Firm Description and History
RhumbLine Advisers Limited Partnership (“RhumbLine” or the “Adviser”) is a Massachusetts
limited partnership with its principal office in Boston, Massachusetts. RhumbLine has been
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as an investment adviser
since 1990.
RhumbLine’s General Partners are Massachusetts corporations owned, respectively, by Wayne
T. Owen, the Chief Executive Officer, Denise D’Entremont, President, and Kim McCant,
Chief Financial Officer. Together they own more than 70% of the firm. For more
information about our management team please consult the Brochure Supplement.
Advisory Business
RhumbLine provides its portfolio management services to pension plans, profit sharing plans,
pooled funds, endowments, foundations, charitable organizations, corporations, labor unions
and other business entities. RhumbLine manages accounts on a discretionary basis only.
Each Client has the opportunity to place reasonable restrictions on the types of investments to
be held in its separate account portfolio or to customize the portfolio’s goals and objectives.
Each portfolio is designed to track the performance and risk of a particular index or an index
For every account, RhumbLine continually monitors the index specific to that account and will
execute trades in the Client’s account(s) to reflect changes to index constituents. While
RhumbLine seeks to track the target index’s performance to the extent reasonably possible,
there will typically be some variation between the performance of a Client’s account and the
index it is designed to track due to a number of factors, most notably: advisory fees, trading
expenses and other costs, Client-imposed trading restrictions, Client contributions to and
withdrawals from accounts, timing of trades, timing of cash flows resulting from corporate
actions affecting portfolio companies, and the effect of conforming the portfolio to changes in
the index constituents.
Tailored Advisory Services
RhumbLine provides passive (i.e. index-based) portfolio management services to institutional
investors. Advisory services are tailored to the individual needs of the Client. RhumbLine
Advisers provides customized discretionary management services utilizing an indexed
approach to investing. It manages both pre-defined and “model” as well as customized index
strategies that differ by risk and potential return characteristics. RhumbLine may employ
multiple index strategies to provide the desired diversification and risk characteristics.
Investment Strategy and Objective
Client portfolios are generally designed to track the holdings and allocations of various
published indices, as well as blended and customized indices. Generally, the majority of
RhumbLine’s managed accounts are invested in strategies whose objectives are linked to U.S.
and international equity indices and domestic fixed income indices. RhumbLine’s managed
strategies may include the following:
Market Segment Examples
LARGE-CAP INDEX S&P 500, Russell 1000, Russell Top 200
MID-CAP INDEX S&P 400, Russell Mid-Cap, Russell Mid-Cap Growth
SMALL-CAP INDEX S&P 600, Russell 2000, Russell Small-Cap Completeness
BROAD MARKET INDEX S&P 1500, Wilshire 5000, Russell 3000
Dow Jones Brookfield Global Infrastructure
Russell RAFI , RhumbLine Multi-Factor, EDHEC U.S.
Scientific Beta, Russell 1000 H.E.D.I., Equal-Weighted
FIXED INCOME INDEX Core Bond-U.S. Aggregate, U.S. TIPS, U.S. 5-7 Yr. Treasury
RhumbLine also manages portfolios with certain specialized strategies, and may, at its
discretion, agree to customize a portfolio to accommodate specific Client needs. Among the
available specialized strategies are: Tax-Efficient, Tobacco-Free, Sudan-Free, Socially
Responsible, Fossil Fuel-Free, etc.
These strategies are available as separately managed accounts. For qualified ERISA plans with
generally at least $5 million in assets, many of these strategies are available through
investment in a pooled investment fund, and certain strategies are offered in pooled funds for
other types of institutional investors. Such pooled funds carry certain benefits and risks,
which are described in separate disclosure documents.
While index-based investment strategies tend to minimize the potential for conflicts of interest,
such conflicts are resolved in the Client’s best interest whenever possible (e.g., if the sponsor
of an employee benefit plan is a company whose securities are part of an index).
RhumbLine may assist Clients with developing investment objectives and an asset allocation
strategy, and by providing portfolio structure analysis and asset rebalancing.
RhumbLine does not direct Client investments to products or services offered by specific
broker-dealers, insurance companies, or other third-party financial services companies.
Portfolio investments consist primarily of publicly traded equity securities and government
and corporate fixed income securities, held either directly or through a pooled investment
Clients should be aware of investment and other risks, restrictions on withdrawals and
other information relevant to their investment.
Assets Under Management
As of December 31, 2019, RhumbLine Advisers had $67 billion in discretionary assets
under management (AUM)
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The fee for portfolio management services is calculated as a percentage of assets under
management in the Client’s account. The annual rate is generally within the range of .01%
and .25%, depending on the specific strategy or combination of investment strategies selected,
the size of the investment in each strategy, the overall size of the account or of the Client
relationship as a whole, the form of the investment (i.e., separate account or through a pooled
fund), extent of desired customization (e.g., the number and complexity of restrictions placed
on the investments), the desired reporting, and other factors.
RhumbLine has established a minimum annual fee for each strategy, however, all fees are
negotiable. Depending on the size of the investment, the minimum annual fee could be well in
excess of what the fee would be for larger accounts.
A minimum of $25,000,000 of assets under management is generally required for separately
managed accounts. In some circumstances, this minimum is negotiable.
RhumbLine, in its discretion, may agree to negotiate its fee rates and other terms.
Generally, RhumbLine calculates Client invoices quarterly in arrears based on the asset values
provided by the Client’s custodian. Unless otherwise specified by the Client in writing,
RhumbLine uses the average of the previous three month-end values to calculate the fee
charged. Large asset flows in an account i.e., contributions or withdrawals that have a $500 or
greater impact on the fee charged are prorated using the trade date of the flow, unless otherwise
specified by the Client. Fees for accounts that are established or terminated on a date other than
at the start or end of a quarter are prorated to reflect a partial period accordingly.
Investors in pooled investment funds managed by RhumbLine may elect to be billed for fees
directly or to authorize the fund’s custodian to pay fees to RhumbLine upon receipt of
instructions from RhumbLine (accompanied by the basis for computing the fee amount).
Other Costs Involved
In addition to RhumbLine’s investment advisory fees, Client accounts will bear additional fees
and expenses, including: brokerage commissions, taxes, transaction fees, and other related
trading costs, custodial fees, funds transfer fees, and other fees and taxes on brokerage
accounts and securities transactions. Investors in pooled investment funds managed by
RhumbLine will also incur certain fund level administrative expenses.
Additional details on these fees are described below.
ETF Fees and Expenses
RhumbLine may invest in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the performance of the
respective index strategy in a Client account, unless prohibited by the Client. Clients will
indirectly bear the fees and expenses paid by the funds to their service providers. These fees will
include management fees, custody and administration fees and expenses, and in some cases a
sales load or distribution fee. These fees and expenses are described in each fund's
prospectus. RhumbLine does not receive any portion of any third party’s fees, commissions or
other payments.
Brokerage and Custodial Fees
In addition to t h e advisory fees, the Client will also be responsible for all transaction,
brokerage, and custodial fees incurred as part of overall account management. Please see
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Fees in General
Fees are negotiable based upon certain criteria (e.g., size of total relationship, specific
strategies, anticipated future additional assets, etc.). The Client’s investment management
agreement will specify the fee arrangement in writing.
Account Termination
Clients may g e n e r a l l y terminate their agreement by providing RhumbLine with a 30-
day written notice, or such other period as may be agreed upon, in writing, by the
parties. Upon termination of any account, any earned, unpaid fees will be due and payable.
In general, such fees are pro-rated to reflect a partial month or quarter, as applicable. In the
event that there are any prepaid, unearned fees, they will be promptly refunded to the Client.
Item 6: Performance-Based Fees and Side-by-Side Management
Performance-based fees are fees calculated on the basis of the investment performance of the
account, e.g., fees based on a share of capital gains or capital appreciation in the account.
Performance-based fee arrangements may create an incentive for an adviser to recommend
investments which may be riskier or more speculative than those which would be
recommended under a different fee arrangement. RhumbLine currently does not have any
clients with performance-based fee arrangements.
Generally, because of RhumbLine’s asset-based fee structure and the types of investments
that it recommends (i.e. publically traded equity securities and fixed income securities in the
context of an index strategy), the management of multiple accounts with the same investment
objectives does not create a conflict of interest.
Item 7: Types of Clients
RhumbLine advises and provides passive index management services to primarily institutional
clients including Taft-Hartley, ERISA and municipal and state governmental pension plans,
nuclear decommissioning trusts, foundations, endowments and other similar accounts.
RhumbLine provides passive index management to pooled investment vehicles offered to
ERISA plans and other institutional clients. RhumbLine provides services as a sub advisor to
funds or clients of other investment advisers and in exceptional cases to high net worth
Pooled investment vehicles are generally available only to qualified employee benefit plans and
other institutional clients with a minimum of $5,000,000 in Plan assets.
The minimum account size for separately managed accounts generally is
$25,000,000.Generally a minimum account size of $5,000,000 is required for investments in
the pooled investment vehicles managed. In some circumstances, the minimums are
Item 8: Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss
Indexed Equity Portfolios
Based on industry representation and market capitalization, underlying equity index
portfolios are managed using full replication, stratified sampling or optimization processes,
which are detailed below.
RhumbLine utilizes a full index replication technique, whenever possible, in which the Client’s
portfolio holds all or substantially all securities in the appropriate index (or product specific
portion of the index). Each security allocation in the Client’s portfolio matches that security’s
allocation in the index as closely as possible, subject to client-imposed restrictions. Other
types of index investing strategies are described below.
Stratified Sampling
Stratified Sampling carves the index into divisions – RhumbLine uses industries as the
breakdown. RhumbLine specifies what percentage of the index weight to replicate. After
replicating the percentage specified, the software then adjusts the weight of each industry in
the portfolio to exactly match the weight of that industry in the index. RhumbLine uses
stratified sampling for 1) smaller accounts (< $25MM), 2) broad indices (more than 500 index
constituents), or 3) investing small amounts of money relative to total value such as dividend
reinvestment or cash from corporate actions.
Optimizers rely on risk models to break down risk into two major components – factor risk and
specific risk. Factors include such things as beta, size, volatility, growth and value. Specific
risk refers to the remainder of a stock’s risk not explained by factors. The optimizer builds
portfolios whose factor exposures match those of the index as closely as possible. It controls
specific risk by diversifying the portfolio’s individual security holdings to the degree possible
subject to Client restrictions and/or constraints. Optimizers provide a number of parameters
that allow a user to control the tradeoff between implementing portfolio objectives including
restrictions and constraints versus tracking the performance of the appropriate index.
Multi-Factor Equity Portfolio
Multi-Factor Strategy: RhumbLine also manages a strategy which seek to deliver returns that
exceed the index while maintaining overall characteristics and risk similar to those of the index.
RhumbLine utilizes optimization to manage this quantitative product with an objective of
modestly outperforming an index by 1% per year. RhumbLine ranks every stock in the index
according to internal valuation models. RhumbLine uses the optimizer to build portfolios
favoring higher ranked stocks while maintaining characteristics very close to the index.
Indexed Bond Portfolios
Indexed Bond Portfolios are portfolios with an objective of tracking the performance of a bond
index. RhumbLine uses an optimizer to build bond portfolios whose characteristics match
those of the index but hold a relatively small number of bonds.
RhumbLine does not utilize research in selecting bonds to hold in portfolios. The index
constituents and their weightings in an index as well as the substance and timing of any
changes thereto, dictate RhumbLine’s primary investment strategy.
Any investment strategy contains an element of risk. Clients should be aware of their risk
tolerance level and financial situations at all times. Investments are not insured or guaranteed
and RhumbLine cannot guarantee the successful performance of an investment and is
expressly prohibited from guaranteeing accounts against losses arising from market
conditions. Investing in securities involves risk of loss that clients should be prepared to bear.
Market, Security and Regulatory Risks
Investment programs have certain risks that are borne by the Client, which are described
Market Risks
Market Volatility. The profitability of the portfolios substantially depends upon the future price
movements of stocks, bonds, options on stocks, and other securities and the movements of
interest rates. In recent years, investment markets have been prone to greater volatility, which
may adversely affect the ability to realize gains at a given point in time.
Investment Activities. The investment activities involve a significant degree of risk. The
performance of any investment index is subject to numerous factors including a wide range of
economic, political, competitive, technological and other conditions (including acts of
terrorism and war) that may affect investments in general or specific industries or companies.
Material Non-Public Information. If, at any time, principals or employees of RhumbLine acquire
confidential or material non-public information or are otherwise restricted from initiating
transactions in certain securities, RhumbLine will not be free to act upon any such
information. Due to these restrictions, RhumbLine may not be able to initiate a transaction
that it otherwise might have initiated and may not be able to sell an investment that it
otherwise might have sold.
Use of Derivative Instruments.The prices of futures and other derivative instruments may be
highly volatile and depend on the values of the securities, indices, currencies, or other
instruments underlying them.
Market or Interest Rate Risk. The price of most fixed income securities moves in the opposite
direction of the change in interest rates. For example, as interest rates rise, the price of fixed
income securities falls. If a Client’s portfolio holds a fixed income security to maturity, the
change in its price before maturity may have little impact on the security’s performance;
however, if the security is sold before the maturity date, an increase in interest rates could
result in a loss.
Inflation Risk. Inflation risk results from the variation in the value of cash flows from a
security due to inflation, as measured in terms of purchasing power. For example, if an
investor purchases a 5-year bond in which it can realize a coupon rate of 5%, but the rate of
inflation is 6%, then the purchasing power of the cash flow has declined. For all but inflation-
linked bonds, adjustable bonds or floating rate bonds, the investor is exposed to inflation risk
because the interest rate the issuer promises to make is fixed for the life of the security.
Non-U.S. Investments. Investing in the financial instruments of companies (and, from time to
time, governments) outside of the United States involves certain considerations not usually
associated with investing in financial instruments of U.S. companies or the U.S. Government,
including political and economic considerations, such as greater risks of expropriation,
nationalization, confiscatory taxation, imposition of withholding or other taxes on interest,
dividends, capital gains, other income or gross sale or disposition proceeds, limitations on the
removal of assets, and general social, political and economic instability; the relatively small
size of the securities markets in such countries and the low volume of trading, resulting in
potential lack of liquidity and in price volatility; the evolving and unsophisticated laws and
regulations applicable to the securities and financial services industries of certain countries;
fluctuations in the rate of exchange between currencies and costs associated with currency
conversion; and certain government policies that may restrict the Client's investment
opportunities. In addition, accounting and financial reporting standards outside of the U.S.
may in some emerging markets not be as high as U.S. standards and, consequently, less
information may be available concerning companies located outside of the U.S. than for those
located in the U.S. As a result, an investment manager may be unable to structure
transactions to achieve the intended results or to mitigate all risks associated with such
markets. It may also be difficult to enforce the Client's rights in such markets.
Regulatory Risks
Strategy Restrictions. Qualified employee benefit plans and certain other institutional investors
may be restricted from directly utilizing investment strategies or making certain specific
investments. Such institutions should consult their own advisors, counsel, and accountants to
determine what restrictions may apply and whether an investment is appropriate.
Trading Limitations. For all securities listed on an exchange, the exchange generally has the
right to suspend or limit trading under certain circumstances. Such suspensions or limits
could render certain strategies difficult to complete or continue. Also, such a suspension could
render it impossible to liquidate the security.
Security Specific Risks
Liquidity. Liquidity is the ability to readily convert an investment into cash. Securities where
there is a ready market that is traded through an exchange are generally more liquid.
Securities traded over the counter or that do not have a ready market or are thinly traded are
less liquid and may face material discounts in price level in a liquidation situation.
Currency.Overseas investments are subject to fluctuations in the value of the dollar against
the currency of the investment’s originating country. This is also referred to as exchange rate
Item 9: Disciplinary Information
RhumbLine has not been involved in any legal or disciplinary events that would be material to a
client’s or a prospective client’s evaluation of RhumbLine or the integrity of RhumbLine’s
Item 10: Other Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations
Other than as stated below or as disclosed in Item 12, RhumbLine does not have any material
business relationships with any affiliated companies or employees. RhumbLine receives no
compensation, direct or indirect, in connection with the services provided to Clients, other
than its investment advisory fees.
Since RhumbLine endeavors at all times to put the interest of its C l i e n t s first as part
of its fiduciary duty as a registered investment advisor, it takes the following steps to
address these conflicts:
• disclose to Clients the existence of material conflicts of interest;
• manage to each Client’s investment objective and other investment
parameters; and
• conduct regular reviews of Client accounts to verify that investments are in-line with
the Client’s Investment Guidelines and consistent with the Client’s investment
Neither RhumbLine nor its principal owners are registered or have an application pending to
register as a broker-dealer or registered representative of a broker-dealer.
RhumbLine does not recommend or select affiliated investment advisors for Clients nor does it
have other business relationships with those advisors that create a material conflict of
Item 11: Code of Ethics, Participation in Client Transactions and Personal
RhumbLine strives to observe the highest industry standards of conduct based on its
obligation as a fiduciary to its Clients. In an effort to meet this obligation, RhumbLine
has adopted a written Code of Ethics (the “Code”) that is applicable to all employees.
Each employee will be provided a copy, and is required to acknowledge, in writing, that
they have received, read, understand and will abide by the Code and RhumbLine
Advisers’ Policy and Procedures Manual, upon commencement of employment, on an
annual basis and upon any material changes.
The Code requires that employees act in the Client’s best interests and comply with
applicable laws and regulations. Employees are expected to avoid any action that is, or could
even appear to be, legally or ethically improper. The principles outlined in the Code apply
to all conduct, whether or not the conduct is also covered by more specific standards or
procedures set forth in the Code, Policy and Procedures Manual, or elsewhere. Employees
are required to bring any violations, actual or suspected, of the Code immediately to the
attention of RhumbLine’s Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”). Failure to comply with the
Code may result in disciplinary action or other sanctions including termination of
RhumbLine or its employees may have an investment in the same securities that may also
be held in Client accounts.
To eliminate possible conflicts of interest between Client portfolios and securities transactions
by the firm and/or its personnel, RhumbLine’s Code enforces strict personal trading policies by
which the firm, personnel and their immediate family members residing in the same household
must abide. Employees are expected to avoid any action that is, or could even appear to be,
legally or ethically improper, which includes their personal trading activity. Such procedures
are designed for, among other matters, avoiding potential conflicts of interests and detecting
and preventing abusive trading practices. For example, employees are required to obtain
advance approval of IPOs, private offerings, and certain transactions in small cap securities,
fixed-income and exchange traded funds (ETFs), subject to pre-clearance procedures.
Employees are prohibited from short selling securities owned in client accounts and short-term
trading. Strict compliance with RhumbLine’s personal trading policy is essential to RhumbLine
and its reputation. To ensure employees understand the procedures and their responsibilities,
all new employees receive training on the policies in the Code and RhumbLine periodically
conducts firm-wide mandatory training sessions.
Employees are required to have their brokerage firms send their transactions and holdings data
in covered accounts via data feed directly to RhumbLine’s Code of Ethics compliance system
wherever possible, which is actively monitored by the CCO. This system performs an automatic
review of all trading activity for compliance with the firm’s personal securities trading policies.
RhumbLine also requires its employees to complete certification reports on a quarterly and
annual basis to 1) confirm that all of their reportable transactions and holdings in covered
accounts have been reported to the CCO, 2) to report reportable gifts/entertainment given or
received as well as political contributions, 3) to affirm that all outside business activities have
been reported to and approved by the CCO, pursuant to the provisions of the Code, and 4) to
certify the receipt, understanding and agreement to comply with the Firm’s Code and Policy
and Procedures Manual.
A summary of RhumbLine’s Code of Ethics shall be provided to any Client or prospective
Client upon request.
Summary of Brokerage Practices
RhumbLine selects the broker-dealers that are used to effect portfolio transactions (unless
Clients direct RhumbLine to use a specific broker-dealer). In selecting brokers to effect
portfolio transactions, RhumbLine seeks brokers that it believes can provide “best execution”,
i.e., the most favorable results factoring in security price, commission rates and the quality of
service provided.
In seeking best execution, RhumbLine is not required to take into account charges imposed up
on clients by third parties, such as ticket charges that may be imposed by a client’s custodian.
RhumbLine regularly evaluates its selection of broker-dealers to assure they continue to
provide satisfactory service at reasonable prices.
Directed Brokerage
A Client may direct RhumbLine to affect trades through a specific broker-dealer. In such
cases, RhumbLine cannot assure that the Client’s trades will obtain favorable prices at the
lowest cost.
Soft Dollars
RhumbLine does not have any “soft-dollar” arrangements with brokerage firms, i.e., it has no
arrangements under which it commits to direct a certain volume of trades to a particular broker
in exchange for investment research or other services or goods.
However, the brokerage firm, VIRTU Financial (formerly known as ITG), provides RhumbLine
with access to a proprietary trading platform and other software, including an optimizer, as
well as risk model and trading cost data. In addition, the brokerage firm, Instinet, provides
RhumbLine access to transaction cost analysis reports. RhumbLine receives these resources
at no cost, and they may be used for trading for any Client, regardless of the selection of
broker. RhumbLine will continue to use these resources as long as it is satisfied that their
use benefits their Clients and does not increase Client costs directly or indirectly.
Trade Aggregation and Allocation
Generally, RhumbLine, does not aggregate trades for different accounts. However, under
certain circumstances, RhumbLine may aggregate trades for different Client accounts if it
determines that aggregation will be in their best interest. For example, if a constituent
security is added to or deleted from an index, an aggregate order may be requested. In such
cases, the trades are allocated by the executing brokers using an average price so that all
accounts are treated fairly.
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Client accounts are reviewed on a regular basis to confirm compliance with the Client’s
written Investment Guidelines. These reviews are designed to monitor investment objectives
and guidelines, positions, transactions and other issues related to current portfolio
holdings. RhumbLine is available to meet with Clients and discuss the account at the Client’s
request. Clients are strongly encouraged to keep the Firm abreast of any changes to their
investment objectives, guidelines and restrictions.
Clients are reminded to review their account statements in detail for a full understanding of
the services rendered and the associated costs therein.
Review of Accounts
Portfolio managers review their respective accounts regularly. These reviews include, among
other things: (i) cash flows, (ii) the most recent rebalance, (iii) performance of the account
compared to its benchmark, (iv) predicted tracking error, and (v) compliance exceptions. Using
these reports and other data, portfolio managers determine which accounts to rebalance.
RhumbLine generally rebalances each portfolio at least once per month. Rebalancing involves
the utilization of one of the three software programs RhumbLine uses in index management.
Those packages include: (i) replication, (ii) optimization and (iii) stratified sampling. The
specific strategy we use for an account depends on the specific benchmark, portfolio size,
investment restrictions, tax status and any customized portfolio guidelines.
Constituents of all benchmark indices and account restriction changes are updated regularly.
Post-trade reports are reviewed for any discrepancies or exceptions.
Monthly Review and Reports
Client accounts are reviewed during RhumbLine’s monthly Investment/Risk Committee
meetings. The accounts are also reconciled with the custodian’s records on a monthly basis.
In addition to the custodian’s monthly statement of activity in the account, separate account
Clients receive from RhumbLine a monthly statement whose contents vary depending on
Clients’ specifications. Typically, such reports include a summary of the account’s
performance, market balances and recent contribution/withdrawal activity. Clients with
investments in RhumbLine pooled funds receive a monthly statement which has been
prepared by the fund’s custodian and reviewed and reconciled by RhumbLine’s operations
Production of the monthly statements is managed by RhumbLine’s Operations Department.
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The Firm has no Client referral or solicitation arrangements with third parties. RhumbLine
Advisers has not entered into solicitation or referral agreements with individuals, financial
intermediaries or others who are not affiliated with the Firm.
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RhumbLine generally does not maintain custody of client funds or securities because it does
not hold or have authority to obtain possession of such funds or securities. Under the
Advisers Act, investment advisers are deemed to have “custody” of c lient funds if certain
conditions are met. To the extent that a Client has instructed RhumbLine to automatically
deduct advisory fees from the client’s account, RhumbLine typically will be deemed to have
“custody” of such client accounts. This fee arrangement applies to a limited number of clients
with separately managed accounts, including clients that are invested in pooled funds
managed by RhumbLine. Clients are to receive an account statement from their custodian at
least quarterly.
RhumbLine has pooled funds set up as trusts or limited liability companies (LLCs). Some
Clients in its pooled fund trusts have authorized RhumbLine to deduct advisory fees directly
from their accounts. Such an arrangement means that RhumbLine is regarded as having
limited custody over such c lients’ assets. State Street Bank and Trust Company, the trustee
of the RhumbLine pooled fund trusts, acts as the custodian of the trusts’ assets. RhumbLine,
in its capacity as managing member of one or more pooled funds set up as LLCs
(LLCs), is deemed to have custody of the funds’ assets. These funds’ financial statements are
audited annually by an independent public accounting firm and the audited financial
statements are distributed to the investors in the funds.
Account Statements
Clients should review any account statements received from the custodian and RhumbLine
carefully and to the extent they received statements from both RhumbLine and a custodian, they
are encouraged to carefully compare the statements.
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RhumbLine maintains discretionary authority over the selection and amount of securities to
be bought or sold in the accounts of Clients that have provided such authority. Transactions
in these accounts may be made without obtaining prior consent or approval from Clients, as
agreed upon in writing. However, these purchases, sales, and selections may be subject to
specified investment objectives, guidelines, or limitations previously set forth by the Client and
agreed to by RhumbLine. Discretionary authority is only authorized upon full disclosure to the
Client. The granting of such authority is made evident by the Client’s execution of a Client
agreement/advisory contract containing all applicable limitations to such authority. All
discretionary trades made by the Firm are conducted in accordance with each Client’s
investment objectives and goals. We go through a thorough review of goals, risk tolerance and
the development of investment restrictions and guidelines before accepting discretionary
Broker-dealer selection is made according to those specific guidelines previously mentioned in
Item 12 of this brochure.
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Unless otherwise instructed by a Client, RhumbLine is generally authorized by its Clients to
vote proxies for the securities held in the Clients’ investment accounts. At their election,
however, Clients may retain this authority.
RhumbLine keeps records of proxy voting available for inspection by each Client and provides
proxy voting records to each Client annually. RhumbLine also monitors such voting for any
potential conflicts of interest and maintains procedures to deal with these issues
appropriately. Clients who wish to obtain a copy of RhumbLine’s complete proxy voting policy
or who have questions regarding proxy voting decisions in their accounts should contact the
Chief Compliance Officer.
To assist with proxy voting for Client accounts, RhumbLine has engaged Institutional
Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS), a registered investment adviser that specializes in the provision
of proxy research, vote recommendations and related governance research services. RhumbLine
has delegated to ISS the authority to vote its Clients’ proxies consistent with predetermined
ISS voting policies. RhumbLine’s Client portfolios will be voted according to the ISS U.S.
Corporate Governance Policy unless otherwise directed by a Client. A Client may at no charge
contact the Chief Compliance Officer in writing to request to have any of its separately
managed accounts voted along one of the following specialized voting policies maintained by
ISS: Taft-Hartley, Socially Responsible, Public Fund or Catholic Faith-based.
RhumbLine may have a conflict of interest related to voting certain securities of publicly held
companies to which the firm provides investment advisory services. Because proxies are voted
pursuant to standing ISS voting policies, most votes are made based on overall voting
parameters rather than their application to any particular company, thereby reducing or
eliminating the effect of any potential conflict of interest.
ISS maintains a Code of Ethics and written policies and procedures to identify potential
conflicts of interest and prevent any potential conflicts from becoming actual conflicts. In the
event that ISS does not provide a recommendation because of a conflict of interest, the Chief
Compliance Officer will consult the Chief Investment Officer or another RhumbLine senior officer
for a recommendation as needed.
Class Actions, Bankruptcies and other Legal Proceedings
RhumbLine will neither advise nor act on behalf of s e p a r a t e a c c o u n t Clients in
legal proceedings involving companies whose securities are held in the Client’s account(s),
including, but not limited to, the filing of “Proofs of Claim” in class action settlements. If
desired, Clients may direct RhumbLine to transmit copies of class action notices to the Client
or a third party. Upon such direction, RhumbLine will make commercially reasonable efforts
to forward such notices in a timely manner. RhumbLine outsources the handling of class
actions to ISS for the pooled funds it offers.
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Registered Investment Advisers are required to provide certain financial information or
disclosures about their financial condition.
Balance Sheet
A balance sheet is not required to be provided because RhumbLine does not serve as a
qualified custodian and does not require prepayment of fees of more than $1,200 and six
months or more in advance.
Financial Conditions Reasonably Likely to Impair Advisory Firm’s Ability to Meet
Commitments to Clients
RhumbLine does not have any financial impairment that will preclude it from meeting
contractual commitments to Clients.
Bankruptcy Petition during the Past Ten Years
Not applicable to RhumbLine Advisers Limited Partnership.
Privacy: RhumbLine prohibits the disclosure of any Client-related material non-public
information as collected by the Firm throughout the Client/Firm relationship. However,
RhumbLine may make limited disclosure of such information as authorized by the Client, as
necessary to service the account or as otherwise provided by law.
Business Continuity: RhumbLine has made preparations via a plan document to c o n t i n u e
o r expedite the resumption of business in the event of a major disruption. A copy of the
Business Continuity Plan is available for review by request.
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