Davy Global Fund Management (“DGFMDGFM”)
is a leading management company in Ireland,
which provides management company services
for collective investment vehicles (both UCITS
and AIFs) and manages individual portfolios for
discretionary mandate clients in, among others,
the banking, pension, charity, corporate, insurance
and fund sectors. DGFM was formed by an internal
merger between Davy Investment Fund Services
(DIFS) and Davy Asset Management (DAM) and is
wholly-owned by Green Bay Acquisitions Limited,
which in turn is wholly owned by J&E Davy Holdings.
For U.S. clients, DGFM offers global and international
equity (world excluding the U.S.) mandates
utilising our proprietary QUALITY, Quantamental,
ESG (QQE) investment process. We believe high
QUALITY companies outperform over the long term.
By combining the strengths of both quantitative
and fundamental (“Quantamental”) analysis while
focusing on our bespoke definition of QUALITY, we
aim to improve our insights and provide consistent
performance for all of our strategies. The result is
an integrated investment philosophy and process,
culminating in high-conviction portfolios of high
QUALITY stocks held at appropriate valuations.
We view responsible investing as a key part of
our fiduciary duty to our clients. Fundamentally,
we view a company’s ability to manage its
environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) risks
as representative of how it manages its long-term
business risks and complementary to our QUALITY
Our equity strategies include Global ESG Equity,
Global Equity Income, Global Brands and Global
Small and Mid-Cap Equities (“Discovery”).
DGFM also offers management and discretionary
investment management services to Alternative
Investment Funds (“AIFsas well as Undertakings
for the Collective Investment of Transferable
Securities (“UCITS”) and other pooled investment
vehicles, domiciled in Ireland, Luxembourg and
more recently, Italy which may from time to time
be offered and sold to U.S. investors that meet
eligibility requirements, and may engage DGFM as
management company and / or investment manager
pursuant to a Management Agreement.
For U.S. clients, all global and international equity
portfolios are managed on a long only basis, with no
shorting of securities allowed. Portfolios are typically
comprised of 40 to 60 securities.
DGFM has established a U.S. office in Chicago, Illinois
from which the current Director, U.S. Institutions
operates. The U.S. office does not provide
investment advice and all final approval of account
opening remains in Dublin.
As of December 31, 2018, total assets under
management for DGFM were as follows:
Discretionary: $6,166,933,402Non-Discretionary: $1,637,333Please note that DGFM does not participate in any
wrap fee programs.
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DGFM employs the following investment
management fee structure for U.S. client accounts:
Investment management fee per account: AUM Amount ($ million) Fees %0 - 100.75
11 - 500.65
51 - 1000.55
101 - 2500.45
Investment management fees are negotiable in some
cases. Fees are set out in the relevant investment
management contract and are billed and payable
quarterly in arrears or as otherwise agreed in the
investment management contract, The value of
the account is calculated as of the last business
day of each calendar quarter and adjusted for
time weighting of cash flows in excess of $15,000.
Investment management contracts are terminable
upon at least 30 days prior written notice. Upon
termination, a client will receive a pro rata invoice for
management fees outstanding from the beginning of
the billing period up to the date of termination. The
client is independently responsible for contracting a
custodian to maintain custody of the client’s funds
with assets registered in the client’s name and for
the costs related to that relationship. The client
will also incur brokerage commissions and other
transaction costs as part of regular portfolio trading,
6where commissions and costs are separate from
DGFM’s investment management fee. Brokerage
practices are discussed in Item 11 of this brochure.
Interests in certain funds that are advised by DGFM
may from time to time be available to U.S. investors
that meet eligibility requirements. A fund pays
fees to DGFM which will consist of its management
company fee and /or investment management fee
where both types of services are being provided The
amount of these fees may vary and will be set out in
the relevant management agreement.
5. Performance-Based Fees and Side-By-Side ManagementNot applicable.
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DGFM offers management and individual
discretionary investment management services to
the following types of clients:
π AIFs, UCITS and other pooled
investment vehicles
π Corporates
π Corporate Pension Plans
π Public Pension Plans
π Charitable Organizations
π Investment Managers and Financial
π Family Offices
π Taft-Hartley Plans
π Endowments and Foundations
π Faith-based Investors
π Insurance Companies
DGFM offers separate account services. The
minimum account size for a separate account for a
U.S. client is approximately $10 million.
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and Risk of LossAt Davy Global Fund Management we invest in
QUALITY stocks using a Quantamental framework
with ESG integrated throughout the process. We
believe stocks which exhibit the characteristic
of QUALITY will deliver consistent, superior
performance over the long term. A stock’s QUALITY
is assessed by a proprietary multi-factor QUALITY
model founded on the four pillars of Profitability,
Persistence, Protection and People. The model is
supported by extensive back-testing evidenced in
our white paper, “QUALITY Matters.” The paper is
available to download at http://www.davygfm.com
The firm’s Quantamental investment framework is
an innovative approach to investment management.
It combines both quantitative and fundamental
techniques to integrate its QUALITY philosophy
throughout research, portfolio construction and risk,
culminating in conviction portfolios of high-QUALITY
stocks held at appropriate valuations.
A proprietary database of c.15,000 stocks across
all investable markets is the starting point for idea
generation. Information is sourced from multiple data
feeds; fundamentals, analyst estimates, ESG and
market data. This universe is ranked by our definition
of QUALITY, ensuring a wide breadth of stocks are
covered whilst allowing in-depth analysis at company
level, giving scale, insight and consistency.
Bottom-up analysis is performed using a proprietary
fundamental research template; each report contains
a justification of earnings’ estimates, inherent stock
risks, and cash flow model with base, bull and bear
case valuations. ESG is integrated into the research
process. It offers alternative, non-financial data and
can help uncover long-term business risks. Expected
returns are calculated using a discounted cash
flow model, where the cost of equity is adjusted for
ESG and other firm specific risks. We engage with
companies prior to investment and insights gained
from analysis are used to improve the core models.
In terms of risk management, we have an
independent, dedicated portfolio risk team whose
role is to monitor portfolios in order to ensure client
guidelines are being adhered to. Portfolios are
reviewed to verify our funds meet performance and
risk targets and any inconsistencies are dealt with
swiftly and effectively.
7Portfolios are monitored in terms of tracking error,
beta, active share, concentration risk and liquidity
risk on a rolling monthly, quarterly and annual basis
at meetings attended by the fund management
and portfolio risk teams. In addition, through an
independent third-party system, we are able to
decompose tracking error according to benchmark
risk, sector risk, regional risk, factor risk and stock
specific risk.
We use Bloomberg’s Asset and Investment Manager
(AIM) system for pre and post-trade compliance to
ensure portfolios are consistent with investment
guidelines. The AIM system allows us to hardcode
rules based on investment guidelines into our
trading system. Pre-trade, fund managers are unable
to generate trades which are in breach of hardcoded
investment guidelines without explicit sign-off from
authorised persons.
At a single stock level, we additionally use a “suspect
list” to identify poorly or strongly performing
stocks across a range of momentum and sentiment
metrics. Stocks which appear on the “suspect list”
over consecutive months are discussed in greater
detail at our review meetings and must have their
investment cases justified. This acts as an additional
layer to our portfolio construction and sell-discipline.
In terms of risk of loss, all investments involve a
degree of risk. Equities may involve a high degree
of risk and may not be suitable for all investors.
Government bonds and cash deposits, although
considered the safest assets, are not devoid of risk
(e.g. inflation risk, credit risk, currency risk, etc.).
By way of example, loan originating funds may also
include specific risks in addition to traditional credit
investments (e.g. returns may not be paid entirely in
cash lengthening the time before cash is received
and increasing the risk exposure to the underlying
portfolio company). Investors should review all the
offering documentation including any prospectus,
master information memorandum or supplement
for an additional list of potential risk factors.
However, investors should note that the risks as
set out above and in the offering documentation
are not exhaustive. There are different reasons why
an investor would choose to invest in a particular
asset class and each investor must consider the
inherent risks therein based on his/her own personal
circumstances. The value of these investments can
rise as well as fall. Neither past experience nor the
current situation are necessarily accurate guides to
the future. Investing in securities involves risk of loss
that clients should be prepared to bear.
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Neither DGFM nor any management person of DGFM
has been involved in a legal or disciplinary event that
DGFM deems material to a client’s or prospective
client’s evaluation of DGFM’s advisory business or
the integrity of its management.
9. Other Financial Industry Activities and AffiliationsDGFM is wholly-owned by Green Bay Acquisitions
Limited, which in turn is wholly owned by J&E Davy
Holdings, a non-trading Irish holding company.
Presently, the Davy Group consists of many
regulated entities, including: J&E Davy, Davy
Securities, Davy Corporate Finance, DGFM
and J & E Davy (UK).
Established in 1926, the Davy Group is one of
Ireland’s leading provider of wealth and asset
management, capital markets and financial advisory
services. The Davy Group is headquartered in Dublin,
with offices in London, Luxembourg, Belfast, Cork
and Galway. Employing over 700 people, the Group
offers a broad range of services to private clients,
small businesses, corporations and institutional
investors, and organise our activities around Davy
Group’s interrelated business areas including Fund
and Asset Management, Capital Markets, Corporate
Finance, Private Clients and Research.
With respect to U.S. clients and investors, DGFM acts
independently of its affiliates.
Potential conflicts of interest arising from
transactions involving DGFM’s affiliates are
discussed in Item 10 of this brochure.
810. Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in Client Transactions and Personal TradingDGFM’s Code of Ethics sets forth the high ethical
standards that DGFM abides by as an investment
adviser. The Code of Ethics prohibits activities such
as insider trading and establishes procedures to
protect against conflicts of interest, including certain
restrictions on personal trading, receipt of gifts,
and outside employment by DGFM’s employees.
Any client or prospective client may obtain a copy
of DGFM’s Code of Ethics upon written request to
In relation to conflicts of interest, DGFM has
a number of obligations across its regulatory
requirements, specifically under both UCITS and
AIFM Regulations in relation to the identification,
prevention and management of potential and
existing conflicts of interests to its clients. DGFM is
required to maintain a conflicts of interest policy and
ensure compliance with that policy. In terms of its
overarching requirements, DGFM shall act honestly,
fairly and professionally in accordance with the best
interest of its clients. DGFM takes this into account
when providing services to its clients. In-line with
its requirements, DGFM takes all reasonable steps
to prevent conflicts of interests that arise in the
course of providing services within the firm, between
the firm and third parties, between the firm and
its clients and/or between one client and another
according to its policy.
Where an actual or potential conflict of interest
arises, DGFM evaluates all of the circumstances
involved. After identifying and evaluating the
nature of the conflict, DGFM bases its investment
decision solely on considerations deemed to be in
the best interests of its clients and requires that all
transactions be conducted on an arm’s-length basis.
DGFM notes that its affiliates provide a full range
of investment services and other financial services,
such as wealth management, stockbroking, research,
investment advice, corporate finance and corporate
broking services. This involves the provision of a
full capital markets service i.e. advice on floatations,
secondary offerings, disposals, mergers and
acquisitions, share buy backs, refinancing etc.
J&E Davy, trading as Davy, also acts as sponsor
to a number of companies listed on the Irish
(Euronext) and London Stock Exchanges to whom
J&E Davy provides transactional and day to day
advice on the application of the relevant Listing
Rules. As a result of these numerous relationships,
DGFM acknowledges that it will encounter actual
or potential conflicts of interest periodically. In
particular, J&E Davy, the firm’s affiliate, has been
appointed as an approved broker of the firm
and transactions are transmitted to J&E Davy in
accordance with DGFM’s Order Execution Policy.
The following are some examples of typical potential
conflicts of interest that arise within the Davy
Group, which are not listed in any particular order of
π Intra-group relationships;
π Dealing as agent for more than one client;
π Client order handling and aggregation of client
π Providing discretionary portfolio management
services involving transactions in
§ securities where an affiliate has a business
relationship with the issuer of the securities in
§ products issued by the firm or an affiliate (or
another entity within the Davy Group);
§ a new issue, rights issue, take-over or similar
transaction to do with the security where an
affiliate is involved in the issue; and / or
§ units in collective investment schemes
where an affiliate is the investment manager,
alternative investment fund manager, trustee,
operator, adviser or some other provider to
the scheme;
π Remuneration;
π The receipt or provision of gifts and
9 π Outside business activities;
π Receipt of inside information; and
π Personal account dealing carried out by
We use administrative and organisation
arrangements to ensure that our employees
act independently and in a manner designed to
safeguard the interests of our clients, including but
not limited to the following:
π Arms-length management of intra-group
π Formal conflict check at the point of a potential
new business activity, material transaction or
π Compliance Department acts as a control room
to record material information to assist in the
identification and management of conflicts of
π Independent reporting lines and proper
segregation of duties;
π Rigorous policies and procedures, including
policies in relation to conflicts of interest,
personal account transactions relating to Davy
staff and their associates, remuneration, code
of conduct including gifts, entertainment and
hospitality and outside business activities, best
execution, and client order handing to ensure
investment opportunities are fairly allocated
amongst clients;
π All staff members receive regular training on
Davy internal rules and their obligations to act in
the best interests of clients;
π Where we execute your client orders we will
ensure that in doing so you are getting the best
possible result;
π We have strict controls and procedures in place
to manage the specific conflicts of interest that
arise when producing and issuing investment
π Reporting lines and remuneration of research
analysts and corporate finance personnel are
entirely independent;
π We follow best practices and do not allow access
to published research (“blackout period”) where
necessary to manage the conflicts that exist in
advance of and after an offering in a company’s
securities; and
π Information barriers (“Chinese Walls”) and
procedures to restrict the flow of information
to certain employees in order to protect client
interests and to prevent the improper access to
client information.
Lastly, while DGFM believes that its Code of Ethics
implements appropriate measures to address
conflicts of interest, clients and prospective clients
should recognize that no set of rules can possibly
anticipate or alleviate every potential conflict.
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DGFM considers the following factors when
selecting a broker-dealer and negotiating
commissions: (i) the financial standing of the
broker-dealer; (ii) whether the broker-dealer
provides comprehensive coverage of the particular
investment market; (iii) whether the securities
prices offered by the broker-dealer represent fair
market value; and (iv) the broker-dealer standard of
back-office and settlement arrangements. DGFM’s
dealing arrangements are subject to best execution
inclusive of commissions but excluding research. As
required under MiFID II / Irish regulation, commission
and research have been unbundled, with DGFM now
paying for research out of its own resources.
DGFM uses research obtained from carefully
selected broker-dealers to supplement its own
research where relevant to the particular market and
comprehensive in terms of market prospects. DGFM
monitors the recommendations of broker-dealers in
regard to specific stocks and their views on sector
and economic prospects against their outcome,
and reviews the composition of its panel of broker-
dealers in light of the findings of these ongoing
10In providing discretionary investment management
services to clients, DGFM is responsible for decisions
to buy and sell securities and the negotiation of
commissions paid on such transactions. DGFM
effects portfolio transactions for its clients in a
manner deemed fair and reasonable. The primary
consideration in all portfolio transactions is to ensure
transactions are executed most efficiently by the
firm’s broker-dealers.
DGFM may aggregate portfolio transactions for
client accounts. Whenever aggregate decisions
are made to purchase or sell securities, DGFM will
attempt to allocate portfolio transactions equitably
among accounts. All allocation decisions are made
prior to the execution of the transactions. In making
such allocations, the main factors considered
will be the respective investment objectives, the
relative size of portfolio holdings of the same or
comparable securities, the availability of cash for
investment, and the size of investment commitments
generally held. In some cases this procedure could
have an adverse effect on the price or amount of
securities available to a particular account. In the
opinion of DGFM, however, the results obtained by
application of the procedures will, on the whole, be
in the best interest of its clients. DGFM may, from
time to time, sell a security for a client account and
simultaneously purchase the security for another
client account, or cross trades in whole or in part
between client accounts to reduce transaction costs,
when the transactions are conducted in accordance
with applicable laws and regulations and deemed to
be consistent with the investment objectives and
policies of each account.
DGFM may aggregate currency transactions for
different client accounts. DGFM will equitably rotate
the selection of client counterparties and equitably
allocate transactions where different clients use the
same counterparty. DGFM will not buy a currency
from one account and sell it to another account.
DGFM currently does not have any directed
brokerage arrangements with its U.S. clients.
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DGFM’s Chief Investment Officer and Managing
Director oversee the review of client accounts on
an on-going basis alongside the portfolio managers
and relationship managers. This is supported by our
Chief Risk Officer and Head of Portfolio Risk whose
roles are to ensure that the investment strategy
implemented for each U.S. client is in line with the
investment policy determined in accordance with the
process outlined in Items 3 and 7 of this brochure.
When a client appoints DGFM as its investment
manager, DGFM has discussions with the client or
its representatives that establish clear investment
objectives which take account of the specific
requirements of the client. Thereafter, DGFM meets
at least annually (or at such other intervals as
the client requests) with its client or the client’s
representative to examine the progress of the
portfolio. A client can arrange with DGFM to include
in the investment report special reports are issued
tailored for that client. In most cases, clients request
and receive quarterly written reports, while in some
cases reports can be issued monthly. These periodic
written reports typically contain automatically
generated information on the portfolio’s security
holdings and asset values, transaction history and
rate of return for the period covered, along with
general market and economic commentary.
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DGFM does not provide custody of client assets for
its U.S. clients. DGFM’s clients typically arrange for
their depositaries/custodians to forward records
to DGFM and, where applicable, DGFM compares
records received from the depositaries/custodians
against its own records on a regular basis. Because
DGFM does not have custody of client assets,
DGFM’s authority to direct trades in a client’s
account is generally documented with a limited
trading authority signed by the client.
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DGFM provides discretionary investment
management services to its clients. DGFM exercises
discretion over the buying and selling of securities
in-line with agreed investment strategy/objectives of
the collective investment vehicles or the individual
11client mandates and the negotiation of commissions
payable to brokers in connection with those
transactions. DGFM’s primary considerations when
exercising discretion are to seek the most favourable
prices and to execute the transactions efficiently.
For U.S. clients, DGFM offers global and international
equity mandates, including global (world) and
international (world excluding the U.S.) equity
income and global and international ethical / ESG
equity strategies. DGFM can also offer specialist
mandates in the areas of global and international
Small/Mid Cap equities, global and international
Fixed Income and global brands.
Prior to entering into an advisory agreement with a
new client, DGFM and the client discuss and agree
upon (a) the client’s investment strategies and
how those strategies will be implemented, and (b)
any desired SRI screening or restrictions, including
screening criteria.
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At DGFM, we view proxy voting as both a fulfilment
of our fiduciary duty to our clients and as a
complement to our responsible investment activities.
As such, we seek to ensure our clients’ best interests
are represented with our voting authority. Proxy
voting also allows us to formally implement our ESG
views in an objective fashion and ensure the highest
possible standards.
We work with a leading third-party service provider
to provide research and recommendations
on individual ballots, complementing our own
fundamental research. We have adopted a set
of proxy voting guidelines consistent with our
sustainable investment approach, emphasising
best practice in environmental and social, as well as
governance terms. Our service provider’s approach
to governance adapts to regional interpretations of
best in class governance, offering additional insight
to support our own fundamental research.
Our proxy voting policy extends to all clients. Where
a client in an individual discretionary mandate has
their own predefined set of proxy voting guidelines,
we can facilitate voting in line with these guidelines.
We offer full transparency on our proxy voting
activity on request.
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Not applicable.
Davy Global Fund Management Limited, trading as Davy Global Fund Management, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. In the UK, Davy Global Fund
Management is authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and is subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”). In Luxembourg,
Davy Global Fund Management is authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland and is subject to limited regulation by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur
Financier (“CSSF”). Details about the extent of our authorisation and regulation by the FCA and CSSF are available from us upon request.
Dublin OfficeDavy House
49 Dawson Street
Dublin 2
D02 PY05
+353 1 679 7788
London OfficeDashwood House
69 Old Broad Street
London EC2M 1QS
United Kingdom
+44 207 448 8870
Luxembourg Office1, rue Hildegard von Bingen
L-1282 Luxembourg
G.D. Luxembourg
+352 26 49 58 40 98
Chicago OfficeOne Lincoln Centre
18 W 140 Butterfield Road
Suite 1535
Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181
United States
(+1) 630 716 1719
[email protected]www.davygfm.com
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Open Brochure from SEC website