- Advisory Business
- Fees and Compensation
- Performance-Based Fees
- Types of Clients
- Methods of Analysis
- Disciplinary Information
- Other Activities
- Code of Ethics
- Brokerage Practices
- Review of Accounts
- Client Referrals
- Custody
- Investment Discretion
- Voting Client Securities
- Financial Information
Hermes Investment Management Limited (“HIML”) is a UK-based investment management company established in February 1990. HIML is an active asset manager that provides discretionary asset management services through the management of a range of portfolios covering U.S. and global markets. HIML forms part of the Hermes Investment Management group of companies (“Hermes”) and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hermes Fund Managers Limited (“HFML”), a UK holding company, which in turn is 60% owned by Federated Holdings (UK) II Limited (a wholly- owned subsidiary of publicly listed Federated Investors Inc) with the remaining 40% stake split between the BT Pension Scheme (‘BTPS’), the pension scheme of the BT Group which has a 29.5% stake and Intertrust Employee Benefit Trustee Ltd (“IEBT”) which holds the remainder 10.5% stake. Hermes’ primary purpose is to help our clients retire better by providing active investment management and stewardship. Alongside this is a commitment to delivering holistic returns – outcomes that consider the impact our decisions have on society, the environment and the wider world.
Investment Services
HIML primarily provides investment management services to institutional clients, including pensions, charitable organizations, profit- sharing accounts and pooled investment vehicles which are not registered for public sale in the United States (“private funds”). Private funds may be registered for public sale in other jurisdictions such as Cayman Islands, Ireland or the United Kingdom. Currently, interests in the Cayman Island domiciled private funds are made available to US investors that are accredited investors and/or qualified purchasers as those terms are defined under the federal securities laws, or as otherwise permitted under applicable law. Private funds domiciled in Ireland or the United Kingdom are currently not made available to US investors HIML provides investment management and advisory services in equities, fixed income and private markets strategies. Investments are managed in accordance with the Client’s investment objectives, strategies, restrictions and guidelines. Private funds are managed only in accordance with their own characteristics and are not tailored to any particular private fund investor (each an “Investor”).
Asset Under Management
As of December 31, 2018, HIML had $23.8 billion in total assets under management of which $23.3 billion are managed on a discretionary basis and $500 million on a non-discretionary basis.
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Segregated Account Fees
HIML’s standard fee schedule for institutional segregated investment accounts (“Segregated Accounts”) for its investment strategies in basis points are as follows: Strategy $50m $100m $150m $200m $250m $500m $1Bn Asia ex-Japan 11010510095908580 EM Asia (Cayman)10010010095908580 Global Emerging Markets100908075757065 Global Emerging Markets SMID75707070656060 Global Equity55555050454035 Global Equity ESG 55555050454035 Global Equity Low Carbon55555050454035 Global Equity Screened ESG40403530302520 US SMID Equity75757065606055 Global Small Cap Equity75707065656055 Global High Yield65555550504540 Global Investment Grade 45353025252525 Multi-Strategy Credit65555550504540 Absolute Return Credit55555550504540 Unconstrained Credit65555550504540 Emerging Markets Credit65555550504540
Minimum investment can vary depending on the investment strategy but generally, HIML requires a minimum investment of USD 50 Million to open a Segregated Account and all mandates must meet a minimum revenue requirement of USD200, 000. Fees are typically charged quarterly in arrears and are based on the market value of assets on the last trading day of each calendar quarter. In any partial calendar quarter, fees are pro-rated based on the number of days in which the account is open during the quarter. For purposes of calculating HIML’s management fees, the market value of assets in a Segregated Account shall consist of the market value of securities and other investments held in the account and will not be reduced by any margin or other indebtedness of Clients with respect to such securities or other investments. Assets of Segregated Accounts that have a business relationship to each other may, at the discretion of HIML, be aggregated for purposes of calculating the management fee applicable to each Segregated Account. In certain circumstances, Segregated Account fees and minimums may be negotiable. To the extent that fees are negotiable, some clients may pay more or less than other clients for the same management services, depending, for example, on account inception date, applicable investment mandates or restrictions, total assets under management by HIML or number of related Segregated Accounts. HIML’s Trade Aggregation and Allocation policy ensures that all Clients are treated fairly regardless of the fees charged. See Item 12, below, for HIML’s trading policies. Fees are adjusted and/or calculated on a pro rata basis where: (i) the effective date is on a date other than the first Business Day of a calendar quarter; (ii) the effective date of termination of the Agreement is on a date other than the last Business Day of a calendar quarter; and/or (iii) where the applicable percentage changes on a date other than the first Business Day of a calendar quarter. HIML’s fees are typically adjusted to reflect deposits or withdrawals during a quarter, by pro-rating the fees (on number of days) within the quarter to before and after the deposits or withdrawal.
Clients’ Segregated Account agreements may be terminated in accordance with agreed terms. Typically, a refund of prepaid fees is not applicable as fees are charged in arrears. However, any unearned, pre- paid fees, should they arise, will be refunded.
Fees for each private fund are described in its Private Placement Memorandum (“PPM”) or other offering documents. In circumstances where HIML has appointed any of its affiliates as a sub-advisor, they will be compensated by receiving a portion of the fees as per the sub-advisory agreement. In addition to management fees payable to HIML, transaction costs will be incurred along with other costs such as custodian fees, brokerage fees, wire transfer and taxes charged by service providers such as custodian, brokers and others.
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Certain Clients may negotiate a performance-based fee. Performance- based fees are negotiated in compliance with Rule 205-3 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Advisers Act”), or as otherwise permitted by Advisers Act Section 205. These Segregated Accounts are managed in the same facility, using the same systems and staffed with the same personnel used for Clients which do not have performance-based fees. Depending on performance, fees obtained by HIML and compensation earned by its investment staff on these Segregated Accounts may be significantly higher than that earned on accounts of Clients which do not have performance-based fees. There are inherent conflicts of interest in the side-by-side management of performance fee and fixed fee accounts, in that HIML may have an incentive to favor a performance fee account over a fixed fee account. However, HIML believes its Trade Aggregation and Allocation policy and procedures, including procedures for allocating limited offerings and average pricing of executed trades, mitigate such potential conflicts of interest. The procedures generally require accounts for Clients with similar investment strategies to be managed in a similar fashion, subject to a variety of exceptions, such as, particular investment restrictions or policies applicable only to certain accounts, differences in cash flows and account sizes, and similar factors. HIML’s trade allocation procedures are discussed more fully in Item 12 below. please register to get more info
HIML provides investment advisory services to institutional clients, which currently includes the following: Pension and profit-sharing plans; Trusts; Estates; Charitable organizations; Corporations or other business entities, Other Investment Advisers.
Minimum investment can vary depending on the investment strategy but generally HIML requires a minimum investment of USD 50 Million to open a Segregated Account and all mandates must meet a minimum revenue requirement of USD200, 000. please register to get more info
HIML is an active asset manager that provides discretionary asset management services through the management of a range of portfolios in equity, fixed income and alternatives as described below. Each of these strategies is conducted by a different investment team within HIML.
Impact Opportunities Equity65656060555045 SDG Engagement Equity95 90 85 80 75 7065 Note: fees are subject to negotiation and subject to change.
Generally, each Client account is managed pursuant to a single strategy determined by the Client and in accordance with investment objectives and guidelines agreed upon. The value of investments and income from them may go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the original amount invested. Performance targets cannot be guaranteed and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future result.
HIML equity strategies encompass a variety of investment objectives and styles including value, growth & blend across different geographical regions such as emerging markets, Asia, US, global equities and different market capitalization. The Investment teams use a number of methods for asset selection which include fundamental analysis, quantitative analysis & qualitative analysis or combinations of all. The teams will use either a bottom-up or a top-down approach or both in their investment process, in order to identify and buy quality stocks that are attractively priced.
The teams will also integrate ESG along with other factors including business model, financials, cash flow and growth prospects into their investment processes. ESG integration is delivered through HIML proprietary ESG tools. The Investment teams also have access and collaborate with Hermes EOS (Hermes’ Stewardship and Engagement business) staff who provide stewardship services in respect of the portfolios.
Additionally, HIML ESG-specific strategies are designed to meet specific Socially Responsible Investment (‘SRI’), Environment, Social & Governance (‘ESG’) and positive impacts objectives which focus on quality companies with effective governance, good track records on climate change and pollution reduction initiatives, strong labor rights and community relations and a generally positive impact on society and the planet.
The teams will use a variety of sources in the screening and selection process including proprietary screening tools, third-party research materials, meetings with company management and industry & sector analyses. Risk management and monitoring is embedded in the selection and ongoing portfolio monitoring processes using different risk measures and proprietary systems as well as an investment risk oversight role performed by the Investment Office.
In addition to the aforementioned strategies, HIML may, at any time, offer additional strategies which will broadly be similar in their methods of analysis and investment to those described here.
Fixed Income
HIML Credit’s investment philosophy is focused on capital stability and consistency of returns rather than a series of highs and lows. By investing on a global basis, the team seeks to capture valuation anomalies across various geographic jurisdictions and also to capture valuation anomalies that exist within the debt capital structure of companies and across all available debt instruments. HIML Credit team uses an active, research-intensive investment process to seek superior risk-adjusted returns through top-down and bottom up analysis. The portfolio construction process includes market risk, default risk, rating migration risk and proprietary rating.
Top-down analysis is applied to assess the general credit market and sector condition which determines the overall appetite for credit risk across the portfolios, how the team wants to allocate that risk and depending on the nature of the strategy, whether to employ any defensive or hedging strategies. The core consideration for the research process is the analysis of the issuer’s ability to fulfil its financial obligations and also ESG related risks. Experienced portfolio managers/analysts operate on a sector responsibility basis which includes both investment grade and sub- investment grade issuer coverage, and information sharing with HIML’ equity teams.
Real Estate
HIML Real Estate team provides client-focused property investment solutions through segregated and pooled structures that invest in real estate and real estate debt. The investment process adopts a top-down portfolio risk management and bottom-up property selection to capitalize on mismatch between price and value by targeting assets that are highly competitive within their local marketplaces and which have sustainable income streams. The team seeks to maximize performance on a risk-adjusted basis.
The Real Estate Debt strategy aim to deliver outperformance by lending to attractive, growing businesses on terms seeking capital preservation and yield capture. The team invests in senior-secured loans to a diverse range of UK and European mid-market businesses. The team will undertake full due diligence by analyzing the underlying businesses, the financial and structural risks of companies, and the prospective returns and terms of the loans. Following execution, the performance of each borrower is monitored and evaluated: the borrowers report on the company’s performance, usually monthly and every quarter, the company is subject to maintenance covenant tests.
As with all investments, the strategies outlined above are exposed to many risks such as: General risks Market risk – This is the risk of experiencing losses due to factors affecting the overall performance of the financial markets, Liquidity risk – This is the risk that an investment held cannot be traded quickly enough to prevent or minimize loss. Currency risk – This is the risk that return on investments in foreign securities are lower due to fluctuations in foreign exchange rates.
Country risk – This is the risk of experiencing losses or lower returns due to political, social & economic developments in the country or adverse government actions such as nationalization. This can arise when investing in foreign countries particularly less developed ones.
Regulatory/Legal risk –This is the risk that changes in laws and regulations such as restrictions on assets or activities will negatively impact the value or marketability of an investment.
Operational risk – This is the risk of loss resulting from failures in internal procedures, people and systems.
Counterparty risk – This is the risk of loss from the failure or inability of a counterparty to a transaction to meet its contractual obligations.
Leverage risk – This is the risk of incurring greater losses and increased volatility due to the use of leveraged financial instruments such as derivatives.
Equity specific risks Style-specific risk – This is the risk of loss associated with a particular investment style, for example, growth stocks tend to be more volatile whereas value stocks tend to be more stable.
Equity security risk – This is the risk that the equity security’s value declines due to changes in its price due to declines in the company’s prospects or its industry or sector.
Company size risk – This is the risk of loss associated with the size of the company invested in, for example, smaller companies tend to be more volatile and less liquid than bigger ones. Fixed income specific risks Default risk – This is the risk of loss from the issuer of a security not being able to make payment of interest or principal.
Interest rate risk – This is the risk that a change in interest rate has an adverse effect on the values of the assets held.
Real estate specific risks Credit risk – This is the risk of loss resulting from a borrower’s failure to repay a loan.
Real estate valuation risk – Real estate valuations require a degree of subjective analysis of the fair market value of the underlying assets therefore, there are no guarantees that the value of the investments held will be accurate on a given date nor that the sale of any property will be at a price equivalent to its last estimated value.
This is not an exhaustive list and risks applicable to a strategy or Client’s account will depend on the investment objective, style, guidelines and type of securities held. These will be described in more details in any presentations, prospectuses and marketing materials provided and discussions held with Clients.
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As per its ownership structure outlined in item 4 above, HIML is affiliated through common ownership with the following SEC- registered investment advisers: Hermes Alternative Investment management Limited (“HAIML”) (registered as an Exempt Reporting Advisers) Hermes GPE LLP (“HGPE”) Hermes GPE (USA) INC (“HGPE USA”) Hermes European Equities Limited (“HEEL”) Federated Advisory Services Company Federated Investors (UK) LLP Federated Securities Corp Federated Investment Management Company Federated Investment Counselling Federated International Securities Corp Federated Equity Management Company of Pennsylvania Federated Global Investment Management Corp Federated MDTA LLC Federated Private Fund of One Trade Finance Partnership General Partnership LLC HIML along with HAIML, HGPE, HEEL & Federated Investors (UK) LLP are all authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) in the United Kingdom.
Additionally, HIML is also affiliated with the following foreign advisers: HGPE Singapore Pte Limited which is licensed with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”).
Federated International Management Limited & Hermes Fund Managers Ireland Limited which are authorized and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland (“CBI”) Federated Asset Management GmbH which is authorized and regulated by The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (“BaFin”) in Germany.
Federated Investors Canada ULC which is registered and regulated in Canada in the following provinces: Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland.
The following advisers: Federated Investors Asia Pacific PTY LTD & Federated Investors Australia Services Ltd are operationally inactive.
HIML, as part of Hermes, will be operationally independent from all Federated entities (“Federated”) and as such will be subject to its own trade allocation, personal trading and side-by-side management policies.
Furthermore, Hermes has adopted an information barrier policy designed to prevent free flow of confidential and material non-public information within the Hermes Group and between itself and Federated. This is designed to enable staff within Hermes to act in the best interest of their Clients. please register to get more info
HIML and the Hermes group have adopted Federated’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics which sets down requirements with regards to personal conflict of Interest, payments & gifts, outside business activities, confidentiality, insider trading and fair dealing. Under the Code, all Access Persons of HIML have a duty to act in the best interests of its Clients and all potential conflicts and violations of the Code must be promptly reported to HIML’s Chief Compliance Officer (‘CCO’). The Code is designed to ensure that the personal securities transactions, activities and interests of the employees of HIML will not interfere with making and implementing investment decisions in the best interest of Clients. As such, it is HIML’s expressed policy, as reflected in the Code, that no Access Person of HIML shall prefer his or her own interest to that of a Client or make personal
investment decisions based on investment decisions made on behalf of Clients. All Access Persons at HIML must acknowledge the terms of the Code annually, or as amended.
Subject to satisfying applicable requirements set forth in the Code and the Hermes Personal Account Dealing policy, and applicable laws, Access Persons of HIML and its affiliates may trade for their own accounts in securities which are recommended to and/or purchased for Clients. Under the Code, certain classes of securities have been designated as exempt transactions, based upon a determination that these would not materially interfere with the best interest of Clients. In addition, Hermes Personal Account Dealing policy requires pre-clearance by Compliance of all non-exempt personal account transactions so that such transactions are consistent with policies and procedures set forth in the policy and the Code. Furthermore, personal trading by Access Persons is periodically monitored by Compliance to reasonably detect and prevent conflicts of interest between the personal interests of such Access Persons and the interests of Clients. In order to permit such periodic monitoring, all Access Persons are required to provide annual securities holding reports to Compliance relating to all securities held in, or transacted on behalf of, their personal accounts.
Conflicts of interest
HIML has identified the following Conflicts of Interest: There could be a conflict where one client is favored over another (i.e. preference given to Clients paying higher performance-based fee); as discussed in greater details in Item 6, HIML has put in place an Allocation & Aggregation policy and procedures to mitigate this.
There could be a conflict between HIML’s owners (Federated & BTPS) and third-party Clients. To mitigate this, there is an information barrier in place between Hermes, Federated and BTPS whereby Federated and BTPS personnel do not have access to Hermes systems/confidential information.
There could be a conflict where a member of staff or a related person deals in securities on his/her personal account that the firm buys or sells for Clients. To mitigate this, HIML has in place its own Personal Account Dealing policy in addition to adopting Federated Code of Business Conduct & Ethics which requires staff members to pre-clear transactions in their personal account and implement a monitoring test designed to detect front-running.
There could be a conflict where either member of staff are offered lavish hospitality by prospects to secure deals or are offering similarly extravagant hospitality to prospects. In order to mitigate this, HIML has in place a Gifts & Hospitality policy and procedure designed to manage the risk by requiring disclosure and pre- clearance of gifts and hospitalities sent and received by staff.
There could be a conflict between a member of staff’s interests and HIML or its Clients’ interests arising from that employee outside activities. HIML has put in place an Outside Business Interests policy and procedure in addition to the Code of Business Conduct & Ethics, which require disclosure and pre-clearance before employees can take up any Outside Business Activity.
An existing or prospective Client may obtain a copy of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics free of charge by contacting the Compliance team at [email protected]. please register to get more info
Broker-Dealers Selection Criteria
Depending on the terms of the Client’s agreement with HIML, HIML is generally given authority to make the following determinations without obtaining Client consent before effecting transactions: Which securities are to be bought and sold; The total amount of the securities to be bought or sold; The broker or dealer through whom securities are to be bought or sold; and The commission rates or prices at which securities transactions for client accounts are effected.
HIML utilizes the central trading desk (“Central Trading”) which operates under HIML but is a separate function to the fund management activities. HIML’s investment professionals select all Client investments and submit trading requests to Central Trading. There may be instances where Central Trading uses the services of CF Global, who are a specialist execution provider dealing in local markets. However, Central Trading will retain oversight over and monitor the execution quality of CF Global trades.
HIML will usually transact with approved counterparties only. Hermes Counterparty Credit Risk Group (CCRG), a sub-committee of the Portfolio Review Committee, is responsible for establishing the Hermes Counterparty Credit Risk Policy, overseeing counterparty approval, setting credit limits as appropriate, and monitoring counterparty usage. The CCRG is chaired by a senior member of the Risk team and members include the Head of Central Trading, Counterparty Credit Analyst, and representatives from Operations, Investment Office, Credit and Legal. The CCRG meets quarterly and as and when necessary.
Hermes counterparty approval takes into consideration the level of risk associated with the instrument’s trading/settlement method and the approval is assigned at the counterparty’s group level. The approval process is driven by requests from the Portfolio Manager or the Central Trading Desk and coordinated by the Counterparty Credit Analyst in the Risk team. Each new approval requires sign-offs from Head of Central Trading and Head of Investments.
An assessment of the counterparty’s risk profile is undertaken commensurate to the level of trading risk. As appropriate external credit ratings, the company’s financial condition, negative news, and any other relevant information, such as country, industry or business risk, potential guarantees by parent entity or holding company and the probability of government or systemic support. Compliance undertake KYC and AML checks. The Legal department arranges the completion of the relevant legal documentation as necessary and Operations facilitate the setup of counterparty risk management controls such as collateral.
Upon receipt of Legal and Compliance sign-offs, and completion of the risk review, the Counterparty Credit Analyst will recommend rejection or approval of the counterparty. Final approval is given by the Head of Risk and ratified by the CCRG.
Best Execution
In seeking best execution of Client transactions,, Central Trading considers a number of factors, including price; the execution capabilities required by the transactions; the characteristic of the financial instrument; the importance of speed, efficiency and confidentiality; the likelihood of settlement; the broker or dealer’s apparent familiarity with sources from or to whom particular securities might be purchased or sold; the reputation and perceived soundness of the broker or dealer and any other relevant execution factor.
Commission Rates or Equivalents
Central Trading will monitor the expenses incurred for effecting portfolio transactions to the extent consistent with Clients’ interests and objectives. Although Central Trading generally seeks competitive commission rates, it will not necessarily pay the lowest commission or commission equivalent. Commission rates paid for equities may vary depending on the asset class, market (by country), investment style, and type of transaction. Commissions on exchange traded derivatives are paid to the clearing broker on trade date. They are split into a clearing commission that the clearing broker keeps and an execution commission that the clearing broker pays to the execution broker on receipt of a monthly invoice. Each contract has a different rate that is agreed by Central Trading on a transaction-by-transaction basis.
Research or other “Soft Dollar” benefits
To comply with more stringent European Standards, HIML pays for all investment research and does not use soft dollars from dealing commission to pay for research.
Brokerage for Client Referrals
HIML generally does not participate in any Commission Recapture or Directed Commission programs.
Directed Brokerage Accounts
Where a client designates a broker-dealer, or broker-dealers, HIML and Central Trading may not be in a position where they can negotiate commission rates or spreads or obtain volume discounts and best price may not be achieved. Trades for a Client that has designated a broker or dealer may be placed at the end of batched trading activity for a particular security. Accordingly, directed transactions may be subject to price movements, particularly in volatile markets, that may result in the Client receiving a price that is less favorable than the price obtained for the batched order. Under these circumstances, the direction by a Client of a broker or dealer to execute transactions may result in higher commissions, greater spreads, or less favorable net prices than might be the case if Central Trading could negotiate commission rates or spreads freely, or select brokers or dealers based on best execution. These potential results are particularly relevant if directed accounts are trading after large block trades, involve illiquid securities or occur in volatile markets.
Central Trading may execute trades in over-the-counter securities with market makers on a net basis in those securities. Unless, and even if, the designated broker is a market maker in such securities which Central Trading may purchase or sell on behalf of these accounts, Hermes may be unable to obtain best execution on such transactions.
Trade Aggregation
We may aggregate or “bunch” orders being placed for execution at the same time for the accounts of two or more Clients where we believe such aggregation is appropriate and in the best interest of Clients. This practice may enable HIML and Central Trading to seek more favorable executions and net prices for the combined order. All orders placed for execution on an aggregated basis are subject to Hermes’ Trade Aggregation and Allocation policy and Procedures (the “Procedures”). The Procedures are designed to ensure that no Client or account will be favored over another. The Procedures are summarized as follows: All Client orders are executed promptly by Central Trading, whose sole responsibility is to obtain best execution. Central Trading does not give unfair preference to any particular Client or any group of Clients. The overall goal of these requirements is to treat each account fairly, with no inappropriate biases, while retaining tradable position sizes in each account.
The portfolio manager must determine that the purchase or sale of the particular security order is appropriate for the Client and consistent with the Client’s investment objectives and with any investment guidelines or restrictions applicable to the Client’s account. In determining to include a Client account in a bunched order, Central Trading considers the nature and size of the expected bunched order, and other factors appropriate under the circumstances.
Central Trading must reasonably believe that the bunched order is consistent with the overall duty to seek best execution and may benefit each Client participating in the aggregated order. Generally, each Client that participates in a bunched order shares in commissions or other transaction costs on a pro rata basis. When a bunched order is partially filled, the securities actually purchased or sold by the close of each business day must be allocated in a manner that is consistent with the initial trade allocation process and that does not consistently advantage or disadvantage particular Clients or groups of Client accounts. However, adjustments to the allocation may be made to avoid de minimis allocations to Client accounts or to avoid deviations from pre-determined holding limits established for any account.
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Account review
Holdings across Client accounts are reviewed continuously. The investment teams meet daily to discuss ongoing market events, as well as company and industry news. The investment teams also hold twice- weekly meetings to focus on their portfolio holdings and risk composition of their strategies. Performance on all accounts is monitored daily and formal performance reviews for the strategy including attribution analysis are typically conducted monthly. The entire portfolio management team is involved in reviewing Client
accounts. Compliance performs daily investment restriction monitoring on a pre-trade and post trade basis. Client Guidelines are coded from the Client’s Investment Management Agreement (IMA) or the fund prospectus prior to investment and subject to a four eyes coding and testing review.
Client Reporting
The nature and frequency of reports to clients varies and will usually be determined by the specific requirements of each client. All our client reporting is delivered electronically via email.
Typically, the types of reports we deliver are as follows: Performance Reports – Estimated and Finalized (Returns, Attribution and Contribution) Ex Ante and Ex Post Risk Reports Investment Reviews Strategy Newsletters Bespoke Client Fund/Portfolio Analysis Spreadsheets Commentaries ESG Risk Reports Voting & Engagement Reports MiFID II Costs & Charges Reports Average Daily Trading Reports Valuation Packs including: Transaction statements Asset and Holdings Reports Income & Expenses Reports Currency Breakdown Reports Capital Change Reports please register to get more info
HIML may from time to time compensate, either directly or indirectly, either employees or third parties for Client referrals. Any such referral arrangements will comply with the relevant portions of the “cash solicitation” rule (Rule 206(4)-3). In particular, third party referral arrangements will be pursuant to a written agreement between HIML and the solicitor and all required disclosures will be made. Some of HIML’s Clients may retain consulting firms to assist them in selecting investment managers. Some consulting firms provide services to both those who hire investment managers and to investment management firms. HIML may pay to attend conferences sponsored by consulting firms and/or purchase services from consulting firms where it believes those services will be useful in operating our investment management business. HIML’s Clients and prospective Clients should be aware that consulting firms might have business relationships with investment management firms that they recommend to their Clients.
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It is HIML’s policy not to accept custody of client funds or securities. We also have policies and procedures designed to prevent us from having inadvertent or deemed custody. From time to time, if custodians or other parties may mistakenly send us share certificates, dividend checks or other client assets; HIML has procedures that require such assets to be returned in a timely manner.
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HIML usually receives discretionary authority from the Client at the outset of a relationship to select the identity and amount of securities to be bought or sold. In all cases, however, such discretion is to be exercised in a manner consistent with the stated investment objectives, policies, guidelines and restrictions for the particular Client account.
HIML’s authority to trade securities may also be limited by tax, laws or regulation that require diversification of investments and favor the holding of investments once made.
Before accepting discretionary authority, HIML will discuss with its Client, HIML’s investment strategy in order for the Client to decide if it meets with their investment objective. Client’s investment guidelines and restrictions must be provided to HIML in writing and are usually part of the IMA signed by the Client and HIML.
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HIML believes that voting proxies is an important aspect of portfolio management as it represents an opportunity for shareholders to make their voices heard and to influence the direction of a company. HIML is committed to voting corporate proxies in the manner that it reasonably believes serves the best interest of its Clients. In accordance with Advisers Act Rule 206(4)-6, HIML has adopted a Proxy Voting and Procedures Policy (“Proxy Procedures”) to vote proxies on behalf of each discretionary Client who has not retained voting authority to itself or delegated voting authority to a third party. HIML is affiliated with Hermes Equity Ownership Services (“HEOS”), an entity dedicated to corporate governance and shareholder voting. HEOS and the Hermes Group have adopted corporate governance standards applicable to proxy voting generally. As a Hermes’ affiliate, HIML’s Proxy Procedures with respect to voting on specific issues are largely governed by this group-wide policy.
The quality and depth of management is a primary factor that HIML considers when investing in a company. HIML will consider each proxy proposal on its merits and act in the best interest of its Clients. HIML recognizes that under certain circumstances it may have a material conflict of interest in voting proxies on behalf of its Clients and in such instances, will consult with the Clients on the best course of action. For each proxy, HIML maintains all related records as required by applicable law. A Client who delegates voting authority to HIML may obtain a copy of the Proxy Policy, or a copy of the specific voting record for his or her account(s), by contacting his/her client relationship manager at the firm. The Proxy Policy may be amended from time to time.
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HIML has no financial commitment that impairs its ability to meet contractual and fiduciary commitments to Clients, has not been the subject of a bankruptcy proceeding and is not required to include a balance sheet as it does not require or solicit prepayment of more than $1,200 in fees per client, six months or more in advance.
HIML is not registered with any state securities authorities.
For professional investors only
Hermes Investment Management Limited
150 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6ET, UK
March 2019
This brochure supplement provides information about HIML’s supervised persons that supplements its part 2A brochure. You should have received a copy of that brochure. Please contact your client relationship manager if you did not receive HIML’s brochure or if you have any questions about the contents of this supplement.
Section 1 – Educational Background and
Business Experience
Hamish is the Head of the Small & Mid Cap team, which he has led since its creation in 2007. He has been at Hermes since 1995 when he joined as co-manager of the UK smaller companies strategies; he served as lead manager from January 1997 to April 2010. Since the founding of the team, Hamish has gradually assumed a more global perspective, with oversight of the holdings across all of the team’s strategies, and he is now lead manager of the Global Small Cap strategy. He has a background in credit, having started his career in the energy and natural resources division of NatWest bank, and later moving to Bankers Trust as a credit analyst covering European corporates. He has a BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering from Nottingham University and is a former director of the Hermes Group (DB) pension scheme. Hamish also sits on the Hermes Governance Group, which monitors the Hermes (DC) pension scheme.
Section 2 – Disciplinary History
There are no legal or disciplinary events to disclose with respect to Mr Galpin.
Section 3 – Other Business Activities
Mr Galpin is not engaged in any investment-related business outside of his role with Hermes Investment Management Limited.
Section 4 – Additional Compensation
Mr Galpin does not receive any economic benefit for providing advisory services from any person that is not a client of Hermes Investment Management Limited or its affiliated investment advisers.
Section 5 – Supervision
Mr Galpin is subject to supervision by the Head of Investment and is also subject to supervision by the Executive Committee
Section 1 – Educational Background and
Business Experience
Gary is Head of Hermes Global Emerging Markets at Hermes Fund Managers and joined Hermes in September2010. Prior to this, he was Managing Partner at Silkstone Capital and Muse Capital, both London- based hedge funds he co-founded and managed in 2007 and 2002, respectively. From 1999 through 2002 he was at Goldman Sachs in New York and London, where he co-headed the Emerging Markets product for GSAM and served on the global asset allocation and European stock selection committees. He was Managing Director at Van Eck Global in Hong Kong and New York, where he was the lead portfolio manager for International Equities and ran the Hong Kong office from 1998 to 1999. From 1994 to 1998 Gary was Chief Investment Officer at Peregrine Asset Management in Hong Kong, managing and supervising global and regional equity plus fixed income funds. In the early years of his career he was a principal of Wanger Asset Management in Chicago, where he co-founded and co-managed the Acorn International Fund, which grew to $1.4bn under his tenure. Gary holds an MBA from Thunderbird School, a BA from Carleton College and is a CFA charterholder. In 2018, the Hermes Global Emerging Markets Fund was named best emerging markets fund for the third year in a row at the Investment Week Fund Manager of the Year Awards, best regional equity specialist within the emerging markets category at the FE Manager of the Year Awards, best emerging markets group by Citywire Switzerland and won the Portfolio Adviser Fund Awards for emerging markets. Gary was named best manager for emerging markets equity by Citywire UK in 2017.
Section 2 – Disciplinary History
There are no legal or disciplinary events to disclose with respect to Mr Greenberg.
Section 3 – Other Business Activities
Mr Greenberg is not engaged in any investment-related business outside of his role with Hermes Investment Management Limited.
Section 4 – Additional Compensation
Mr Greenberg does not receive any economic benefit for providing advisory services from any person that is not a client of Hermes Investment Management Limited or its affiliated investment advisers.
Section 5 – Supervision
Mr Greenberg is subject to supervision by the Head of Investment and is also subject to supervision by the Executive Committee.
Section 1 – Educational Background and
Business Experience
Geir Lode joined Hermes in May 2007 to establish the Global Equities strategy. Prior to this, he was Chairman of Bergen Yards based in Bergen, Norway where he was responsible for restructuring and focusing a holding company. Bergen Yards changed name to Bergen Group and was listed on the Oslo stock exchange in June 2007. He started his career in 1991 at Frank Russell, moving to Chancellor LGT and then Putnam Investments, where he was a Senior Vice President before returning to Norway in 2003. Geir studied Mechanical Engineering at Norwegian Institute of Technology and obtained an MBA at the Pacific Lutheran University, Washington. Geir has been on the board of 17 companies in 4 different countries.
Section 2 – Disciplinary History
There are no legal or disciplinary events to disclose with respect to Mr Lode.
Section 3 – Other Business Activities
Mr Lode is not engaged in any investment related business outside of his role with Hermes Investment Management Limited.
Section 4 – Additional Compensation
Mr Lode does not receive any economic benefit for providing advisory services from any person that is not a client of Hermes Investment Management Limited or its affiliated investment advisers.
Section 5 – Supervision
Mr Lode is subject to supervision by the Head of Investment and is also subject to supervision by the Executive Committee.
Section 1 – Educational Background and
Business Experience
Tim joined Hermes in 2009 as a research analyst for the European Equities team covering the resources, oil & gas, agricultural chemicals, capital goods and technology sector. . He became lead portfolio manager of the Hermes Europe ex-UK Equity Fund in 2015 and joined Andrew Parry in forming the Impact team in August 2016, which launched the Hermes Impact Opportunities Fund at the start of 2018, which Tim also manages. Prior to joining Hermes, Tim worked at Execution Limited from July 2006 as a Primary Research Analyst, working on major projects in consumer, retail and financial services and then joined Hermes Sourcecap now Hermes European Equities Limited ‘HEEL’ (an advisory affiliate) in 2008. Tim was raised and educated in Malta and graduated from the University of Malta in 2006 with a Bachelor of Accountancy (Hons), as well as a Bachelor of Commerce degree. He holds the Investment Management Certificate and the Securities and Investment Institute certificate. In 2016, Tim featured in Financial News’s ‘40 Under 40 Rising Stars of Asset Management’, an editorial selection pick of the brightest up-and-coming men and women in the industry.
Section 2 – Disciplinary History
There are no legal or disciplinary events to disclose with respect to Mr. Crockford.
Section 3 – Other Business Activities
Outside of his role with HIML, Mr. Crockford is also the lead portfolio manager for the Hermes Europe ex-UK strategy of our advisory affiliate HEEL.
Section 4 – Additional Compensation
Mr. Crockford receives compensation as part of his role as the lead portfolio manager of our affiliate HEEL.
Section 5 – Supervision
Mr. Crockford is subject to supervision by Head of Investment and is also subject to supervision by the Executive Committee.
Section 1 – Educational Background and
Business Experience
Fraser joined Hermes in February 2010 and is Head of Credit and lead manager on the Hermes range of credit strategies. Prior to this he was at Fortis Investments, where he was responsible for European high yield credit. Fraser graduated from the University of Aberdeen with an MA (Hons) in Economics; he earned an MSc in Investment Analysis from the University of Stirling and is a CFA charterholder. In 2017, Fraser joined the board of CFA UK, a member society of the CFA Institute. Having previously featured in Financial News’s ‘40 Under 40 Rising Stars of Asset Management’, an editorial selection of the brightest up- and-coming men and women in the industry, in 2015 Fraser was named as one of the top 10 star fund managers of tomorrow by the Daily Telegraph. In 2016, Citywire Americas named Fraser number one in their global high yield manager review, and Investment Europe and Investment Week both named the Hermes Multi Strategy Credit Fund top global bond fund at their respective 2017 Fund Manager of the Year Awards.
Section 2 – Disciplinary History
There are no legal or disciplinary events to disclose with respect to Mr Lundie.
Section 3 – Other Business Activities
Mr Lundie is on the board of CFA UK.
Section 4 – Additional Compensation
Mr Lundie does not receive any economic benefit for providing advisory services from any person that is not a client of Hermes Investment Management Limited or its affiliated investment advisers.
Section 5 – Supervision
Mr Lundie is subject to supervision by the Head of Fixed Income and is also subject to supervision by the Executive Committee.
Section 1 – Educational Background and
Business Experience
Prior to forming Hermes Multi Asset in 2014, Tommaso was head of management and partner for Hermes’ fund of hedge funds business. From April 2012, he was the portfolio manager for all absolute return mandates. Prior to joining Hermes in 2008 as head of research, Tommaso was global head of credit and event driven strategies at Pioneer Alternative Investments in New York, responsible for an allocation in excess of $3.5bn. Tommaso graduated from Bocconi University in Milan with a degree in International Financial Markets.
Section 2 – Disciplinary History
There are no legal or disciplinary events to disclose with respect to Mr Mancuso.
Section 3 – Other Business Activities
Mr Mancuso is not engaged in any investment-related business outside of his roles with HIML.
Section 4 – Additional Compensation
Mr Mancuso does not receive any economic benefit for providing advisory services from any person that is not a client of HIML or its affiliated investment advisers.
Section 5 – Supervision
As Head of Multi-Asset, Mr Mancuso is subject to supervision by the Head of Investment and is also subject to supervision by the Executive Committee.
Section 1 – Educational Background and
Business Experience
Andrew is Head of Sustainable Investing and a member of the Hermes Strategy Group. He joined the firm in 2009, initially as Chief Executive and Co-Head of Investment for Hermes Sourcecap, now Hermes European Equities Limited ‘HEEL’ (an advisory affiliate), becoming Head of Equities in 2014 and taking on responsibility for developing Impact investing in August of 2016. In September of 2017 he became Head of Sustainable Investing to reflect the commitment of Hermes to building on their success in responsible investing.
In 2006, Andrew jointly founded Sourcecap with the aim of building a best-in-class investment boutique focused on excellence in European equity management. Prior to this, Andrew established Pembroke Capital Management in 2003 and successfully launched the Magenta Fund, a global equity non-directional fund. Before that, Andrew worked at Northern Trust Global Investments (Europe) Ltd as Chief Investment Officer of International Equities and was responsible for the management of global, international and regional portfolios. He has also held a variety of senior investment roles, including Head of International Equities at Julius Baer Investments, Chief Investment Officer at Lazard Brothers Asset Management, and Head of UK Equities at Baring Asset Management. Andrew holds an MA in Mathematics from the University of St Andrews. Andrew is Co-Chair of the UNEP Financial Initiative Positive Impact Steering Group and a member of the Investment Committee of the Trafalgar House Pension Trust. He was formerly an independent investment advisor to the Investment Sub-Committee of the Mineworkers’ Pension Scheme and a non-equity director of Aerion Fund Managers.
Section 2 – Disciplinary History
There are no legal or disciplinary events to disclose with respect to Mr. Parry.
Section 3 – Other Business Activities
Outside of his roles with Hermes, Mr. Parry is a member of the Investment Committee of the Trafalgar House Pension Trust and Co- Chair of the UNEP Financial Initiative Positive Impact Steering Group
Section 4 – Additional Compensation
Mr. Parry is a member of the Investment Committee of the Trafalgar House Pension Trust for which he receives an annual salary. This role is recorded on Hermes’ conflicts of interests register and is not considered to impact upon his Hermes responsibilities.
Section 5 – Supervision
As Head of Sustainable Investing, Mr. Parry is supervised by the Head of Investment and also subject to supervision by the Executive Committee.
Section 1 – Educational Background and
Business Experience
Jonathan joined Hermes in March 2009 as portfolio manager responsible for Asia ex-Japan within the Emerging Markets team. He has managed the Hermes Asia ex-Japan strategy since its launch at the start of 2010. Prior to joining Hermes, he was a fund manager at RAB Capital and an analyst at Orbis Investment Advisory in London. Jonathan grew up in South Africa, where he was a partner at PKF Johannesburg. He holds a MBA from Harvard Business School, is a CFA charter holder and a chartered accountant. Jonathan, or the funds he runs, has been awarded Asian Investor’s Asset Management Award for best Asia ex-Japan equity strategy for each of the last five years; Portfolio Adviser’s Platinum Award for Asia Pacific ex-Japan Equity in 2017; Citywire Asia’s Asia ex-Japan Group Award in 2016; and Investment Week’s 2016 Fund Manager of the Year Award for Asian equity.
Section 2 – Disciplinary History
There are no legal or disciplinary events to disclose with respect to Mr Pines.
Section 3 – Other Business Activities
Mr Pines is not engaged in any investment-related business outside of his role with Hermes Investment Management Limited.
Section 4 – Additional Compensation
Mr Pines does not receive any economic benefit for providing advisory services from any person that is not a client of Hermes Investment Management Limited or its affiliated investment advisers.
Section 5 – Supervision
Mr Pines is subject to supervision by the Head of Investment and is also subject to supervision by the Executive Committee.
Section 1 – Educational Background and
Business Experience
Mitch joined Hermes in February 2010 as Head of Research on the Hermes Credit team. Prior to this he was Co-Head of Credit Research for the global credit and hybrids team at Fortis Investments. Other roles at Fortis included portfolio manager of European high yield funds, based in London, and senior credit analyst, based in Paris. Before this he worked as an associate analyst in the leveraged finance group at Moody’s Investors Service in New York. Mitch earned a Master’s degree in International Affairs at Columbia University in New York City and a Bachelor’s degree in History at Pitzer College, one of the Claremont Colleges in California. He is a CFA charterholder; Co-Chair of the Capital Markets Advisory Committee of the IFRS Foundation; member of the Association for Financial Markets in Europe High Yield Investor Committee; member of the Sovereign Working Group and the Credit Rating Advisory Committee for the PRI; member of the technical Working Group (Communications and Technology) for the US-based Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB); a workstream member of the UK-China Green Finance Task Force; and sits on the Green Finance Advisory of the City of London.
Section 2 – Disciplinary History
There are no legal or disciplinary events to disclose with respect to Mr Reznick.
Section 3 – Other Business Activities
Mr Reznick is Co-Chair of the Capital Markets Advisory Committee of the IFRS Foundation; member of the Association for Financial Markets in Europe High Yield Investor Committee; member of the Sovereign Working Group and the Credit Rating Advisory Committee for the PRI; member of the technical Working Group (Communications and Technology) for the US-based Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB); a workstream member of the UK-China Green Finance Task Force; and sits on the Green Finance Advisory of the City of London.
Section 4 – Additional Compensation
Mr Reznick does not receive any economic benefit for providing advisory services from any person that is not a client of Hermes Investment Management Limited or its affiliated investment advisers.
Section 5 – Supervision
Mr Reznick is subject to supervision by the Head of Fixed Income and is also subject to supervision by the Executive Committee.
Section 1 – Educational Background and
Business Experience
Mark joined the Hermes US SMID team in February 2009 as co- manager of the Hermes US SMID Cap strategy and became lead manager in October 2013. He was appointed as Head of US Equities in October 2017. Mark initially joined Hermes in 2005 as an analyst and fund manager on the UK Focus Fund. Prior to this, he was an investment analyst at Rio Tinto Pension Fund, where he had responsibility for the small- and mid-cap portion of the portfolio. Mark qualified as a Chartered Accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2002. He has a degree in Politics from Durham University, is a CFA charterholder and a Fellow of ICAEW.
Section 2 – Disciplinary History
There are no legal or disciplinary events to disclose with respect to Mr Sherlock.
Section 3 – Other Business Activities
Mr Sherlock is not engaged in any investment-related business outside of his role with Hermes Investment Management Limited.
Section 4 – Additional Compensation
Mr Sherlock does not receive any economic benefit for providing advisory services from any person that is not a client of Hermes Investment Management Limited or its affiliated investment advisers.
Section 5 – Supervision
Mr Sherlock is subject to supervision by Head of Investment and is also subject to supervision by the Executive Committee.
Section 1 – Educational Background and
Business Experience
Eoin is Head of Investment and a member of Hermes’ Executive Committee. Eoin also leads the Investment Office, which is responsible to clients for the investment teams’ consistent delivery of responsible, risk-adjusted performance and adherence to the processes which earned them their ‘kitemarks’. Eoin joined Hermes in January 2015 with over 20 years’ investment experience. Eoin joined from GSA Capital Partners, where he was a fund manager. Before this, he was Chief Investment Officer at Old Mutual from 2004 to 2008 and also held senior positions at Callanish Capital Partners LLP and Northern Trust Global Investments. He began his career as a graduate trainee at Manufacturers Hanover Trust (now JPMorgan Chase) and subsequently performed senior portfolio manager roles at Wells Fargo Nikko Investment Advisors (now
BlackRock), PanAgora Asset Management and First Quadrant. Eoin earned an MA (Hons) in Economics and Law from the University of Edinburgh and an MBA from Warwick Business School. Eoin is a Freeman of the City of London, a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths, and a committee member of the Guild of Investment Managers and a Fellow of RSA. He is a member of the Exmoor Search and Rescue team, a fully qualified Swift-water Rescue Technician and a Flood Water Incident Manager.
Section 2 – Disciplinary History
There are no legal or disciplinary events to disclose with respect to Mr Murray.
Section 3 – Other Business Activities
Mr Murray is a member of the committee of Guild of Investment Managers and also of the Exmoor search and Rescue Team.
Section 4 – Additional Compensation
Mr Murray does not receive any economic benefit for providing advisory services from any person that is not a client of Hermes Investment Management Limited or its affiliated investment advisers.
Section 5 – Supervision
As Head of Investment, Mr Murray is subject to supervision by the Hermes Group Chief Executive Officer and ultimately the Board of Hermes Fund Managers Limited.
Section 1 – Educational Background and
Business Experience
Andrew joined Hermes in April 2017 as Head of Fixed Income. He is responsible for leading the strategic development of Hermes’ credit and direct lending investment teams, and developing a multi-asset credit offering capable of accessing all areas of the global credit markets for pension funds and other long-term institutional investors. Andrew joined from Cairn Capital where he was chief investment officer. In this role, Andrew was responsible for the development of the asset management business, which included designing new products and managing the investment teams, including strategy, portfolio management and research. He has managed assets across the spectrum of global credit and fixed income. He was previously vice president within the European credit structuring team at Bank of America and has held roles with Fitch Ratings and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Andrew holds a BSc degree in Mathematics & Theoretical Physics from Kings College London.
Section 2 – Disciplinary History
There are no legal or disciplinary events to disclose with respect to Mr Jackson.
Section 3 – Other Business Activities
Mr Jackson is not engaged in any investment-related business outside of his role with Hermes Investment Management Limited.
Section 4 – Additional Compensation
Mr Jackson does not receive any economic benefit for providing advisory services from any person that is not a client of Hermes Investment Management Limited or its affiliated investment advisers.
Section 5 – Supervision
Mr. Jackson is subject to supervision by the Hermes Group Chief Executive Officer and ultimately by the Board of Hermes Fund Managers Limited.
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We are an asset manager with a difference. We believe that, while our primary purpose is to help savers and beneficiaries by providing world class active investment management and stewardship services, our role goes further. We believe we have a duty to deliver holistic returns – outcomes for our clients that go far beyond the financial – and consider the impact our decisions have on society, the environment and the wider world.
Our goal is to help people invest better, retire better and create a better society for all.
Our investment solutions include:
Private markets Infrastructure, private debt, private equity, commercial and residential real estate High active share equities Asia, global emerging markets, Europe, US, global, small and mid-cap and impact Credit Absolute return, global high yield, multi strategy, global investment grade, unconstrained, real estate debt and direct lending Stewardship Active engagement, advocacy, intelligent voting and sustainable development
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Pooled Investment Vehicles | $14,327,847,519 |
Discretionary | $30,881,729,651 |
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