The Global Quality Equity Income Strategy invests in a concentrated number of “high quality” companies from across the world that the team thinks have attractive dividend characteristics, applying a disciplined approach to valuation. The Quality team believes that income generated by these “high-quality” companies is more durable and faster growing than other sources of equity income, and that by constructing an attractively valued portfolio of these quality businesses, the Strategy can achieve strong long-term total returns at below market levels of risk, and strong sustainable dividend growth from an attractive starting yield. please register to get more info

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