AIP is a Delaware limited partnership that has been registered with the SEC under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (“Advisers Act”), since 2001, and offers, along with its affiliates, various investment products and services through managed account and investment portfolio structures. The general partner of AIP is Morgan Stanley Alternative Investments LLC (“MSAI”) and the limited partner of AIP is Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc. (“MSIM”). AIP, MSAI and MSIM are all wholly owned subsidiaries of Morgan Stanley, a corporation whose shares are publicly held and traded on the new York Stock Exchange under the symbol “MS”. Morgan Stanley is a global financial services firm engaged in securities trading and brokerage activities, as well as providing investment banking, research and analysis and financial services.

Overview AIP’s advisory business consists primarily of identifying investment opportunities and making investments in diversified portfolios of traditional and non-traditional investment funds. AIP provides discretionary and non-discretionary investment management services and products to institutional and individual investors. AIP offers the flexibility of investing through individually customized managed accounts, dedicated single investor private funds and commingled funds. AIP advises on a (i) discretionary basis to privately and publicly offered pooled investment vehicles; and (ii) discretionary and non-discretionary basis to (a) private funds set up for qualifying individual investors and (b) separately managed accounts consisting of a customized investment portfolio (“SMAs”).

The investment vehicles and private funds for which AIP provides investment management services (as the managing member, general partner or the investment manager) are collectively referred to herein as the “Funds”. For purposes of convenience, the Funds and SMAs are referred to herein as “Clients” or “Accounts”.

AIP allocates assets to investment vehicles managed by AIP or its affiliates and unaffiliated third party investment managers; and, with respect to certain investment strategies, to equity or debt securities and over-the-counter derivatives and futures. Contract types include fixed income, forwards, spot foreign exchange and swaps. The underlying investment funds in which the Clients invest in are referred to throughout this Brochure as the “Underlying Investment Funds” and the investment managers who manage the Underlying Investment Funds are referred to as the “Underlying Investment Managers.” In addition to providing advisory services to Clients as described above, AIP may also act as the adviser and/or general partner of certain other Funds (or other similar vehicles) which are established for the purpose of making Co-Investments (defined below) or investing in Targeted Opportunities (defined below) alongside Underlying Investment Funds in which Clients have invested (collectively, the “Co-Investment Partnerships”). AIP will tailor its services to meet the needs of Clients by managing portfolios in accordance with the investment guidelines and restrictions set forth in an investment management agreement (with respect to SMAs) and the applicable governing materials (with respect to Funds). Investment advice is provided by AIP directly to each Fund in accordance with its particular investment objectives and not individually to the Fund’s investors. AIP’s advisory business focuses on providing discretionary and, in certain cases, non- discretionary, investment management services to Clients across five strategies: (1) fund of hedge funds; (2) risk premia; (3) alternative lending; (2) private markets fund of funds; and (3) customized portfolio solutions. AIP does not participate in any wrap fee programs.

Hedge Fund Solutions

The Hedge Fund Solutions business invests in the following assets classes: (i) Underlying Investment Funds (“Fund of Hedge Funds”), (ii) risk premia (“Risk Premia Investments”) and (iii) Alternative Lending Securities (as defined below). The Hedge Fund Solution’s investment team offers fund portfolio solutions to clients via customized hedge fund portfolios and/or investment recommendations into non-affiliated, single and multi-strategy hedge funds, including non-discretionary advisory services, Customized Advisory Portfolio Solutions (“CAPS”).

Fund of Hedge Funds. The Hedge Fund Solution’s Fund of Hedge Funds strategy focuses the allocation of assets to (a) Underlying Investment Funds managed by Underlying Investment Managers who employ a variety of non-traditional investment strategies; (b) Underlying Investment Funds managed in traditional style; and (c) secondary market purchases of interests in Underlying Investment Funds. Furthermore, a Client may invest in privately held companies or publicly traded companies in which the Client invests alongside an Underlying Investment Fund that is typically an Underlying Investment Fund in which a Client has also invested directly (“Targeted Opportunities”).

As part of the due diligence process for determining the primary Underlying Investment Funds to which Client assets are allocated, the Hedge Fund Solution’s investment team analyzes the quality of an each underlying Investment Manager’s resources, controls, infrastructure and service providers through on-site meetings with management, background investigations, examination of fund documents, audited financial statements and discussions with the Investment Fund’s independent service providers. For Underlying Investment funds purchased in secondary market transactions, operational due diligence may be scaled back and calibrated to the size and details of the transaction, with a focus on transaction-specific risks. In addition, for a fee, the Hedge Fund Solutions investment team provides operational due diligence services to AIP’s affiliate, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“MSSB” or “Wealth Management”). Risk Premia. Certain Clients may, as a part of their investment strategy, invest in Underlying Investment Funds managed by an Affiliated Adviser (as defined in Item 10) that invest in a broad set of Risk Premia Investments, currently expected under normal market conditions to constitute a diverse set of different strategies or factors, including, without limitation value, carry, curve, trend/momentum, mean reversion, volatility, congestion opportunistic, hedge and other similar strategies, as well as equity specific low-beta, size, value, quality and momentum strategies. The Affiliated Adviser intends to implement the Risk Premia strategy primarily through total return swaps, and will gain such exposure through multiple counterparties. In addition, Risk Premia may also include futures, listed options and common stocks Alternative Lending. The alternative lending fund (the “Alternative Lending Fund”) will seek to achieve its investment objective by investing in Alternative Lending Securities that generate interest or other income streams that offer access to credit risk premium (as defined below). “Alternative Lending Securities” are loans originated through non-traditional or alternative, lending platforms, or securities that provide the Alternative Lending Fund with exposure to such instruments. The “credit risk premium” is the difference in return between obligations viewed as low risk, such as high-quality, short-term government debt securities or bonds of a similar duration and risk profile, and securities issued by private entities or other entities which are subject to credit risk. The credit risk premium is positive when interest payments or other income streams received in connection with a pool of Alternative Lending Securities, minus the principal losses experienced by the pool, exceed the rate of return for risk-free obligations.

The Alternative Lending Fund may invest in a broad range of Alternative Lending Securities, including, but not limited to, (1) consumer loans; (2) small business loans, receivables and/or merchant cash advances; (3) specialty finance loans, including, but not limited to, education loans, elective medical loans, automobile purchases, equipment finance, transportation leasing, short-term real estate financing or other specialty offerings such as purchasing and financing of future payment streams or asset-based financing; (4) tranches of alternative lending securitizations, including, but not limited to, residual interests and/or majority-owned affiliates (MOAs); and (5) to a lesser extent, fractional interests in alternative lending securities and other types of equity, debt or derivative instruments that AIP believes are appropriate. The Alternative Lending Fund may also purchase bonds and other debt securities backed by a pool of Alternative Lending Securities.

Private Markets Fund of Funds

AIP’s Private Markets Fund of Funds strategy consists of: (a) primary capital commitments to private markets Underlying Investment Funds; (b) direct co-investments, which are generally minority investments in operating companies, primarily alongside existing Underlying Investment Managers (“Co-Investments”); and (c) secondary market purchases of Investment Fund interests. Clients may also invest in investments other than Underlying Investment Funds and Co-Investments. Portfolio Solutions The Portfolio Solutions Group (“PSG”) implements discretionary investment advice by integrating traditional and non-traditional investments through a single portfolio construction philosophy and approach. The multi-asset portfolios may include equity, fixed income and alternative investments including hedge funds, private equity, and real assets. The investments are implemented through various methods, including, but limited to, pooled investment vehicles, separately managed accounts, direct investments, over the counter instruments, forwards, and swaps. PSG may also act as a fiduciary advisor, a “manager of mangers”, for large pools of assets. As a fiduciary, PSG assists Clients in establishing investment policies, guidelines and restrictions. In addition, PSG makes and implements asset allocation decisions; and selects, supervises and monitors other managers, which may include affiliated and non-affiliated entities. As fiduciary advisor, PSG will report to the fiduciary or other person responsible for the overall management of the large pool of assets. As of December 31, 2018, AIP managed $19,583,024,140 in Client assets on a discretionary basis and $687,238,399 on a non-discretionary basis for a total of $20,270,262,539 in Regulatory Assets Under Management. please register to get more info

Open Brochure from SEC website
Pooled Investment Vehicles $13,693,245,968
Discretionary $19,830,344,111
Non-Discretionary $1,040,288,606
Registered Web Sites

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