Introduction Citi Private Advisory, LLC (“Citi Advisory”) is a Delaware limited liability company and an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Citigroup Inc. (“Citigroup”). Citigroup is a publicly held company. Citi Advisory commenced operations in October, 2010. Citi Advisory provides advisory services to private investment funds that are either feeder funds (each, a “Feeder”) organized to invest primarily in other private investment funds advised by third-party managers or funds of hedge funds (each a “Fund of Hedge Funds”). These third-party managed funds include hedge funds, private equity funds (and co-investment vehicles) and real estate funds (and co-investment vehicles). Citi Advisory also provides investment advice to separately managed accounts (“Managed Accounts”) on either a fully discretionary or non-discretionary basis. In addition, Citi Advisory provides certain non-fee services as described below.
Clients should read and consider carefully the information contained in this brochure. While
Citi Advisory believes that its professional investment advice can work to benefit many
clients, there is no assurance that the objectives of any Feeder, Fund of Funds, Managed
Account or other investment program described herein will be achieved. Services Provided: Feeder Platforms HedgeForum Platform: Citi Advisory provides investment advice to private investment funds that are organized to invest primarily in other private investment funds commonly known as hedge funds through its HedgeForumSM platform (“HedgeForum” or “HedgeForum Platform”). Hedge funds are professionally managed, pooled investment vehicles that use investment techniques including but not limited to active trading, short selling, arbitrage and leveraging. Because of high minimum investment levels and other reasons, certain eligible investors generally would not have the opportunity to invest directly in certain hedge funds, and the HedgeForum Platform enables such investors to invest indirectly in these single manager hedge funds managed by third parties. Typically, each hedge fund offered on HedgeForum (each, a “HedgeForum Master Company”) will be a separate legal entity that acts as a master vehicle in a “master-feeder” structure, and each HedgeForum Master Company will usually have both a U.S. feeder fund and a Cayman Islands feeder fund (each, a “HedgeForum Feeder”) through which U.S. taxable and U.S. tax-exempt and non-U.S. investors, respectively, invest in HedgeForum. A third-party hedge fund manager (each, a “HF Portfolio Manager”) will manage each HedgeForum Master Company’s assets (either directly or will manage a master trading vehicle in which the HedgeForum Master Company invests substantially all of its assets). Each HedgeForum Master Company is organized in the Cayman Islands, Delaware or another jurisdiction and is structured as either (i) an entity which will enter into an investment advisory agreement or a similar arrangement with the HF Portfolio Manager and for which Citi Advisory or its affiliates will provide certain limited administrative services or (ii) an entity sponsored and advised by the HF Portfolio Manager (a “PM Sponsored Vehicle”). Most HedgeForum Master Companies are PM Sponsored Vehicles. Private Equity Platform: Citi Advisory provides investment advice to private investment funds (each a “PE Feeder”) that are organized to invest primarily in private equity funds through its private equity platform (“Private Equity Platform”). Private equity funds are limited partnerships, limited liability companies or other investment vehicles. Private equity funds typically acquire non-publicly traded interests that they may hold for extended periods of time. These securities often are acquired in management buyouts, or in connection with company growth or restructurings. These securities may take the form of common equity, preferred equity, debt or other similar instruments. The capital provided by the investments may be used in the early or intermediate stages of an enterprise or may fund the expansion of an established business. Because of high minimum investment levels and other reasons, certain eligible investors generally would not have the opportunity to invest directly in certain private equity funds, and the Private Equity Platform enables such investors to invest indirectly in these single manager private equity funds managed by third parties. Typically, PE Feeders offered on the Private Equity Platform act as feeder funds that invest in an underlying private equity fund managed and advised by a third party (each, a “PE Master Company”). The PE Master Company is a separate legal entity that acts as a master vehicle in a “master-feeder” structure, and each PE Master Company will usually have both a U.S. PE Feeder and a Cayman Islands or other non-U.S. “PE Feeder” that enable U.S. taxable and U.S. tax-exempt and non-U.S. investors to invest through such PE Feeders in the PE Master Company. Each PE Master Company may be organized in one of a number of different jurisdictions, but is commonly organized in the Cayman Islands or Delaware. A third-party private equity fund manager (each, a “PE Portfolio Manager”) sponsors and advises each PE Master Company and manages the assets of such PE Master Company (either directly or through one or more of its affiliates). The Private Equity Platform may also enable certain eligible investors to invest via a PE Feeder alongside a PE Master Company in a specified company or transaction (either directly or through an investment in another vehicle managed by the PE Portfolio Manager (each, a “PE Coinvestment Vehicle”)). Real Estate Platform: Citi Advisory provides investment advice to private investment funds (each, a “RE Feeder”) that are organized to invest primarily in real estate funds or real estate co- investments through its real estate platform (“Real Estate Platform”). Real estate funds may be limited partnerships, limited liability companies and other investment vehicles that invest, directly or indirectly, in real estate and real estate-related investments, which is broadly defined. Such funds typically acquire interests in real estate properties that they may hold for extended periods of time. A real estate fund may also acquire publicly-traded shares of Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”) or shares in other companies that own, develop, operate or finance real estate as their primary business (“REOCs”) or Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (“CMBS”) or other debt instruments, both publicly and privately traded. Because of high minimum investment levels and other reasons, certain eligible investors generally would not have the opportunity to invest directly in certain real estate funds, and the Real Estate Platform enables such investors to invest indirectly in these single manager real estate funds managed by third parties. Typically, RE Feeders offered on the Real Estate Platform act as feeder funds that invest in an underlying real estate fund managed and advised by a third party (each, a “RE Master Company”). The RE Master Company is a separate legal entity that acts as a master vehicle in a “master-feeder” structure, and each RE Master Company will usually have both a U.S. RE Feeder and a Cayman Islands or other non-U.S. RE Feeder that enable U.S. taxable and U.S. tax-exempt and non-U.S. investors to invest through such RE Feeders in the RE Master Company. Each RE Master Company may be organized in one of a number of different jurisdictions, but is commonly organized in the Cayman Islands or Delaware. A third-party real estate fund manager (each, a “RE Portfolio Manager”) sponsors and advises each RE Master Company and manages the assets of such RE Master Company (either directly or through one or more of its affiliates). The Real Estate Platform may also enable certain eligible investors to invest via a RE Feeder alongside a RE Master Company in a specified property or transaction (either directly or through an investment in another vehicle managed by the RE Portfolio Manager (each, a “RE Coinvestment Vehicle”)). General Feeder Platform Information Eligible investors may invest in any combination of HedgeForum Feeders, PE Feeders and RE Feeders based on their individual investment needs. The third-party Portfolio Managers are selected by Citi Advisory, which generally takes advantage of Citi Advisory’s experience in manager sourcing, due diligence and risk management capabilities in evaluating and selecting third-party Portfolio Managers for inclusion on the relevant Platform. In selecting Portfolio Managers, Citi Advisory generally will consider various factors as appropriate for the relevant Platform, including, but not limited to: (i) investment strategy and targeted sectors; (ii) the Portfolio Manager’s investment team and personnel; and (iii) the track record and transactions done by the Portfolio Manager’s investment team. In respect of the HedgeForum Platform, Citi Advisory also considers, among other factors: (i) the HF Portfolio Managers’ historical ability to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns over time; (ii) the HF Portfolio Managers’ historical ability to monitor and control risk appropriate to their strategy; and (iii) the adequacy of the HF Portfolio Managers’ business and operational infrastructure to support current and future projected assets under management. Within each of these two sets of broad areas, Citi Advisory uses an extensive list of issues, questions and metrics designed to assist it in deciding whether to allow a particular Portfolio Manager onto the relevant Platform. Interviews with other investors and lenders and verification from independent professionals may also be undertaken. Prior to a Feeder being admitted to a Platform, the Master Company and Portfolio Manager must be approved by an internal investment committee and are also subject to various Citigroup approval processes. The members of this investment committee include officers of Citi Advisory and officers of other Citigroup entities. Given the illiquid nature of most real estate and private equity funds, once a RE Feeder or PE Feeder is launched, Citi Advisory’s role with respect to such Feeder will essentially be administrative and mechanical, rather than investment advisory in nature, as Citi Advisory will be responsible primarily for effecting the Feeder’s investment in the designated Master Company or Coinvestment Vehicle as directed by the Feeder’s governing documents and monitoring the investment during the term. However, for certain investments, Citi Advisory or its delegate may serve as a member of the relevant master fund’s limited partner advisory committee or serve in a similar function. Such roles will be disclosed in the relevant fund governing documents. On the other hand, because of the redeemable nature of most hedge funds, Citi Advisory’s investment advisory role with respect to HedgeForum Feeders includes but is not limited to ongoing due diligence, performance monitoring, review of adherence to regulatory and investment guidelines, assessment of the use of leverage and examination of risk management procedures. Services Provided: Managed Accounts Citi Advisory provides investment advice to separately managed accounts (“Managed Accounts”) that will primarily acquire interests in HedgeForum Feeders or directly in HedgeForum Master Companies or other Portfolio Managers or hedge funds included on the Platforms, although the Managed Accounts may also acquire interests in private investment funds advised by third-party managers that are not included on the Platforms (“Non-Platform Funds”). Citi Advisory provides such advice either directly to the client or, generally with respect to non-U.S. clients, on a sub- advisory basis (with a local Citigroup affiliate generally serving as the direct advisor). The Managed Accounts are managed on a fully discretionary basis (“Discretionary Managed Accounts”) or a non-discretionary basis (“Non-Discretionary Managed Accounts”). Individual account agreements will provide for client notice or approval procedures, if any. With respect to a Discretionary Managed Account, Citi Advisory and its affiliates will enter into an advisory agreement and related account opening documents with the client pursuant to which Citi Advisory will construct and manage on a discretionary basis the Discretionary Managed Account. With respect to a Non-Discretionary Managed Account, Citi Advisory and its affiliates will enter into an advisory agreement and related account opening documents with a client pursuant to which Citi Advisory will provide investment advice relating to private investment funds and will construct on a non-discretionary basis the Non-Discretionary Managed Account’s portfolio. Individual agreements may provide for other services to be provided by Citi Advisory which may include: overall allocation advice, due diligence services, consolidation of certain accounts, analytical and reporting services and certain administrative services. Citibank, N.A. or other Citigroup affiliates or third parties are often retained by the Managed Account clients or Citi Advisory to provide administrative, custodial or other services to the Managed Accounts. In 2015, The Bank of New York Mellon (“BNY”) was appointed to perform certain sub-custodial and other functions in respect of the Managed Accounts established as of such date and is expected to be appointed to perform such services for subsequent Managed Accounts. In constructing a Managed Account portfolio, Citi Advisory will first consider and assess the Managed Account client’s financial goals, investment objectives, investment time horizon, risk tolerance, investment preferences and other considerations deemed appropriate by Citi Advisory. Citi Advisory expects that it will utilize its proprietary asset allocation methodology and processes to determine strategic allocations for the portfolio. It will also consider macroeconomic and market factors along with its qualitative views in both constructing the initial portfolio as well as providing ongoing monitoring and rebalancing advice. In certain instances, depending on an individual client’s needs and preferences, Citi Advisory may construct portfolios that are either concentrated in terms of strategy or sectors or in terms of the number of funds. See Item 8 “Methods of Analysis.” The Managed Accounts program is generally referred to as the “Custom Hedge Fund Portfolios” program. Services Provided: Fund of Hedge Funds. General Citi Advisory provides investment advice to private investment funds of hedge funds (each a “Fund of Hedge Funds”) that are organized to invest primarily in other hedge funds (“Underlying Hedge Funds”). Citi Advisory serves as the investment manager of the Funds of Hedge Funds. The Underlying Hedge Funds will be selected by Citi Advisory, which takes advantage of Citi Advisory’s hedge fund sourcing, due diligence and risk management capabilities in evaluating and selecting third-party hedge fund managers for inclusion in the Funds of Hedge Funds. The Underlying Hedge Funds will be selected based on multiple criteria, including: (i) the Portfolio Managers’ historical ability to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns over time; (ii) the Portfolio Managers’ historical ability to monitor and control risk appropriate to their strategy; and (iii) the adequacy of the Portfolio Managers’ business and operational infrastructure to support current and future projected assets under management. It is expected that many of the Portfolio Managers included in a Fund of Hedge Funds will also be on the HedgeForum Platform. After undergoing Citi Advisory’s initial due diligence and approval process, all of the Underlying Hedge Fund Portfolio Managers will be subject to ongoing monitoring by Citi Advisory’s investment professionals. Citi Advisory will determine the initial allocation among the Underlying Hedge Funds, perform on-going due diligence on the Underlying Hedge Funds, and regularly rebalance the allocation among the Underlying Hedge Funds based on, among other factors, the Fund of Hedge Fund’s strategies, investment limitations and investment restrictions as well as Citi Advisory’s assessment of global market conditions. Citi Advisory expects that it will utilize its proprietary asset allocation methodology and processes to determine strategic allocations for each Fund of Hedge Funds. It will also consider macroeconomic and market factors along with its qualitative views in both constructing the initial portfolio as well as providing ongoing monitoring and rebalancing advice. See Item 8 “Methods of Analysis.” Structure There are two Fund of Hedge Fund vehicles have been structured as “umbrella” structures which either issue shares in separate sub-funds or issue interests in series, depending on the vehicles’ jurisdiction of organization. Each series or sub-fund (each a “Portfolio”) will seek to achieve its own investment objective and policy, have separate rights and privileges as established in the vehicles’ respective constitutive documents and bear separate liabilities. Each Portfolio will invest substantially all of its assets in Underlying Hedge Funds. The onshore vehicle has established four Portfolios and the offshore vehicle has established five Portfolios that are operated as fund of hedge funds vehicles, and will accept investors at a minimum subscription amount of $100,000 for the onshore vehicle and $175,000 for the offshore vehicle. The minimum subscription amounts may be waived by the Portfolios, subject to applicable law. Additional Portfolios may be established in the future. Each Fund of Hedge Fund vehicle has established, or is also expected to establish, Portfolios (“Dedicated Portfolios”) that will be customized for, and available for investment by, certain eligible clients of Citi Private Bank and clients of other Citigroup affiliates. Similar to the Discretionary Managed Accounts, in constructing a Dedicated Portfolio, Citi Advisory will first consider and assess, among other factors, the Dedicated Portfolio client’s financial goals, investment objectives, investment time horizon, risk tolerance, investment preferences and other factors deemed appropriate by Citi Advisory. Citi Advisory expects that it will utilize its proprietary asset allocation methodology and processes to determine strategic allocations for the Dedicated Portfolios. It will also consider macroeconomic and market factors along with its qualitative views in both constructing the initial portfolio as well as providing ongoing monitoring and rebalancing advice. See Item 8 “Methods of Analysis.” Dedicated Portfolios may be referred to as part of the “Custom Hedge Fund Portfolios” platform. Citi Advisory currently serves as a sub-advisor to fund of hedge fund vehicles advised by a third party and may in the future serve as a sub-advisory to additional fund of hedge fund vehicles advised by third parties, including vehicles investing in insurance and other sectors, established, sponsored and/or advised by third parties. Citi Advisory utilizes substantially similar investment management, due diligence and risk management processes described above for such sub-advised fund of fund vehicles as it does for the Fund of Hedge Funds. Services Provided: Fund of Private Equity/Real Estate Funds General Citi Advisory provides investment advice to private investment funds of funds (each a “Fund of PERE Funds”) that are organized to invest primarily in a portfolio of other private equity or real estate funds and co-investment opportunities. Such investments include within a Fund of PERE Fund: PE Feeders or PE Master Companies on the Private Equity Platform; RE Feeders or RE Master Companies on the Real Estate Platform; and related co-investment vehicles (collectively, “Underlying PERE Funds”). Citi Advisory serves as the investment manager or sub-investment manager of the Funds of PERE Funds. The Fund of Hedge Funds and the Funds of PERE Funds are collectively referred to as the “Fund of Funds.” Citi Advisory will determine the initial allocation among the Underlying PERE Funds based on the criteria set forth in the relevant fund governing documents. Structure There are currently four Fund of PERE Fund vehicles and each invests substantially all of its assets in Underlying PERE Funds. The vehicles will generally accept investors at a minimum subscription amount of $250,000. The minimum subscription amounts may be waived by the funds, subject to applicable law. Additional Funds of PERE Funds may be established in the future. Services Provided: Portfolio Diagnostic Reviews Citi Advisory provides investment portfolio analysis (a “Portfolio Diagnostic Review”) on a non- fee basis to certain select clients of Citi Private Bank. A Portfolio Diagnostic Review is performed by Citi Advisory for an individual client to provide them with a better understanding of their hedge fund holdings and portfolio construction issues. Citi Advisory will evaluate a client’s portfolio for, among other things, diversification, liquidity and allocation of investment strategies. Citi Advisory’s evaluation of the client’s portfolio is based on the data provided by the client on existing hedge fund holdings. Citi Advisory only provides information with respect to the client’s portfolios, and clients are solely responsible for all investment decisions relating to the client’s portfolios. After receiving a Portfolio Diagnostic Review, clients may decide to invest in one or more Feeders, invest in a Dedicated Portfolio or retain Citi Advisory to advise a Managed Account for the client. See Item 8 “Methods of Analysis.” Definitions The term “Feeder” includes a HedgeForum Feeder, a PE Feeder, and a RE Feeder. The term “Master Company” includes a HedgeForum Master Company, a PE Master Company and a RE Master Company. The term “Underlying Fund” includes, where applicable, a HedgeForum Master Company, a PE Master Company, a PE Coinvestment Vehicle, a RE Master Company, a RE Coinvestment Vehicle, an Underlying Hedge Fund and an Underlying PERE Fund. The term “Platforms” includes the HedgeForum Platform, hedge funds considered as part of the Citi Investment Management platform and available as a fund investment in the Managed Accounts or Fund of Hedge Funds, the Private Equity Platform and the Real Estate Platform. The term “Portfolio Manager” includes an HF Portfolio Manager, a PE Portfolio Manager and a RE Portfolio Manager or portfolio manager of an Underlying Hedge Fund or Underlying PERE Fund. The term “Coinvestment Vehicle” includes a PE Coinvestment Vehicle and a RE Coinvestment Vehicle. The term “Funds of Funds” includes the Funds of Hedge Funds and the Funds of PERE Funds. Particular Investment Restrictions Individual investors in the Feeders and the Funds of Funds are not consulted in the design or implementation of investment programs. Each Feeder’s account documentation will describe such Feeder’s investment program and will identify the respective Master Company. Each Fund of Fund’s account documentation will describe its investment program, and each Dedicated Portfolio’s investment program and any related investment restrictions. With respect to Managed Accounts, each advisory agreement and related account documentation will specify the particular investment program and any related investment restrictions. It is expected that in general each Managed Account and each Dedicated Portfolio will be customized to reflect a particular client’s investor profile. An investor profile generally addresses a client’s existing investments, income preferences, liquidity preferences, investment time horizon, investment objectives, risk tolerance and investment experience. Wrap Fee Programs Citi Advisory does not participate in wrap fee programs. Assets Under Management As of December 31, 2018, Citi Advisory managed $11,193,227,897 of discretionary assets and $49,734,433 of non-discretionary assets. The discretionary assets consisted of (i) Feeders on the HedgeForum Platform and special purpose vehicles related to the HedgeForum Platform; (ii) Feeders in the Private Equity Platform; (iii) Feeders in the Real Estate Platform; (iv) two Funds of Hedge Funds consisting collectively of multiple Portfolios, (v) four Funds of PERE Funds, and (vi) advisory contracts for Discretionary Managed Accounts. Citi Advisory managed seven advisory contracts for Non-Discretionary Managed Accounts during 2018. please register to get more info

Open Brochure from SEC website
Pooled Investment Vehicles $12,949,535,422
Discretionary $13,250,032,363
Non-Discretionary $50,345,138
Registered Web Sites

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