Description of SAM and principal owners. Santander Asset Management SA
SGIIC (“SAM”) is a [subsidiary] corporation of Grupo Santander (“Grupo Santander”),
organized under the laws of Spain on October 6, 1971, whose principal place of business
is calle Serrano 69, 28006, Madrid, Spain. SAM is an investment advisor registered in
the United States with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and in Spain
with the National Commission of Securities Markets (“CNMV”).
The table below shows the principal shareholders of SAM, who own 25%
or more interest in SAM:
SAM Investment Holdings Limited (Jersey) foreign entity
Santander Pensiones, SA,EGFP foreign entity
Types of advisory services. SAM provides investment advisory services to
institutional investors. Advisory services are tailored
Client assets. SAM manages clients’ assets on a non-discretionary basis. As
of December 31, 2019, SAM managed $ 25.029.951.219,35 in assets on a
non-discretionary basis.
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SAM offers investment advisory services for a percentage of assets under
management, subscription fees or performance-based fees.
All fees are subject to negotiation.
The specific manner in which fees are charged by SAM is established in a client’s
written agreement with SAM. SAM will generally bill its fees on a quarterly or monthly
basis, depending on the client’s needs. Clients may elect to be billed in advance or
arrears each calendar quarter. Clients may also elect to be billed directly for fees or to
authorize SAM to directly debit fees from client accounts. Management fees shall [or
shall not] be prorated for each capital contribution and withdrawal made during the
applicable calendar quarter (with the exception of de minimis contributions and
withdrawals). Accounts initiated or terminated during a calendar quarter will be
charged a prorated fee. Upon termination of any account, any prepaid, unearned fees
will be promptly refunded, and any earned, unpaid fees will be due and payable.
SAM’s fees are exclusive of brokerage commissions, transaction fees, and other related
costs and expenses which shall be incurred by the client. Clients may incur certain
charges imposed by custodians, brokers, third party investment and other third parties
such as fees charged by managers, custodial fees, deferred sales charges, odd-lot
differentials, transfer taxes, wire transfer and electronic fund fees, and other fees and
taxes on brokerage accounts and securities transactions. Mutual funds and exchange
traded funds also charge internal management fees, which are disclosed in a fund’s
prospectus. Such charges, fees and commissions are exclusive of and in addition to
SAM’s fee, and SAM shall not receive any portion of these commissions, fees, and costs.
Item 12 further describes the factors that SAM considers in selecting or recommending
broker-dealers for
client transactions and determining the reasonableness of their
compensation (
e.g., commissions).
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In some cases, SAM may enter into performance fee arrangements with qualified clients;
such fees are subject to individualized negotiation with each such client. SAM will
structure any performance or incentive fee arrangement subject to Section 205(a)(1) of
the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 (the “Advisors Act”) in accordance with the
available exemptions thereunder, including the exemption set forth in Rule 205-3.
SAM’s customary performance-based fee structure is the “high watermark” structure
and its is measured using the client’s realized and unrealized capital gains and losses.
Performance-based fee arrangements may create an incentive for SAM to recommend
investments which may be riskier or more speculative than those which would be
recommended under a different fee arrangement. Such fee arrangements also create an
incentive to favor higher fee paying accounts over other accounts in the allocation of
investment opportunities. SAM has procedures designed and implemented to ensure
that all clients are treated fairly and equally, and to prevent this conflict from
influencing the allocation of investment opportunities among clients.
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Investment Process Risk Management
Market Risk
In order to measure and control market risk, we arrange:
✓ MRiskco, application developed by Serfiex to calculate parametric VaR
A single coordinated team,
with multiple processesmultiple processes
designed for each specific
asset, geography and
European Fixed
Latam Equity
Emerging Fixed
A three step approach•Global Macroecomic Environment
•Global GDP growth, Inflation
Cycle in developed countries
•Monetary Policy and Long Term
Interest Rates forecasts
•Commodity Prices
•Capital Flows towards Emerging
•Risk Premium
•Country Specific Macroeconomic
•Social - Political Situation
•Structural reforms program
•Specific Factors:
•Local banking system; currency
regime; financing needs
•Country Credit Profile:
•Debt structure; Solvency,
Liquidity and Vulnerability
•Yield Curve Analysis
•Relative value, expected slope of the
credit curve
•Sovereign vs. Corporate vs. Local
•Within authorized portfolio limits
•Technical Factors:
•Liability management: Buybacks,
Debt Swap
•Liquidity considerations
•Primary vs Secondary Issues
Market ExposureGLOBAL FACTORS ANALYSISREGIONAL FACTORS ANALYSISQUANTATIVE ANALYSISCountry AllocationInstrument SelectionFund Portfolio Implementation✓ Value at Risk Calculator (version 3.3). An internal application developed to calculate
VaR by historical information.
✓ Internal developments to stress testings
✓ Developed in Matlab, internal models of market risk adjusted to the kurtosis shown
by the yield distribution of determined assets –historical simulation, parametric VaR
with correlation stress, mixture of normals…- which are able to supply
complementary and versatile measures of VaR: tail VaR, regret VaR incremental, VaR
Credit Risk
In order to measure and control credit risk, we arrange:
✓ Internal developments to measure and control mutual fund exposure by issuer, rating
and/or industry group
✓ Internal developments to measure and control global exposure by issuer
Liquidity Risk
In order to measure and control liquidity risk, we arrange:
✓ Internal developments to calculate Mutual Fund’s effective liquidity.
✓ Internal developments to calculate Fund of Funds’ availability ratio, according to all
the facts that take part in the process of effective settlement of the holdings.
The risk analysis we carry out covers different sources of suspense for each fund verifying
fulfilments for the established parameters in the management term. To summarize, we can
highlight the following points of control, which are made periodically (daily, weekly and
monthly) by the Risk and Pricing Control Department.
1.1. Control of investment policies
An application has been developed that allows configuring on a daily basis the investment
policies in addition to portfolio information provided by the managers and control the
compliance of policies defined for investment funds: type of assets, markets, currencies,
minimum ratings, etc.
Asset Management Control is, furthermore, the mediator for the Depositary in the event of
any breaches detected and is in charge of its monitoring and implementing measures to
normalize their situation.
1.2. Control of exposure levels
The policies can be expressed in terms of strategic exposure thresholds. These exposure
thresholds represent, therefore, a structure of minimum / maximum exposure levels in
variable and fixed income and, in the case of the latter, it also establishes limits by modified
It performs a daily control of exposure levels and the information is integrated with the rest of
operational controls performed in order to obtain a complete vision, by the fund and manager,
of the level of compliance with legal, operational and risk thresholds.
1.3 Value at Risk
The exposure of IIC is monitored to market risk in accordance with methodologies for
calculating the risk value. This is, the estimated maximum loss of a portfolio for a given time
horizon and a certain trust level using determined periodicities and methodologies based on
the nature of funds, the type of instruments and assets in which they are invested as well as
their management philosophy.
1.4. Back-testing
Back-testings are used as a mechanism for verifying the validity of VaR estimates performed, a
back-testing analysis is performed periodically, which compares if the number of exceptions
performed in a year - i.e.: number of days in a year in which losses performed exceed the
estimated VaR – complies with the trust level used in the VaR calculation.
Possible deviations are monitored and recorded each time the VaR of portfolios is calculated
and Internal Audit certifies the reasonability of results at least once a year.
1.5. Stress Testing
On the other hand, scenarios based on actual past market crisis situations are established and
subjected to the current portfolios and fluctuations suffered by these assets or other similar
characteristics. The goal is to quantify the sensitivity of current portfolios to events of the same
The mentioned controls are performed periodically (daily, weekly and monthly) by the Risks
and Valuation Control Department.
There are internal control procedures that describe in detail how to proceed for every specific
problem that may arise.
Evaluation of performance of the portfolio:
Every week the control department compares the returns (net and gross of fees) of each
subfund with the returns obtained by the corresponding benchmark assigned to each subfund
and the competition. The calculation also includes risk measures like beta, tracking error etc.
On a monthly basis the PM’s get performance attribution data for their main funds.
Inside the control area, there is a specific department for performance measurement
(Performance and Portfolio Analysis).
There are 8 people working, measuring performance on a daily basis against benchmarks and
against competitors.
On a weekly frecuency, the gross of fees return of each portfolio is compared to that of its
benchmark, for different time periods (1month, YTD, 1year,…). Some performance ratios
(Sharpe, Treynor, Information, ...) are also calculated in order to provide more detail on risk-
adjusted performance.
With the same frequency, an analysis against competitors is done based on net and gross of
fees return, to get the quartile and percentile of the portfolio, even make an analysis against it
main competitors denominated analysis over peer group .
The performance analysis is sent weekly to the Portfolio managers and the Board of Directors.
Those figures are discussed in the Directors Committee when scheduled.
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Registered investment advisers are required to disclose all material facts regarding any
legal or disciplinary events that would be material to your evaluation of SAM or the
integrity of SAM’s management. SAM has the following information applicable to this
On 2nd August 2011 by Order entered by the Ministry of Economy and Taxes, a fine was
imposed upon SAM in the amount of €14.000.000 due to an alleged infringement of the
article 80.n) from the law 35/2003, dated 4th November of Colective Investment
Schemes originated on 2003, relating to the income, fees and costs regime of 2
Investment Funds. On October 18, 2011, SAM filed appeal against the Order before the
Audiencia Nacional. The fine was temporarily held on 1st December 2011 until the
process was ended.
On December 14, 2012 the Audiencia Nacional rejected the above mentioned appeal. On
March 2013, "SAM" has filed appeal to the Spanish Supreme Court. The Spanish
Supreme Court issued its Final Judgement the 29th of September 2015. The Court
ratified the fine of 14.000.000 eur imposed by previous instances. Final decision was
issued by the Supreme Court on September, 2015. Payment has been done in February
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SAM has arrangements with related persons that are material to its advisory business
or to its clients. SAM has brokerage arrangements with Santander Investment Bolsa SV
SA; sub-management agreements and Sub-advisory agreements with Santander Asset
Management Luxembourg, SA, Banco Santander International, Santander Asset
Management SGFIM SA, Santander Insurance Life Limited, Banco Santander Suisse, SA,
Santander Insurance Europe Limited, Santander Seguros y Reaseguros, Compañía
Aseguradora, SA, Santander Asset Management UK Ltd, Santander Private Banking
Gestion, SA, SGIIC, PSA Insurance Europe Limited, PSA Life Insurance Europe Limited;
trading agreement with the futures trading desk of Banco Santander SA; and certain
agreements with Banco Santander SA and Santander Securities Services SAU.
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SAM has adopted a Code of Ethics for all supervised persons of the firm describing its
high standard of business conduct, and fiduciary duty to its clients. The Code of Ethics
includes provisions relating to the confidentiality of client information, a prohibition on
insider trading, a prohibition of rumormongering, restrictions on the acceptance of
significant gifts and the reporting of certain gifts and business entertainment items, and
personal securities trading procedures, among other things. All supervised persons at
SAM must acknowledge the terms of the Code of Ethics annually, or as amended.
SAM anticipates that, in appropriate circumstances, consistent with clients’ investment
objectives, it will cause accounts over which SAM has management authority to effect,
and will recommend to investment advisory clients or prospective clients, the purchase
or sale of securities in which SAM, its affiliates and/or clients, directly or indirectly, have
a position of interest. SAM’s employees and persons associated with SAM are required
to follow SAM’s Code of Ethics. Subject to satisfying this policy and applicable laws,
officers, directors and employees of SAM and its affiliates may trade for their own
accounts in securities, which are recommended to and/or purchased for SAM’s clients.
The Code of Ethics is designed to assure that the personal securities transactions,
activities and interests of the employees of SAM will not interfere with (i) making
decisions in the best interest of advisory clients and (ii) implementing such decisions
while, at the same time, allowing employees to invest for their own accounts. Under the
Code certain classes of securities have been designated as exempt transactions, based
upon a determination that these would materially not interfere with the best interest of
SAM’s clients. In addition, the Code requires pre-clearance of many transactions, and
restricts trading in close proximity to client trading activity. Nonetheless, because the
Code of Ethics in some circumstances would permit employees to invest in the same
securities as clients, there is a possibility that employees might benefit from market
activity by a client in a security held by an employee. Employee trading is continually
monitored under the Code of Ethics, and to reasonably prevent conflicts of interest
between SAM and its clients.
It is SAM’s policy that the firm will not affect any principal or agency cross securities
transactions for client accounts. SAM will also not cross trades between client accounts.
SAM’s clients or prospective clients may request a copy of the firm's Code of Ethics by
contacting Miguel Ángel Olvera at
[email protected]
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SAM does not recommend broker-dealers directly to its clients. SAM uses broker-
dealers pursuant to written policies and procedures for the selection, monitoring and
evaluation of broker-dealers established by SAM. The criteria considered for selecting
broker-dealers is based on qualitative and quantitative factors, including, but not
limited to the value of the research provided to SAM, financial responsibility, trading
expertise, broker-dealer infrastructure, commission rates and trading costs.
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SAM does not review client accounts or financial plans.
SAM sends portfolio statement electronically on a monthly and quarterly basis which
includes information regarding account holdings. On a semi-annual basis (quarterly, if
so requested by the client), account statements which detail account holdings,
commissions, investment policies and objectives and account portfolio returns.
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SAM does not hold custody accounts for its clients. Clients should receive at least
quarterly statements from the broker dealer, bank or other qualified custodian that
holds and maintains client’s investment assets. SAM urges you to carefully review such
statements and compare such official custodial records to the account statements that
we may provide to you. Our statements may vary from custodial statements based on
accounting procedures, reporting dates, or valuation methodologies of certain
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SAM may receive discretionary authority from clients at the outset of an advisory
relationship to select the identity and amount of securities to be bought of sold. In all
cases, however, such discretion is to be exercised in a manner consistent with the stated
investment objectives for the particular client account.
When selecting securities and determining amounts, SAM observes the investment
policies, limitations and restrictions of the clients for which it advises. For registered
investment companies, SAM’s authority to trade securities may also be limited by
certain federal securities and tax laws that require diversification of investments and
favor the holding of investments once made.
Investment guidelines and restrictions must be provided to SAM in writing.
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As a matter of firm policy and practice, SAM does not have any authority to and does not
vote proxies on behalf of advisory clients. Clients retain the responsibility for receiving
and voting proxies for any and all securities maintained in client portfolios.
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Registered investment advisers are required in this Item to provide you with certain
financial information or disclosures about SAM’s financial condition. SAM has no
financial commitment that impairs its ability to meet contractual and fiduciary
commitments to clients, and has not been the subject of a bankruptcy proceeding.
Item 19 – Requirements for State-Registered Advisers Not applicable.
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Open Brochure from SEC website