Mondrian Investment Partners Limited (“Mondrian”), a limited company organized underthelawsofEngland&Wales,wasfoundedandSECregisteredin1990underthe nameDelawareInternationalAdvisersLtd,affiliatedwithDelawareInvestments.

In September 2004, senior management together with a minority investor purchased DelawareInternationalAdvisersLimited.Inconnectionwiththistransaction,Delaware International Advisers Limited’sname waschangedto MondrianInvestment Partners Limited. In July 2011, senior management purchased the minority investor’s investment and the business became employee owned through an employee partnership (Atlantic Value Investment Partnership LP) of approximately 100 of its senior employees, including the majority of investment professionals, senior client serviceofficers,andsenioroperationspersonnel;AVGPLimitedisitsgeneralpartner.

Mondrian Investment Partners (U.S.), Inc. (an indirectly owned subsidiary of Atlantic ValueInvestmentPartnershipLP),isaPennsylvaniaSecuritiesCommissionregistered investmentadvisorandistheentitythatcarriesoutthemarketingandclientservices activities for the Mondrian group in North America. Mondrian Investment Partners (U.S.),Inc.doesnotprovideinvestmentadvisoryservices.

Mondrian serves as investment adviser to a variety of separately managed accounts, unregistered pooled investment vehicles, registered investment companies and collectiveinvestmenttrusts.Mondrianalsoservesasinvestmentadvisertoeachfund of Mondrian Funds PLC, an open‐ended investment company registered with the Central Bank of Ireland pursuant to the European UCITS Directive. Additional informationonthetypesofclientsadvisedbyMondrianisincludedinthesectionofthis brochureentitled“TypesofClients.”
Mondrianprovidesinvestmentmanagementservicestoabroadbasedgroupofglobal institutionalinvestors.Thisgroupincludesretirementplanassetsofcorporateentities, retirement plan assets of government entities, trusts, foundations, endowments, charitable organizations, insurance companies and other institutional investors.
Mondrianalsoactsasinvestmentsub‐advisertoU.S.basedinvestmentcompaniesand as investment adviser or sub‐adviser to limited partnerships and other on‐shore and offshorepooledinvestmentvehiclesandothernon‐U.S.clients.

GenerallyMondrianwillmanageassetsonafullydiscretionarybasis.Securitieswillbe selectedonaglobalbasisincludingmarketablesecuritiesofissuersthataredomiciled in both developed and developing countries. Equity and fixed income securities are utilized(accordingtoclientinvestmentobjectives)inthemanagementofsuchaccounts.
As of December 31, 2019 firm discretionary assets under management totalled US$ 54,401,086,141.
Mondrian currently provides portfolio consulting services to certain clients. Under these types of arrangements, Mondrian provides investment recommendations to the sponsor in the form of a model portfolio and periodically provides model updates.
The service provided is classified as non‐discretionary investment advice because Mondriandoesnothavecontroloverwhetherthetradesareexecutedinlinewiththe compositionofthemodelportfolio.Inthisscenario,underlyingmodelportfolioclients arereceivinginvestmentmanagementservicesfromtheprogramsponsorratherthan directly from Mondrian. Mondrian will typically have little information about the sponsor’sclients.

Assetsheldonbehalfofclientsmaygiverisetolegalproceedingsincludingshareholder action against the issuerof a security (“Securities Litigation”).These cantake various forms,suchasclassactionsandgroupactions.ThisStatementoutlinesthemannerin whichMondrianapproachesSecuritiesLitigation.

MondrianisnotaSecuritiesLitigationexpert,doesnotgiveadviceregardingSecurities Litigation and is not obligated to take any action on behalf of clients with respect to Securities Litigation. Mondrian does not investigate, initiate or monitor Securities Litigationonbehalfofclients.SecuritiesLitigationcanbecomplex,involvingmultiple parties and multiple concurrent cases and requirements differ in each jurisdiction.
Securities Litigation can require active participation of claimants and may require provision of legal documentation to enter the action, discovery documentation and witness statements. This information may include confidential or proprietary information of the client or Mondrian or both. Some cases come with a financial obligation, either to pay your own costs, potentially to pay the other side’s costs, or both.

In Mondrian’s experience, Securities Litigation often requires a significant amount of Mondrian’s senior investment professionals’ time, particularly to provide witness statements. Mondrian considers that the time commitment required of its senior investment professionals in supporting Securities Litigation on behalf of clients could haveanegativeimpactontheirabilitytomanageclients’assets.Mondriansuggeststhat clients first discuss potential cases with Mondrian before obligating themselves or Mondriantoprovidediscoverydocumentationorwitnessstatements.
Mondrian is not obligated to file proofs of claim or other documents related to SecuritiesLitigation.Mondriansuggeststhatclientscontractwiththeircustodianora thirdpartytoundertakethisservice.
ThisSecuritiesLitigationStatementisreviewedperiodically. please register to get more info

Open Brochure from SEC website
Pooled Investment Vehicles $13,943,762,594
Discretionary $54,401,086,141
Non-Discretionary $
Registered Web Sites

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