Colchester Global Investors Limited– Firm Inception and Ownership Structure Colchester Global Investors Limited (“Colchester”) is an independent, value-oriented global
fixed income manager offering a broad range of quality global and international bond
investment management services. Colchester was founded by Ian Sims, Chairman and Chief
Investment Officer, in 1999 and commenced managing client portfolios in February 2000.
Colchester is 51% owned by its employees with Silchester Partners Limited holding a minority
interest. While many of Colchester’s employees have ownership interests in Colchester, Ian
Sims, Colchester’s Chairman, Founder and Chief Investment Officer and Keith Lloyd,
Colchester’s Chief Executive Officer and Deputy Chief Investment Officer are the only
employees who each own more than 10% of Colchester.
Types of Investments Offered Colchester is a value-oriented manager. At the heart of Colchester’s philosophy is the belief
that investments should be valued in terms of the income they will generate in real terms. The
investment approach is therefore based on the analysis of inflation, real interest rates and real
exchange rates, supplemented by an assessment of sovereign financial balances - fiscal,
external and monetary. Portfolios are constructed to benefit from those opportunities with
the greatest relative investment potential for a given level of risk. Most of the portfolios
Colchester manages comprise sovereign bonds and currencies in the form of foreign exchange
forward contracts. Colchester eschews corporate credit, believing instead that sovereign
bonds provide attractive diversity and return potential. The investment opportunity set for
Colchester’s global bond program currently includes the domestic sovereign debt of the
“Classic” markets1 as well as that of the smaller, developed, generally investment grade “Non-
classic” countries such as Poland, Malaysia and Mexico among others. As well as the global
bond program, Colchester also offers an inflation-linked bond program, an emerging markets
local currency bond program and other variations of the global bond program, including an
Alpha program where Colchester seeks to establish long and short positions through the
purchase and sale of bond futures and the use of interest rate swaps. Colchester’s unique use
of Non-classic sovereign bond markets in its portfolios differentiates it from most other fixed
income managers. Furthermore, Colchester’s use of sovereign bond-only portfolios maintains
the diversification benefit that investors look for in allocating to fixed income. Clients and
prospects should note that Colchester focuses its investment management services on global
fixed income and currency management.
1 For investment purposes, the “Classic” markets include those countries that were members of the OECD before 1974 excluding
Turkey. The 23 countries included in this set were Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
United Kingdom and the United States.
Full Investment Discretion Colchester’s privately offered funds are managed on a fully discretionary basis. Separate
account clients may specify guidelines but, subject to those guidelines, Colchester has
authority to determine, without obtaining specific consent, the amount and identity of specific
securities to be bought and sold for each client account.
Assets Under Management As of 30 April 2019, Colchester managed approximately $45.9 billion in client assets on a fully
discretionary basis across both funds and separate accounts.
Regulatory Status Colchester is 1) authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) in the
United Kingdom, 2) registered as a foreign financial services provider with the Financial Sector
Conduct Authority in South Africa, and 3) registered as an investment adviser with the SEC and
as a Commodity Trading Advisor (“CTA”) and Commodity Pool Operator (“CPO”) with the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) in the United States. Colchester is also
registered as a foreign company with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission
(ASIC) in connection with services provided to Australian domiciled institutional investors and
meets the requirements for exemption from direct regulation by ASIC by virtue of its FCA
Colchester provides discretionary investment management services to certain clients on a
separate account basis (“Separate Account Clients”). Colchester also provides such services to
11 private funds (the “Funds”) open to investment by qualified U.S. investors. Separate
Account Clients and the Funds are collectively referred to as “Clients”. This brochure focuses
on the investment advisory services Colchester provides to U.S. resident clients, including
pooled investment vehicles that are marketed to U.S. investors.
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Colchester provides discretionary investment management services to its Clients, under the
following fee schedules:
I. Separate Account Clients Colchester provides discretionary investment management services in global
sovereign bonds on the following indicative fee scales:
• Global Bond and Alpha strategies:
Amount: Fee Scale (% of funds under management per
Separate Account Client per annum):
First US$100 million 0.475%
Next US$100 million 0.40%
Thereafter 0.30%
Performance Fees: Considered on a negotiated basis
• Inflation-linked strategies:
Amount: Fee Scale (% of funds under management per
Separate Account Client per annum):
First US$100 million 0.35%
Next US$100 million 0.30%
Thereafter 0.275%
• Emerging Markets Local Debt strategies:
Amount: Fee Scale (% of funds under management per
Separate Account Client per annum):
First US$100 million 0.60%
Next US$100 million 0.50%
Thereafter 0.40%
Colchester may agree to fee rates different from those above depending on the size
and nature of the mandate. Separate Account Client fees are generally payable
quarterly in arrears. Separate Account Clients are responsible for paying the fees
and expenses of their custodian.
II. Funds Colchester provides discretionary investment management services to the Funds
on the following fee scales:
• The Colchester Global Bond Fund, The Colchester International Bond Fund, The
Colchester Global Bond (USD Hedged) Fund, The Colchester Global Bond Group
Trust and The Colchester Global Bond Fund – 130/30 Currency Hedged
(collectively the “Trusts”):
Amount: Annual Fee Scale
First US$25 million 0.60%
Next US$25 million
Next US$100 million
Thereafter 0.30%
Each investor in the Trusts pays a monthly fee based upon the aggregate market
value of its units in the relevant Trust at each month end. Fees are not
calculated based upon the value of the Trusts themselves.
• The Colchester Global Bond AI Fund (the “GBAIF”):
Amount: Annual Fee of 0.60%
Each investor in the GBAIF pays a monthly fee based upon the aggregate market
value of its units in the GBAIF at each month end. Fees are not calculated based
upon the value of the GBAIF itself.
• The Colchester Fixed Income Total Return Fund (the “TRF”):
Amount: Annual Fee of 0.40%
Each investor in the TRF pays a monthly fee based upon the aggregate market
value of its units in the TRF at each month end. Fees are not calculated based
upon the value of the TRF itself.
• The Colchester Real Return Bond Fund (the “RRF”) and The Colchester Global
Bond Low Duration Fund (the “LDF”):
Amount: Annual Fee Scale
First US$25 million 0.45%
Next US$25 million 0.35%
Next US$100 million
Thereafter 0.25%
Each investor in the RRF and the LDF pays a monthly fee based upon the
aggregate market value of its units in the RRF or LDF at each month end. Fees
are not calculated based upon the value of the RRF or LDF themselves.
• The Colchester Local Markets Debt Fund (the “LMDF”):
Amount: Annual Fee Scale
First US$25 million
Next US$25 million 0.65%
Thereafter 0.40%
Each investor in the LMDF pays a monthly fee based upon the aggregate market
value of its units in the LMDF at each month end. Fees are not determined
based upon the value of the LMDF itself.
• The Colchester Combined Global and Local Markets (Unhedged) Bond Fund (the
Amount: Annual Fee Scale
First US$25 million
Next US$25 million 0.55%
Next US$100 million
Thereafter 0.35%
Each investor in the CGLMBF pays a monthly fee based upon the aggregate
market value of its units in the CGLMBF at each month end. Fees are not
determined based upon the value of the CGLMBF itself.
Deductions and Expenses With respect to the Funds, certain costs are paid by the relevant Funds including their own
direct trading expenses, clearing fees (if any) and other exchange fees and charges. Direct
trading expenses include “bid-ask” spreads, mark-ups, interest and other borrowing expenses,
registration and transfer fees, regulatory and governmental charges and duties, and other fees
and expenses relating to the Funds’ investments. The Funds are obligated to pay all income
and other taxes related to their investments. In certain situations that are expected to be rare,
Funds may be required to reimburse Colchester or one of the Funds’ third party service
providers for legal expenses incurred that Colchester determines are not routine (e.g.,
extraordinary legal expenses such as those incurred in connection with litigation).
Colchester pays all routine legal, audit and accounting fees related to the Funds it manages as
well as any annual audit fees and tax return expenses, any fees payable to the Funds’ custodian
and other third-party service providers. Colchester paid all initial and ongoing expenses
incurred in connection with the organization and formation of its Funds. Colchester does not
require its Funds to raise a minimum amount to defray these costs and expenses. Colchester’s
Funds are not required to reimburse Colchester if management fees are insufficient to cover
expenses borne by Colchester.
Please see Item 12 – “Brokerage Practices.”
Fee Rebate Policy Fees are not generally negotiable. However, Colchester may rebate fees paid by, or accept
lower fees from, investors in its Funds based upon Colchester’s relationship with the investor,
assets invested by the investor with Colchester, the timing of the investor’s investment in the
Fund(s) and other factors deemed relevant by Colchester.
Use of Side Letters Colchester generally will consider entering a side letter agreement only when rules pertaining
to a specific investor (such as state or local law or the governing documents related to such
investor) require a specific variation, provided such agreement is not expected to materially
impact Colchester, the Fund or the other investors in the Fund. It is Colchester’s policy not to
agree to any side letter or other similar arrangement that grants any investor or group of
investors preferential rights with respect to the payment or timing of redemptions, the law
governing Colchester’s and each investor’s responsibilities under the Fund’s constitutional
documents, or information about any Fund’s trading activity before such trades are made.
Colchester may enter into side letter agreements with respect to investment management fees
paid by certain Fund investors. Colchester will provide a summary of side letter terms currently
in effect, if any, with respect to a Fund upon request by a Fund investor.
Valuation of the Funds With respect to the Funds, Colchester’s fee is based on the value of the investor’s aggregate
market value of its investment in the Fund (“Net Asset Value”). Colchester does not calculate
Net Asset Value. Northern Trust, as administrator to the Funds, is responsible for
independently valuing the assets of each Fund and calculating the Net Asset Value. Northern
Trust determines the Net Asset Value of each Fund in accordance with the following policies:
• All investment instruments are recorded at market value.
• Investment instruments listed on one or more US or non-US securities exchange are
valued at their closing price as is customarily ascertained by the respective exchange
and disseminated by quotation services such as Reuters or Bloomberg
. These are the
same prices and exchange rates used by major market indices such as WGBI for valuing
the comparable index. Other securities are valued using quotes received directly from
independent pricing sources. Foreign securities are valued on the basis of quotations
from the primary market in which they are traded and translated at each valuation date
from the local currency into US dollars using WM/Reuters exchange rates.
• Short-term investments in other money market funds are valued at the underlying
Fund’s Net Asset Value on the date of valuation.
• Forward contracts are valued using market exchange rates and adjusted to reflect the
settlement period for the forward currency contract.
• Over-the-counter derivative transactions are valued in accordance with standard
industry practice on the basis of the securities components whose economics the
derivatives reflect. In the event of any uncertainty in the valuation of an over-the-
counter derivative, either the counterparty or another reputable dealer in similar
instruments will provide a valuation for the derivative.
• If, on the date at which any valuation is being made, the exchange or market designated
for the valuation of any given asset is not open for business, or there are no sales, the
valuation of such asset is determined as of the last preceding date on which such
exchange or market was open for business.
Colchester carries out its own valuation as a means to review the Northern Trust valuation.
Where significant differences in valuation are identified, Colchester will resolve such
differences with Northern Trust in accordance with an established “challenge procedure” prior
to the final valuation being released by Northern Trust. The challenge procedure enables
Colchester to challenge a price by providing support for the market price or exchange rate in
question. Northern Trust will consider the challenge over the subsequent 24-hour period. If
valid, Northern Trust will change the market price or exchange rate used in the valuation. If
not, Northern Trust’s valuation will stand. Recent experience shows that pricing challenges are
required on occasion in markets where pricing volatility exists close to a month end and local
market broker sources provide a consistently different valuation to that quoted more widely
by the pricing services used by Northern Trust. Pricing challenges have also occurred for index-
linked securities where inflation factor adjustments may not be fairly reflected in a closing
price. Once the valuations have been approved, the Net Asset Value per unit is released by
Northern Trust for investor reporting purposes. Investor statements are prepared by Northern
Trust on the basis of the final Net Asset Value for the Fund. Statements are subject to review
and approval by Colchester prior to distribution. This “review and approval” process allows
Colchester to proof investor statements and to challenge valuations but does not provide
Colchester with any opportunity to alter or adjust valuations. Once approved, the reports are
sent directly to investors by Northern Trust.
Accounting Principles The Funds’ financial statements are prepared in conformity with U.S. generally accepted
accounting principles (“US GAAP”). Certain fair value measurements and disclosures are made
in accordance with the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards
Codification (“ASC”) 820,
Fair Value Measurements which clarifies the definition of fair value
for financial reporting purposes, establishes a framework for measuring fair value and requires
additional disclosures about the use of fair value measurements.
The hierarchy established under ASC 820 gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices
in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1) and the lowest priority to
unobservable inputs (Level 3). While each of the securities held by the Funds is valued on the
basis of quoted prices in active markets at the balance sheet date, a majority of the Funds’
assets are categorized as Level 2. This is because of the emerging practice in the US to
categorize all instruments traded on an over-the-counter basis (such as the fixed income
instruments held by the Funds) as Level 2 regardless of the nature of the pricing source and
methodology used. It should be noted that the categorization of a financial instrument within
the hierarchy is therefore based upon the perceived pricing transparency of the instrument
and does not necessarily correspond to any perception of the risks associated with a particular
instrument, nor to any view of the reasonableness of the valuation applied.
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Certain Separate Account Clients may have performance-based fee arrangements. Colchester
recognizes that potential conflicts of interest are presented by managing accounts with
performance-based fees alongside accounts with fees applied on an assets under management
basis. Theoretically, an investment manager has an incentive to favor an account or accounts
that pay performance fees over those that do not. Colchester does not believe its performance
fee arrangements disadvantage any of its Separate Account Clients and takes all sufficient
steps to ensure the fair and equitable allocation of investment opportunities amongst its
Clients without regard to fee arrangement. Colchester is guided by its Best Execution Policy to
ensure that all Clients are treated fairly and equitably, and that no Client’s interests are favored
because of the type of fee that Client pays.
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Colchester manages global fixed income investments for a range of Clients in the US and across
the globe. Its client base includes endowments and foundations, public and sovereign wealth
funds, pension plans, trusts and sub-advisory accounts (including pooled investment vehicles
and registered investment companies) and, in its Funds, some high net worth individuals.
Colchester serves as sub-adviser to U.S. investment companies registered under the U.S.
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. The investment companies pursue the Global
Bond, Emerging Markets Local Debt, and Alpha strategies. Separate Account Clients are
generally offered for a minimum investment of $75 million, while Colchester’s Funds require
minimum investments ranging from $500,000 to $3,000,000. Colchester may increase and/or
waive the minimum investments amounts in its sole discretion.
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Colchester’s Investment Approach Colchester developed its investment approach by using key actuarial principles, and its
approach has, at its core, inflation-adjusted income and principal present valuing techniques.
Colchester supplements these real yield techniques with a purchasing power parity analysis of
currencies. Together, they provide an integrated measure of value for an investment in a
foreign bond market (on an unhedged basis). Colchester’s investment team has continued to
develop and enhance this investment approach in several important ways. They have
introduced rigorous appraisal techniques to (1) determine the quality of financial and
monetary conditions in each country; and (2) make optimal use of information for country
selection provided by the term structure of interest rates. In addition, over the past few years,
several countries with high quality, sovereign bond markets have made significant advances in
liberalizing their domestic fixed income markets. Access for foreigners, breadth of maturities,
and overall liquidity, has been improved markedly, particularly in Asia and Eastern Europe.
Colchester monitors these developments closely and has added a carefully selected subset of
these countries to its primary universe of Classic and Non-classic markets. This development
improves the breadth of opportunities for active country selection without incurring any
meaningful reduction in overall credit quality at the portfolio level. Clients should be aware
that there is no guarantee that Colchester’s investment approach, techniques or strategies will
be successful or profitable, and Clients and prospective clients should refer to the investment
guidelines for each Fund or separate account for more specific information. Any investment in
securities involves the risk of loss that investors should be prepared to bear.
Material Risks Associated with Colchester’s Investment Program Bonds Colchester purchases US and non-US government securities, securities issued by supranational
agencies and inflation-indexed securities on behalf of Clients. These investments involve a
variety of material risks as follows:
• Sovereign Debt – Investors in sovereign debt may be asked to participate in debt
restructuring, including the deferral of interest and principal payments, and may also
be requested by the issuer to extend additional loans. There is no current means of
collecting on defaulted sovereign debt as part of bankruptcy proceedings.
• Emerging Market Securities – Holders of emerging market securities are subject to
additional risks, including potential periods of illiquidity, increased price volatility, the
volatility of emerging market exchanges due to smaller market capitalization and
evolving clearance and settlement procedures, potential restrictions on foreign
investment, security transfer and on the repatriation of investment income and capital.
The currencies in which emerging market debt is issued may experience significant
declines against the US dollar as either a result of market pressures or government
devaluation. Inflation in emerging markets has historically exceeded inflation in more
established countries, thereby increasing negative pressures on emerging market
economies and markets.
• Price Fluctuations – Prices of debt securities and other instruments can be highly
volatile. Prices are affected by a wide variety of complex and difficult to predict factors,
including, but not limited to, supply of money, inflation, weather and climate
conditions, changing supply and demand relationships, governmental activities and
regulations, political and economic events and prevailing psychological characteristics
of the marketplace. These same factors also can affect the securities markets
• Illiquidity – Colchester may invest in investment instruments that later become illiquid
or otherwise restricted. Colchester might only be able to liquidate these positions at
disadvantageous prices should Colchester determine, or it becomes necessary, to do
so. Substantial withdrawals from a portfolio could necessitate the liquidation of
positions more rapidly than otherwise desired to obtain the cash necessary to fund the
redemptions. Illiquidity in certain markets could make it difficult for Colchester to
liquidate positions on favorable terms, thereby resulting in losses. In addition, although
many of the securities that Colchester may acquire on Clients’ behalf may be traded on
public exchanges, each exchange typically has the right to suspend or limit trading in
the securities that it lists. Such a suspension could render it difficult or impossible for
Colchester to liquidate positions and could thereby expose Clients to losses.
• Global Market Exposure – Colchester invests on a global basis in both developed and
emerging markets. In doing so, investments it makes on behalf of Clients are subject to:
(1) currency exchange-rate risk; (2) the possible imposition of withholding, income or
excise taxes; (3) the absence of uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting
standards, practices and disclosure requirements and little or potentially biased
government supervision and regulation; (4) financial, economic and political risks,
including expropriation, currency exchange control and potential restrictions on foreign
investment and repatriation of capital; and (5) global market turmoil.
• Transactions on Non-US Exchanges – Colchester engages in over-the-counter/off US
regulated markets when trading outside the US. Transactions on non-US exchanges are
not regulated by US government agencies, such as the SEC. Account valuations in US
dollars, with respect to trading in non-US markets, will be subject to the risk of
fluctuation in the exchange rate between local currency and US dollars. Any profits
which a Client account might realize in any such trading could be eliminated by adverse
changes in exchange rates or the Client could incur losses because of any such changes.
Some non-US exchanges, in contrast to exchanges in the US, may be “principals’
markets”. These markets are similar to forwards markets, where only the principal with
whom a trader has entered into a transaction is responsible for performance and not
the exchange or clearing corporation.
• No Formal Diversification Policies - Although diversification is an integral part of
Colchester’s overall portfolio risk management process, Colchester generally has broad
discretion over the percentage of assets that may be invested in any instrument,
market or asset class. Subject to each portfolio’s investment guidelines, Colchester has
not adopted fixed guidelines for diversification of its investments among issuers,
countries, instruments or markets and investment of Client assets may be heavily
concentrated at any time in a limited number of positions. In attempting to maximize
returns, Colchester may concentrate holdings in those countries, instruments or
markets which, in Colchester’s judgment, provide the best profit opportunity in view of
Client objectives.
• Credit Risk – Investments are subject to the risk that the brokers and counterparties
with which, and the exchanges on which, it executes transactions or carries positions
may default. The default by an exchange, clearinghouse or counterparty with or
through which Colchester trades could result in material losses.
• Credit Ratings - Ratings applied to debt securities are not absolute measures of credit
quality and do not reflect all potential market risks. Ratings agencies may fail to reflect
changes in an issuer’s underlying financial condition in a timely manner. Colchester
does not rely solely on credit ratings and develops its own analysis of the credit quality
of debt issuers.
• Tax Risks – Colchester’s investment decisions are based primarily on economic, not tax,
considerations and could result in adverse tax consequences to some Clients. The
recognition of income, gains and losses in any year for tax purposes may not correspond
to the economic performance of an investment. Prospective clients should consult their
own tax advisors about the consequences of investing in any of Colchester’s programs.
• Withholding Tax Considerations – Investments may be subject to various foreign
withholding taxes. Prospective clients should consult their own tax advisors regarding
the impact these foreign withholding taxes may have on their tax liabilities in
consideration of their unique circumstances.
Forward Contracts on Foreign Currencies - Colchester may actively manage currency risk
(including, but not limited to, hedging) by executing spot and forward foreign exchange (FX)
contracts on behalf of its Clients. In the US, spot transactions (i.e. physically settled FX
transactions settling within two business days and transactions connected with the purchase
or sale of securities) are not regulated. Forward FX transactions, however, whether effected
on an exchange, on a multi-lateral trading facility (MTF) or over-the-counter (OTC), are subject
to reporting to a swap data repository and, if effected by a swap dealer, to compliance with
the CFTC’s Business Conduct standards. Colchester does not trade FX contracts on exchanges;
rather, Colchester trades on an MTF, OTC or off regulated markets when trading outside the
An FX forward transaction is defined as a transaction that solely involves the exchange of two
different currencies on a specific future date at a fixed rate agreed on at the inception of the
contract covering the exchange. The FX market is one of the deepest and most liquid markets
available to trade. However, FX rates do change, and certain currency pairs may trade in a
more volatile manner than others.
In addition, FX forward transactions may (if uncollateralized) present greater counterparty
credit risk as well as heightened operational risk as they are not centrally traded or cleared.
This credit risk can be largely mitigated by collateralizing the profit and loss on the FX position.
Among the risks to which Colchester’s Clients may be exposed by trading in over-the-counter
FX forward transactions is the risk of a counterparty’s failure or inability or refusal to perform
with respect to such FX forward transactions. The failure of a counterparty with which
Colchester has contracted on behalf of a Client would likely result in a default, thereby
depriving the Client of unrealized profits or forcing the Client to cover its commitments for
resale, if any, at the then market price. Although such FX forward transactions may be subject
to master netting agreements, a bankruptcy court could find that collateral posted by a Client
to its counterparties would not have the benefits of close-out netting. In any event, such
collateral would not be subject to the type of segregation protections that apply to margin
posted by customers to futures commission merchants in respect to contracts cleared on a
designated clearing organization.
FX forward transactions will be transacted only with banks and dealers that Colchester believes
to be appropriate considering the FX forward transactions to be traded and their access to
liquidity in these FX forward transactions, that have suitable credit ratings and that will
provide, on a consistent basis, the best possible result for the execution of orders. Colchester
reviews all venues (including its FX counterparties and FX trading platforms) on an ongoing
basis. Furthermore, Colchester conducts a monthly formal review of counterparty credit
ratings and Colchester’s Counterparty Review Committee conducts a full formal review of each
counterparty on a quarterly basis.
Principals in the FX markets have no obligation to continue to make markets in FX. There have
been periods during which certain banks or dealers have refused to quote prices for FX
contracts or have quoted prices with an unusually wide spread between the price at which
they are prepared to buy and that at which they are prepared to sell (bid/offer spreads).
Furthermore, government authorities may intervene in the FX market or limit forward trading
volumes or tenors.
Where a currency is either thinly traded or non-convertible (restricted currencies), Colchester
may use non-deliverable forward contracts ("NDFs"). NDFs are cash-settled, short-term
forward contracts and differ from normal FX forward contracts in that there is no physical
settlement of two currencies at maturity. Rather, based on the movement of two currencies,
a net cash settlement (typically, but not limited to, US Dollars) will be made by one party to
the other. The net cash settlement is derived by calculating the difference between the agreed
upon exchange rate and the fixing rate on the pre-determined fixing date (typically one or two
days before settlement) for an agreed upon notional amount of funds. NDFs are typically less
liquid instruments and Clients may be required to hold such instruments until their settlement
date. NDFs are regulated as swaps and are subject to the provisions of Title VII of the Dodd
Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. NDFs traded on behalf of US
clients are collateralized.
Interest Rate Swaps - If agreed between Colchester and the Separate Account Client, a
Separate Account Client pursuing the Alpha program may include interest rate swaps. Swaps
are contracts in which two parties agree to pay each other the returns derived from underlying
assets with differing characteristics. Most swaps do not involve the delivery of the underlying
assets by either party, and the parties might not own the assets underlying the swap. The
payments are usually made on a net basis so that, on any given day, the portfolio would receive
(or pay) only the amount by which its payment under the contract is less than (or exceeds) the
amount of the other party’s payment. Swap agreements are sophisticated instruments that
can take many different forms. An interest rate swap involves the portfolio and a broker
exchanging their respective commitments to pay or receive a floating or fixed rate of interest.
Interest rate swaps are regulated as swaps and are subject to the provisions of Title VII of the
Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. Interest rate swaps
traded on behalf of US clients are collateralized.
Futures - If agreed between Colchester and the Separate Account Client, a Separate Account
Client pursuing the Alpha program may include futures. Futures provide for the future sale by
one party and purchase by another party of a specified amount of an underlying asset at a
specified price, date and time. Entering into a contract to buy an underlying asset is commonly
referred to as buying a contract or holding a long position in the asset. Entering into a contract
to sell an underlying asset is commonly referred to as selling a contract or holding a short
position in the asset. In particular, a portfolio may invest in bond futures and interest rate
futures. A bond future contract is an agreement pursuant to which a party agrees to take or
make delivery of a specified fixed-income security (such as U.S. Treasury bonds or notes) or to
take or make delivery of cash based upon the change in value of a basket or index of securities
at a specified future time and at a specified price. An interest rate future is an agreement
pursuant to which a party agrees to take or make delivery of a specified interest-bearing asset
at a specified future time and at a specified price. Delivery may not always occur with
settlement being made for the difference in price between the settlement price and the trading
price. Interest rate futures are used to hedge against interest rate movements and may be
used in combination with bond futures.
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Not applicable. Neither Colchester nor any of its management-level employees have been the
subject of any regulatory disciplinary events related to the business of investment
management or otherwise.
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Relationships or Arrangements with Related Persons – Colchester’s Affiliated Parties Silchester International Investors LLP (“Silchester”), a United Kingdom based investment
manager registered with the SEC as an investment adviser (SEC File Number 801-49530) is a
minority owner of Colchester through its affiliated entity, Silchester Partners Limited.
Silchester Partners Limited is eligible to receive dividends from Colchester as the result of its
equity holdings in Colchester. Silchester is also affiliated with several other investment advisers
as described in its ADV Parts 1 and 2.
Colchester Global Investors, Inc. (“CGI Inc”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Colchester, provides
marketing and client services to Colchester and serves as the tax matters partner in respect of
the Funds that are structured as Delaware statutory trusts but treated as partnerships for US
income tax purposes, in respect of taxable years up to and including the year ended December
31, 2017.
Colchester Global Investors (Singapore) Pte. Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Colchester,
manages several non-US Client accounts and provides support to Colchester’s client service,
market research, portfolio management and trade execution functions within the Asia region.
Colchester Global Investors (Singapore) Pte. Ltd has a representative office in Australia.
Colchester Global Investors Middle East Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Colchester,
provides marketing and client services to Colchester in respect of Clients in the Middle East
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Code of Ethics Colchester has adopted a Code of Ethics (“Code”) that sets forth its fiduciary duties to its Clients
and establishes standards of conduct for its supervised employees. Among the topics covered
in the Code are: prohibitions against insider trading, resolving conflicts of interest, personal
securities transactions by Colchester’s employees and confidentiality of Client information.
Colchester will provide a copy of its Code to any Client or prospective client upon request. To
obtain a copy of Colchester’s Code, please contact Colchester’s Chief Compliance Officer,
Michele Connell at
[email protected]. A summary of the Code’s key policies
• Conflicts – Colchester renders investment advisory services to a range of Clients.
Colchester may engage in certain transactions that have the potential to present
either direct or indirect conflicts of interest between clients. For example, potential
conflicts may arise because:
- Colchester provides investment management services to other Clients, and may
therefore act as agent for a Client in relation to transactions in which it is also
acting as agent for the account(s) of other Clients;
- A director (or employee) of Colchester may be a director of an entity such as
one of the Funds whose securities are held by Clients;
- Colchester, or a director (or employee) of Colchester, may have some interest
in an entity such as one of the Funds whose securities are held by Clients.
Colchester may enter into performance fee arrangements with other Clients.
Theoretically, this type of fee arrangement provides an incentive to favor an
account or accounts that pay performance fees over those that do not. Colchester
does not believe its performance fee arrangements disadvantage any of its Clients
and takes all reasonable steps to ensure the fair and equitable allocation of
investment opportunities amongst its Clients without regard to fee arrangements.
Accordingly, Colchester has procedures in place to ensure that transactions for all
accounts are dealt with on the same basis. A register of performance fee bearing
Client accounts is maintained.
Confidentiality and Privacy - Colchester is committed to maintaining the
confidentiality, integrity and security of confidential information provided by
current, past and potential Clients. Confidential information may be obtained in a
number of ways, such as during the pre-investment period or from ongoing
communications between Colchester and its Clients. Unless it is publicly available,
Colchester treats all such information as confidential, applying the same standard
of care it does in dealing with the firm’s confidential information.
Colchester protects confidential information from unauthorized access or use in a
number of ways:
- By ensuring its systems are secure through the use of passwords, firewalls,
encryption technologies and other mechanisms;
- By establishing physical and procedural safeguards;
- By imposing strict policies regarding client confidentiality, as more fully set out
Each new employee must agree, by signing a confidentiality undertaking, that
during their employment with Colchester or at any time thereafter, they will not
disclose to any person or any other firm, any information concerning the affairs of
Colchester, its associates or clients, the disclosure of which may damage the
interests of Colchester or its clients or which is of a confidential nature, unless that
employee has the written permission of the Chief Executive Officer or Chief
Compliance Officer. The Chief Compliance Officer maintains the confidentiality
undertakings for all current and past employees.
• Complaints – Colchester maintains procedures in accordance with FCA rules for the
effective consideration and handling of Client complaints. All complaints submitted
in writing should be addressed to Colchester at the address provided on the cover
of this brochure and marked for the attention of the Chief Compliance Officer.
Complaints will be acknowledged promptly in writing by the appropriate
supervisory manager who is not personally involved in the subject matter of the
complaint. Colchester aims to settle complaints as soon as possible. Within eight
weeks of receipt of the complaint, Colchester will advise the complainant whether
it accepts the complaint, what redress or remedial action it will take, or whether
the complaint is rejected, in which case Colchester will give reasons why.
Participation or Interest in Client Transactions Subject to certain restrictions outlined in Colchester’s Code, Colchester’s directors, officers and
employees may buy and sell securities (or other investments that derive their value from
securities) for their own account and/or the accounts of related parties. Such trading may be
similar to or different from the investment strategies pursued on behalf of Colchester’s Clients
and securities included in Client portfolios. Colchester does not engage in any proprietary
trading. CGI Inc. and certain of its employees have invested in the Funds.
Personal Trading Employees of Colchester and its subsidiaries may trade securities for their own accounts in
accordance with the Code and the procedures set forth therein. These procedures provide, in
part, that employees, directors and officers of Colchester and its subsidiaries must disclose all
personal transactions (excluding trades in investments in automatic investment plans or
accounts over which that person has no direct influence or control) to ensure that any potential
conflicts are properly managed. Colchester’s procedures prohibit Colchester from favoring
accounts in which it, its subsidiaries, or its/their employees, directors or officers have a direct
or indirect financial interest over the accounts of Colchester’s Clients.
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Brokerage Selection Colchester may select brokers, dealers and other counterparties to be used in purchasing or
selling securities, and for executing trades and other non-US exchange transactions in its sole
discretion, but subject always to Colchester’s Best Execution Policy. Colchester recognizes its
obligation to obtain the best possible result for Clients when executing orders on their behalf.
Before Colchester executes an order for a Client account, multiple bids or offers from approved
counterparties will typically be solicited. Colchester evaluates the following factors at the time
of execution (ranked in order of relative importance): (1) price, (2) size, time and nature of the
order, (3) market conditions, (4) financial market liquidity, and (5) quality, likelihood and speed
of execution and settlement of the order. Price is typically the most important factor
considered when executing a trade but there will be situations when it is not, such as when:
• executing a large order, as being able to transact the whole order at a less favourable price
may be more important than executing part of the order at a better price;
• the likelihood of execution and provision of liquidity may be more important than price;
• raising cash to fund redemptions as speed may take priority over price;
• the volatility of price may make timeliness a greater priority; or
• the choice of execution venue may be limited for certain instruments.
Investment decisions are implemented as soon as reasonably practicable (subject to the
execution factors listed above).
Colchester has identified certain exchanges, counterparties and platforms, known as
‘execution venues’ to which orders for each type of financial instrument that Colchester trades
may be directed. Colchester believes that these venues will provide, on a consistent basis over
time, the best possible result for the execution of orders. These types of venues are approved
by either the Chief Risk Officer or the Chief Executive Officer and are as follows:
• Market makers or counterparties:
o For bond transactions, approved venues typically have a long-term credit rating of A-
or above. Unrated or lower rated counterparties may be approved on a case by case
basis taking into account other factors such as local market specialisation;
o For currency transactions (including non-deliverable forwards or “NDFs”) and interest
rate swaps, approved execution venues typically have a long-term credit rating of A or
above. Counterparties with a rating below A will be considered if they offer strong
liquidity and consistent pricing;
• Swap execution facilities;
• Regulated markets, futures exchanges and clearing houses; and
• Multilateral trading facilities (“MTF”) and electronic trading platforms.
To the extent that the use of a counterparty, futures commission merchant or swap execution
facility is required to gain access to an execution venue such as an exchange, Colchester selects
such intermediaries or service providers by considering the instrument to be traded as well as
the execution factors listed above.
Colchester’s Best Execution Policy is reviewed at least annually by Colchester’s Investment
Management Committee as well as when a material change occurs that affects Colchester’s
ability to execute orders in accordance with it. Colchester will notify its clients of any material
changes made to its Best Execution Policy.
Colchester monitors its compliance with this Best Execution Policy through:
• Trade administration processes to review individual trades on execution to ensure rates
obtained are close to prevailing market rates in the circumstances of the particular trade
and to ensure execution venue performance matches expectations and market convention.
• Compliance monitoring reviews are retrospective reviews of trades on a sample basis to
ensure execution and settlement accord with Colchester’s established policies and
• Monthly reviews of counterparty credit ratings to ensure minimum requirements continue
to be met by identified execution venues.
• Quarterly and ad hoc reviews of the execution quality of the execution venues, by the
Counterparty Review Committee.
• Colchester will publish its top five execution venues for the previous year along with specific
data relating to the quality of execution annually.
Dealing Commissions, Research and Inducements
Colchester does not pay dealing commissions or receive any dealing commissions to or from
any counterparty or other execution venue. Certain fees may arise on exchange-traded or
exchange-cleared contracts. These fees are payable directly from the client’s portfolio to the
execution venue (such as a futures commission merchant) consistent with market practice.
Colchester is responsible for negotiating rates and spreads paid in connection with transactions
it effects.
Colchester may choose to receive investment research from certain counterparties where it
considers such research to be of potential value to its investment process and for the benefit
of its clients. Some of this research may, under the rules of the FCA, require payment to the
counterparty at a rate reflecting the estimated value of that research. The cost of this research
is borne by Colchester.
Colchester does not enter into arrangements to direct trades to specific counterparties or
other execution venues in consideration of any research, whether paid for or not. Colchester
does not consider such research in selecting counterparties or other execution venues to
execute transactions.
Fees, other commissions and non-monetary benefits received or paid/provided by Colchester
(including but not limited to investment management fees received and fees paid to
distribution agents, rating agencies and platforms) in connection with services provided to the
Client, are disclosed to the Client in contractual documents prior to the provision of those
services to the client.
Directed Brokerage
Should a Separate Account Client wish to direct Colchester with respect to all or any aspect of
an order, including the choice of counterparty or dealer, Colchester may agree to such
instruction, but such Client shall be solely responsible for the consequences of its instruction.
Separate Account Clients should also be aware that in cases where they direct Colchester with
respect to any aspect of order execution, such direction may prevent Colchester from taking
steps it has designed and implemented to obtain the best possible result and may lead to
higher rates or spreads or to a lower quality of execution services.
Aggregation and Partial Order Execution The nature of an investment decision, specific Separate Account Client guidelines or other
Separate Account Client instructions regarding, for example, use of a particular counterparty,
will determine how that investment decision can be traded. This will either be on a sequential
basis or on an aggregated basis. In either case, Separate Account Client orders will be carried
out promptly, unless the characteristics of the order or the prevailing market conditions make
this impracticable.
When Colchester determines that it would be appropriate and feasible for more than one
Client to participate in an investment opportunity, Colchester may place combined orders for
all such Clients. Colchester will only do so, where it considers it unlikely that the aggregation
of orders may, on occasion, work to their disadvantage. In such circumstances, however,
Colchester will attempt to minimize such disadvantage.
If an order placed on behalf of more than one Client cannot be fully executed under prevailing
market conditions, Colchester may allocate the trade executed among different Clients on a
basis it deems equitable. This is normally achieved by allocating on a pro-rata basis taking into
account minimum trading sizes. In the rare circumstances where Colchester determines that
this pro-rata allocation methodology may not be in a Client's best interests or the best interests
of all Clients, Colchester may, in its reasonable discretion, make an adjustment to the pro-rata
allocation. In this event, transactions will be allocated equitably as deemed appropriate by
Allocation of investment opportunities Colchester provides investment management services for various Clients and endeavours to
allocate investment opportunities over a period of time on a fair and equitable basis to all
Clients. Colchester may make allocations on the basis of what it considers to be reasonable,
including that some Clients may not purchase or sell the same securities at the same time as
others. Clients should be aware that Colchester is not ordinarily subject to any specific
obligations or requirements concerning the allocation of time, effort or investment
opportunities to any one Client or group of Clients or subject to any restrictions on the nature
and timing of making investments for a Client or Colchester’s own Funds. Colchester is not
required to accord exclusivity or priority to any one Client or group of Clients in the event of
'limited availability' investment opportunities. Colchester does not engage in proprietary
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Frequency of Account Reviews All Client investments are monitored daily to ensure adherence to guidelines and consistency
with the investment strategy set by the Investment Management Committee. The investment
management team also monitor any changes in market conditions or fundamentals that could
affect the portfolios on a daily basis. Ian G. Sims (Chief Investment Officer) and Keith Lloyd
(Deputy Chief Investment Officer) are responsible for ensuring that accounts are maintained
in line with Colchester’s policies and Client mandates and are responsible jointly for all
Reports to Clients Separate Account Clients receive written monthly valuations and schedules of transactions for
their portfolios when set out in the investment management agreement entered into between
Colchester and such Separate Account Client. Investors in Colchester’s Funds receive monthly
written statements of their Fund investments and receive the Fund’s audited financial
statements annually. All Clients and investors typically receive a monthly written review from
Colchester that describes the economic and financial background, the strategy adopted, and
the results achieved.
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Not Applicable. Neither Colchester nor any of its related persons receive any economic benefit
from non-clients for providing investment advice or other advisory services to Clients.
Colchester and its related persons do not compensate any third party for Client referrals.
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Not Applicable. Colchester does not accept custody of any Client assets. Assets in Colchester’s
Funds are custodied by Northern Trust, while Separate Account Clients appoint a custodian of
their choice.
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Other than as specified by Client guidelines, Colchester has sole authority to determine,
without obtaining specific consent, the amount of and specific securities to be bought and sold
for each Client portfolio.
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Colchester’s Proxy Voting Policy
Typically, sovereign bond investors may only vote in the event there is a sovereign default
related to their bond holdings. In such cases, bond investors may have the opportunity to vote
on the terms of a restructuring. Colchester invests primarily in sovereign bonds and eschews
corporate credit. It does not invest in equity. As a result, situations in which a Client’s portfolio
holdings may present an opportunity to vote are expected to be rare. In the unlikely event a
voting opportunity arises, Colchester will determine, in its discretion and in the best interests
of its Client, how and whether to vote on behalf of the portfolio. Sometimes, Colchester may
not be able to vote because the Client’s custodian does not provide a voting service in a given
market, or Colchester does not receive voting materials in sufficient time, or for other reasons
beyond Colchester’s control. Colchester may also choose not to vote if it is considering
liquidating a position, or for any other reason if it considers voting would be inappropriate. In
the unlikely event that Colchester votes on behalf of a Client, it shall do so in the best interests
of its Client.
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Not applicable. Colchester does not require pre-payment of fees, does not have any financial
condition that is reasonably likely to impair its ability to meet contractual commitments to
Clients and has never been the subject of a bankruptcy petition.
ADV Part 2B Brochure Supplement Ian Galloway Sims Colchester Global Investors Limited Heathcoat House 20 Savile Row London W1S 3PR Telephone: 011-44-20-7292-6920 Facsimile: 011-44-20-7292-6929 Website: SEC File Number: 801-57116 July 29, 2019
This brochure supplement provides information about Ian Galloway Sims that supplements the
Colchester Global Investors Limited brochure. You should have received a copy of that
brochure. Please contact a member of our client services team by email at
[email protected] or by telephone at 646-472-1800 if you did not receive Colchester
Global Investors Limited’s brochure or if you have any questions about the contents of this
Item 2 Educational Background and Business Experience Ian Galloway Sims
Year of Birth: 1958
Education and Degrees:
(1) University of Leicester, B.Sc. Honors in Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Economics
(2) University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, M.Sc. in Mathematical Statistics
Business Background: Colchester Global Investors Limited – 1999 to present
Item 3 Disciplinary Information
Ian Sims has never been the subject of any legal or disciplinary events.
Item 4 Other Business Activities
Ian Sims is not engaged in any investment-related business or occupation outside of his
employment with Colchester.
Item 5 Additional Compensation
Ian Sims does not receive any economic benefit for providing investment advisory services
from anyone who is not a client of Colchester.
Item 6 Supervision
Ian Sims, as Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Colchester, is subject to supervision by
Colchester’s Board of Directors.
ADV Part 2B Brochure Supplement Keith Allan Lloyd Colchester Global Investors Limited Heathcoat House 20 Savile Row London W1S 3PR Telephone: 011-44-20-7292-6920 Facsimile: 011-44-20-7292-6929 Website: SEC File Number: 801-57116 July 29, 2019
This brochure supplement provides information about Keith Allan Lloyd that supplements the
Colchester Global Investors Limited brochure. You should have received a copy of that
brochure. Please contact a member of our client services team by email at
[email protected] or by telephone at 646-472-1800 if you did not receive Colchester
Global Investors Limited’s brochure or if you have any questions about the contents of this
Item 2 Educational Background and Business Experience Keith Allan Lloyd
Year of Birth: 1962
Education and Degrees:
(1) Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, B.A. Honors in Economics and
Physical Geography
(2) London School of Economics, M.Sc. in Economics
Business Background: Colchester Global Investors Limited – 2000 to present
Item 3 Disciplinary Information
Keith Lloyd has never been the subject of any legal or disciplinary events.
Item 4 Other Business Activities
Keith Lloyd is not engaged in any investment-related business or occupation outside of his
employment with Colchester.
Item 5 Additional Compensation
Keith Lloyd does not receive any economic benefit for providing investment advisory services
from anyone who is not a client of Colchester.
Item 6 Supervision
Keith Lloyd, as Chief Executive Officer and Deputy Chief Investment Officer, is supervised by
Ian Sims. Ian Sims may be reached by calling 011-44-20-7292-6920.
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Open Brochure from SEC website