- Advisory Business
- Fees and Compensation
- Performance-Based Fees
- Types of Clients
- Methods of Analysis
- Disciplinary Information
- Other Activities
- Code of Ethics
- Brokerage Practices
- Review of Accounts
- Client Referrals
- Custody
- Investment Discretion
- Voting Client Securities
- Financial Information
MSIM and its advisory affiliates represent the investment management division of Morgan Stanley, a publicly held company (“Morgan Stanley”). We are a wholly owned subsidiary of Morgan Stanley, a corporation whose shares are publicly held and traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “MS”. Morgan Stanley is a preeminent global financial services firm engaged in securities trading and brokerage activities, as well as providing investment banking, research and analysis, financing and financial advisory services. MSIM is organized as a Delaware corporation and has been registered with the SEC since 1981.
We are a client-centric organization dedicated to providing investment and risk-management solutions to a wide range of investors and institutions including corporations, pension plans, intermediaries, sovereign wealth funds, central banks, endowments and foundations, individual investors (including high net worth and retail investors), governments and consultant partners worldwide. With over four decades of asset management experience, our investment strategies span the risk/return spectrum across geographies, investment styles and asset classes, including equity, fixed income, alternatives and private markets. MSIM offers its clients personalized attention, the intelligence and creativity of some of the brightest professionals in the industry, and access to the global resources of Morgan Stanley. We provide discretionary and non-discretionary investment management services and products to institutional clients and individual investors. We also advise clients on a discretionary and non- discretionary basis as to the appropriate allocation of assets among multiple separate accounts and/or investment companies or other pooled vehicles that we advise (“asset allocation advice”). As a diversified global financial services firm that engages in a broad spectrum of activities including financial advisory services, asset management activities, sponsoring and managing private investment funds, managing collateralized loan obligations (“CLOs”), engaging in broker- dealer transactions and other activities, you should be aware that there will be occasions when Morgan Stanley encounters potential and actual conflicts of interest in connection with its investment management services. Our fund of funds advisory and portfolio solutions business focuses on the discretionary and, in certain instances, non-discretionary investment management of accounts across four strategies: (1) fund of hedge funds; (2) private markets fund of funds; (3) risk premia; (4) portfolio solutions. Our fund of funds advisory business consists primarily of identifying investment opportunities and making investments in diversified portfolios of traditional and non-traditional investment funds. Advisory services of this nature are provided to funds and separate accounts on a discretionary and nondiscretionary basis. The underlying funds or accounts in which we invest are referred to throughout as the “Underlying Investment Funds” and the third party investment managers who manage the Underlying Investment Funds are referred to as the “Underlying Investment Managers”. Certain clients may, as a part of their investment strategy, invest in Underlying Investment Funds managed by an Affiliated Adviser (as defined in Item 10) that invest in a broad set of Risk Premia investments, currently expected under normal market conditions to constitute a diverse set of different strategies or factors, including, without limitation value, carry, curve, trend/momentum, mean reversion, volatility, congestion opportunistic, hedge and other similar strategies, as well as equity specific low-beta, size, value, quality and momentum strategies. The Affiliated Adviser intends to implement the Risk Premia strategy primarily through total return swaps, and will gain such exposure through multiple counterparties. In addition, Risk Premia may also include futures, listed options and common stocks. The Portfolio Solutions business implements discretionary investment advice by integrating traditional and non-traditional investments through a single portfolio construction, philosophy and approach. We also act as a fiduciary adviser, a "manager of managers", for large pools of assets. In that role we assist the client in establishing the investment policy and guidelines and restrictions. In addition, we make and implement asset allocation decisions; and select, supervise and monitor the managers, which include affiliated and non-affiliated entities. As fiduciary adviser, we will report to the fiduciary or other person responsible for the overall management of the large pool of assets. Our investment advisory services are available through various bundled “wrap fee” programs (“Wrap Fee Programs”) sponsored by certain broker-dealers (“Sponsor(s)”), including affiliates of MSIM, to individual investors, including high net worth and retail investors. As used herein, the term Sponsor includes overlay managers to the extent a Wrap Fee Program utilizes an overlay manager. For a single “wrap” fee (a portion of which is paid to the Sponsor and a portion of which is received by us) the Sponsors offer our investment advisory services to their separately managed account clients and are generally, depending on the program, primarily responsible for: i. Monitoring and evaluating our performance; ii. Executing client portfolio transactions typically without additional commission charge (except that the client will be charged an added commission charge if we use a broker other than the Sponsor to execute trades); iii. Providing custodial services for clients’ assets; iv. Ensuring adherence to client guidelines, restrictions and/or client instructions; and/or v. Providing tax management services. We participate in certain Wrap Fee Programs pursuant to which we provide the Sponsors with a model portfolio that represents the securities we recommend in accordance with a particular investment strategy (the “Model Portfolio”). In most instances, we will communicate our recommendations comprising the Model Portfolio, and any changes thereto, to the Sponsors, who serve as investment advisers to the Wrap Fee Program clients and are responsible for implementation of any client-specific investment restrictions and for determining the suitability of our investment strategy for the client. Accordingly, the Sponsor will exercise investment discretion with respect to securities that are purchased or sold for clients of such Model Portfolio Wrap Fee Programs and will be responsible for executing trades and seeking best execution for such Wrap Fee Program accounts. Certain private funds and portfolios that we advise can hold interests in CLOs and CLO warehouse vehicles that we manage. We have the ability to invest client assets directly in these interests or to recommend such interests to clients, including in risk retention or first loss positions. These investments create conflicts of interest and result in clients bearing certain expenses, as described, respectively, in Items 11 and 5 below. See Items 5, Fees and Compensation, and 11, Code of Ethics, Participation or Interests in Client Transactions and Personal Trading, below for further discussion. For additional information regarding the specific investment strategies we employ please refer to Item 8, “Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss” in this Brochure.
Assets Under Management
As of December 31, 2018 we managed approximately $296,460,065,248 on a discretionary basis and $3,116,687,937 on a non-discretionary basis, totaling $299,576,753,185 of assets under management or supervision. please register to get more info
Management Fees
Our fees vary from the applicable schedules, attached as Appendix A, due to the particular circumstances of the client or as otherwise negotiated with particular clients, including clients in certain funds and pooled investment vehicles. In certain instances, we provide investment advisory or research services to clients for negotiated fixed fees based on the value of the services rendered and may, from time to time, receive a performance based fee, except in those jurisdictions that do not allow fees based on performance. Holdings in a client's account may include real estate investment trusts (“REITS”), investment companies (including exchange traded funds or “ETFs”) and other pooled vehicles for which a separate management fee is charged, including investment companies and other pooled vehicles advised by us or a related person. Fees are generally billed quarterly in arrears based on current or quarter-average market values. Certain accounts, however, are billed quarterly in advance. The timing of fee payments and method of calculation for particular clients may vary in accordance with client preferences. Typically, our services are terminable by either party upon written notification in accordance with the applicable contractual notice provision. Upon termination the fees described above (including performance fees, if any) generally will be prorated. The fees described herein are only the advisory fees charged by us and do not reflect custodial or other fees that may be applicable to your account. The fees described herein do not include information for advisory services we provide through Wrap Fee Programs. The terms of each client's separately managed account in a Wrap Fee Program is governed by the client's agreement with the Sponsor and disclosure document for each Wrap Fee Program. Wrap Fee Program clients are urged to refer to the appropriate disclosure document and client agreement for more information about the Wrap Fee Program and advisory services. The fees for a Wrap Fee Program may result in higher costs than a client would otherwise realize by paying standard fees and negotiating separate arrangements for trade execution, custodial and consulting services. Our advisory services are offered through Wrap Fee Programs that are sponsored by a MSIM affiliate, as well as through unaffiliated Wrap Fee Programs. MSIM and its affiliates will generally earn more compensation for advisory services offered through an affiliated Wrap Fee Program than offering the same services through a Wrap Fee Program with an unaffiliated Sponsor. Item 12, “Brokerage Practices”, further describes the factors that we consider in selecting or recommending broker-dealers for client transactions and determining the reasonableness of their compensation.
Asset Allocation
We provide asset allocation advice for fees that are negotiated and vary depending on your particular circumstances. The fee we charge for asset allocation advice is in addition to the fees we and our affiliates receive as adviser and/or administrator to certain open and closed end mutual funds (the “Morgan Stanley Funds”) and other pooled vehicles in which we may invest your portfolio’s assets. We generally do not charge advisory fees on separately managed client assets that are invested in the Morgan Stanley Funds in addition to the advisory fees that we charge to such Morgan Stanley Funds. Generally, fees billed to a separately managed client under the client's investment management contract will be reduced by the amount of any investment advisory fees (but not other fund level fees) that we receive from the Morgan Stanley Funds as a result of the client's investment in the Morgan Stanley Funds. Alternatively, in certain instances and/or in connection with investments by you in certain portfolios, assets invested in such portfolios will be excluded from your total assets for purposes of calculating your separate account fee. In those instances, you will pay the advisory fee payable by the applicable Morgan Stanley Fund portfolio, which may be higher than the fee generally payable under your investment management contract. In certain instances, we include the value of closed-end funds we manage, for purposes of determining the investment management fee payable to us. Clients receiving asset allocation services should refer to their advisory agreement for more information regarding their specific arrangement.
Fund of Hedge Funds
For advisory services rendered to the funds pursuing a fund of hedge funds investment strategy, we generally are entitled to a management fee in an amount (on an annualized basis) of up to (i) 1.50% of the net asset value of the applicable fund or SMA, or (ii) 1.50% of the aggregate capital commitment to the applicable fund or SMA. In the case of certain funds, the fees we charge may decrease over time upon the occurrence of certain events, as described in the governing documents of such funds or SMAs. In some cases, we or our affiliates are also entitled to and receive performance based fees or allocations which may be up to 10% of the investor’s net profits, and may be subject to a minimum hurdle rate and /or high water mark. In addition, for certain funds managed by us or an affiliate, we are generally entitled to carried interest with respect to each investor equal to 10% of such investor’s profits, subject to satisfaction of an 8% internal rate of return, compounded annually. Funds pursuing a fund of hedge funds investment strategy generally book fees (and as applicable, incentive allocation estimates) on a monthly basis or quarterly basis. Clients or investors should refer to the governing documents for the applicable fund or the investment advisory agreement governing their SMA relationship, for additional information regarding services and fees associated with the fund or SMA.
Private Markets Fund of Funds
For investment advisory services rendered to the funds pursuing a private markets fund of funds investment strategy, we are generally entitled to a management fee in an amount (on an annualized basis) of up to 1.75% either (i) the investor’s aggregate capital commitments to a fund, (ii) the investor’s attributable share of the aggregate capital commitments made by the fund to its Underlying Investment Funds (based on the acquisition costs of such investments) or (iii) the investor’s attributable share of the aggregate capital contributions made by the fund to its Underlying Investment Funds (excluding amounts constituting a return of a capital contribution by such underlying investments) and (iv) in respect of the fee is based on the investor’s aggregate contributions with respect to Underlying Investment Funds plus the investor’s attributable share of the aggregate unfunded capital commitments made by the applicable fund to its Underlying Investment Funds. In the case of certain funds, the fees charged by us may decrease over time upon the occurrence of certain events, as described in the governing materials of such funds. Funds that pursue a private markets fund of funds strategy, the management fee will be charged in addition to an investor’s capital commitment. In most cases, AIP or one of its affiliates is also entitled to receive performance based fees, which vary. We or our affiliates are generally entitled to carried interest with respect to each investor generally ranging from 5% - 15% of such investor’s profits, subject to satisfaction of an internal rate of return ranging from 6% - 10%, compounded annually. Funds pursuing a private markets investment strategy generally book fees on a quarterly basis and some of the funds are required to pay the management fee quarterly in advance. We do not provide refunds for such fees paid in advance. Clients or investors should refer to the governing documents for the applicable fund for additional information regarding services and fees associated with the fund.
Risk Premia
At this time an AIP affiliate manages a single Risk Premia fund (the “Risk Premia Fund”) which is only offered to Funds and SMAs managed by AIP. Currently no management or other fees are paid to either the affiliate or AIP in connection with advisory services for the Risk Premia Fund, and compensation is derived from management fees and other fees payable by the Funds or SMAs that invest in the Risk Premia Fund (see “Fund of Hedge Funds” discussion in this Section 5 above for a range of potential fees charged). In the future, Risk Premia products and Risk Premia Fund offerings to third party investors may be subject to fees payable to AIP or its affiliates.
Portfolio Solutions Group
For discretionary services rendered to investors in commingled funds, we generally are entitled to a fee in an amount (on an annualized basis) of up to .90% of the net asset value of the applicable account. Fees are recorded monthly within a fund.
Counterpoint Ventures Fund
As compensation for our advisory service as manager of the Counterpoint Ventures Fund, we collect management, servicing and performance fees as set forth in the fund’s governing documents. A more detailed description of these fees is included in the offering documents for the fund.
As compensation for our service as the collateral manager of the CLOs, we receive a senior collateral management fee, subordinated collateral management fee, and incentive collateral management fee (collectively, the “Collateral Management Fees”) each as described in detail in the CLO’s governing documents. The senior collateral management fee has a higher priority in a CLO’s priority of payment waterfall than the subordinated collateral management fee and the incentive collateral management fee. The incentive collateral management fee will be paid provided that a certain threshold is achieved. The senior collateral management fee and subordinated collateral management fee are typically paid quarterly in arrears, in accordance with the CLO’s governing documents. Performance fees are typically paid by the CLO if specific internal rates of return thresholds are achieved. Please consult the CLO’s governing documents for additional information regarding such Collateral Management Fees and Item 6 for a discussion of conflicts associated with performance-based fees. We can choose to discount fees for certain CLO investors.
Separately Managed Accounts
The fees we charge for separate account management services vary based on the particular circumstances of the client or as otherwise negotiated. Our services are terminable by either party in accordance with the applicable contractual notice provision. Generally, fees on separate accounts are billed quarterly in arrears, however, in some cases they are billed quarterly in advance. The timing of fee payments will vary in accordance with clients’ preferences. In addition to being subject to the fees we charge, the portion of each client account that is invested in a fund will also bear a proportionate share of the advisory fees and other expenses of the fund; however such fees and expenses may be waived and/or rebated at our discretion. Separately managed accounts may be invested in products sponsored or advised by our affiliates that carry product-level management fees and other expenses.
Expenses Charged to Clients/Fee Discounts
Fees and expenses investors in hedge fund of funds or private markets fund of funds strategies may expect to incur include, but are not limited to, the operating expenses and performance-based incentive fees or allocation of expenses of the Underlying Investment Funds in which the funds invest. Operating expenses typically consist of management fees, administration fees, professional fees (i.e., audit and legal fees), and other operating expenses. With respect to funds that pursue a private markets fund of funds strategy, the management fee will be in addition to an investor’s capital commitment. The CLO clients will bear fees and expenses as detailed in the CLO governing documents. The CLO will bear the costs and expenses (including the fees and disbursement of counsel and accountants but excluding all overhead costs and employees’ salaries) we incur in connection with the negotiation, preparation, and amendment of certain CLO governing documents. The CLO will reimburse us for fees, costs, and expenses we reasonably incur in connection with services provided under certain CLO governing documents, including: (a) the cost of legal advisers, consultants, rating agencies, accountants, brokers, and other professionals; (b) the cost of asset pricing and asset rating services, compliance services and software, accounting, and programming and data entry services; (c) all taxes, regulatory and governmental charges, and insurance premiums or expenses; (d) any and all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the acquisition or disposition of investments on behalf of the CLO and management of such investments; (e) expenses related to the preparation of reports for investors in the CLOs; (f) reasonable travel expenses; (g) expenses and costs in connection with investor conferences; (h) the cost of brokerage services; (i) the cost of bookkeeping, accounting, or recordkeeping services; (j) the cost of software programs licensed from a third party; (k) pricing service costs incurred in connection with valuing investments; and (l) the cost of audits. Investors in CLOs indirectly bear these fees/expenses through their ownership of CLO interests, although the impact on each investor will differ depending on the position of the fee/expense and the payments to the investor in the CLO’s priority of payments waterfall and the terms of the tranche held. Depending upon the terms of particular arrangements with clients, we may select or recommend that certain service providers to clients (including accountants, administrators, lenders, bankers, brokers, agents, attorneys, consultants, and investment or commercial banking firms) and/or their affiliates perform services for clients, the cost of which generally will be borne by the advisory client. These service providers, in some cases, also provide goods or services to or have business, personal, political, financial or other relationships with us or our affiliates. Such service providers may be investors in a fund, our affiliates, sources of investment opportunities or co-investors. These other services and relationships have the potential to influence us in deciding whether to select or recommend such a service provider to perform services for clients. Notwithstanding the foregoing, when making investment transactions on behalf of clients that require the use of a broker-dealer, we select broker-dealers for the execution of transactions in accordance with our duty to seek “best execution” (i.e., the most favorable overall price and execution) as detailed in “Best Execution and Brokerage Selection Factors” section of Item 12 “Brokerage Practices”. In certain circumstances, service providers, or their affiliates charge different rates or have different arrangements for services provided to Morgan Stanley, us or our affiliates as compared to services provided to the clients, which may result in more favorable rates or arrangements for Morgan Stanley or our affiliates than those payable by our clients. From time to time, we will be required to decide whether and to what extent costs and expenses are borne by a client, us, allocated among more than one client, or allocated among one or more clients and us. When expenses apply to more than one client, we will exercise our reasonable judgment when making allocation determinations. Clients and investors in funds advised by us, are generally required to bear out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred in connection with deals that are not ultimately completed. Typically, these expenses include (i) legal, accounting, advisory, consulting or other third-party expenses in connection with making an investment that is not ultimately consummated, (ii) all fees (including commitment fees), costs and expenses of lenders, investment banks and other financing sources in connection with arranging financing for a proposed investment that is not ultimately made, and (iii) any break-up fees, deposits or down payments of cash or other property which are forfeited in connection with a proposed investment that is not ultimately made (in each case, to the extent such investment is not ultimately made by another advisory client). Subject to applicable law and the relevant hedge fund of fund’s or private markets fund of fund's governing documents, we enter into arrangements with certain investors that have the effect of altering or supplementing the terms of such investors’ investments in a fund, including with respect to waivers or reductions of the management fee. The fees and expenses borne by clients and investors will generally reduce returns. please register to get more info
In some cases, we have entered into performance fee arrangements with qualified clients. Such fees are subject to individualized negotiation with each such client. Because portfolio managers often manage assets for other investment companies, pooled investment vehicles, CLOs and/or other accounts (including accounts of institutional clients and pension plans) with different fee schedules, the portfolio manager has an incentive to favor higher paying clients or accounts where we receive a performance-based fee over other accounts. In addition, a conflict could exist to the extent that we have proprietary investments in certain accounts, where portfolio managers have personal investments in certain accounts or when certain accounts are investment options in our employee benefits and/or deferred compensation plans. Although this doesn’t impact individual compensation, in such instances, the portfolio manager has an incentive to favor these accounts over others. A portfolio manager may also be faced with a conflict of interest when allocating investment opportunities, given the possibility of greater fees from accounts that pay performance-based fees as opposed to accounts that do not pay performance-based fees. If we manage accounts that engage in short sales of securities of the type in which the account invests, we could be seen as harming the performance of the account for the benefit of the accounts engaging in short sales if the short sales cause the market value of the securities to fall. For additional information on allocation issues and our practices, please refer to Item 12 “Brokerage Practices”. To address these types of conflicts, we have adopted policies and procedures pursuant to which allocation decisions may not be influenced by fee arrangements and investment opportunities will be allocated in a manner that we believe to be consistent with our obligations as an investment adviser. To further manage these types of conflicts, we have implemented Side-by-Side Management guidelines, which are designed to set out specific requirements regarding the side- by-side management of traditional investment portfolios (e.g., long-only portfolios) and alternative investment portfolios (e.g., hedge fund portfolios) in order to manage potential conflicts of interest, including without limitation, those associated with any differences in fee structures, investments in the alternative investment portfolios by MSIM or its employees and trading- related conflicts (including conflicts of interest that may also be raised when MSIM investment teams take conflicting (i.e., opposite direction) positions in the same or related securities for different accounts). In addition, we have established a Side-by-Side Management Subcommittee to help ensure that such conflicts are reviewed and managed appropriately. The Side-by-Side Subcommittee meets on a regular basis and is comprised of representatives from business areas and control functions. The responsibilities and duties of the Side-by-Side Subcommittee include, among other things, establishing and reviewing appropriate reporting to monitor and review investment and related activities in side-by-side management situations for the relevant business areas. please register to get more info
We provide advice to corporate pension and profit-sharing plans, corporate entities, individual investors (including high net worth and retail investors), insurance companies, state, local and foreign government entities and pension plans (including foreign pension funds), funds of one, supra-national organizations, endowments, sovereign wealth funds, educational institutions, foundations, charitable institutions, registered mutual funds, unregistered funds, collective investment trusts, CLOs, closed-end funds and foreign regulated funds such as SICAVs and SIFs. please register to get more info
We engage in the following significant Equity Investment Strategies:
Global Emerging Markets
The Emerging Markets Leaders Strategy seeks to invest in companies operating in emerging and frontier markets which feature superior business fundamentals including quality management, the potential to become leading or global brands, the ability to deliver sustainable or improving Returns on Equity (ROEs) and increasing returns on invested capital. The Global Emerging Markets Equity Strategy is a core strategy with a growth bias that seeks attractive long-term, risk-adjusted returns by investing in emerging market equities. To achieve its objective, the strategy combines top-down country allocation with bottom-up stock selection and disciplined risk management. The strategy exists on a global basis as well as within regional and country specific emerging markets. The Emerging Markets Small Cap Strategy focuses on identifying high-quality small cap investments across emerging and frontier markets, and seeks the most compelling opportunities by building an actively managed, focused portfolio of companies potentially positioned to benefit from these growth themes. To help achieve that objective, the team combines top-down country allocation with bottom-up stock selection. The China A Equity Strategy is a concentrated strategy focusing on seeking stocks with long-term secular growth and tactical positions in stocks with highly attractive valuation, healthy financials and strong cash flow with positive dynamics. To achieve its objective, the strategy combines top- down macro analysis with bottom-up stock selection and disciplined risk management.
Counterpoint Global
The Advantage Strategy seeks long term capital appreciation. To achieve its objective, the investment team seeks high-quality established companies with strong name recognition, sustainable competitive advantages, strong current period free-cash-flow yield and a focus on long- term growth rather than short-term events, with stock selection informed by rigorous fundamental analysis. This strategy exists on a U.S., international and global basis (e.g., Global Advantage, International Advantage). The Growth Strategy seeks long term capital appreciation. To achieve its objective, the investment team seeks high-quality, established and emerging companies with sustainable competitive advantages, and focuses on long-term growth rather than short-term events, with stock selection informed by rigorous fundamental analysis. The strategy exists across market capitalizations (e.g., Inception, Discovery, Insight). The Opportunity Strategy seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing in high-quality established and emerging companies that the investment team believes are undervalued at the time of purchase. To achieve its objective, the investment team seeks companies with sustainable competitive advantages and long-term growth that creates value, rather than focusing on short- term events, with stock selection informed by rigorous fundamental analysis. This strategy exists on a Global, Regional and Customizable basis. The Venture Strategy seeks to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns primarily through direct investments in equity (and other securities that are expected to have equity-like returns) of private companies that the investment team believes are high-quality, emerging-growth private companies likely to achieve a liquidity event, such as an initial public offering or sale, within three to five years of investment. This strategy invests primarily in private companies based and operating in North America, but may also invest outside of North America.
European Equity
The European Equity Alpha Strategy seeks to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in a concentrated portfolio of equity securities of high quality companies that are listed on the European stock exchange with sustainable competitive advantages, strong cash-flow generation, and high returns on investment. To achieve this objective, the investment team employs disciplined, fundamental analysis to identify those companies that trade at a discount to their long-term intrinsic value. The Eurozone Equity Alpha Strategy seeks to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in a concentrated portfolio of equity securities of high quality companies domiciled or exercising the predominant part of their economic activity in the Eurozone with sustainable competitive advantages, strong cash-flow generation, and high returns on investment. To achieve this objective, the investment team employs disciplined, fundamental analysis to identify those companies that trade at a discount to their long- term intrinsic value. The European Champions Strategy seeks to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing in European companies with a demonstrable track record of superior returns that possess a prominent and sustainable position in their field, potentially enabling superior profitability and investment returns. To achieve this objective, the investment team combines quantitative filters with rigorous qualitative analysis to create a concentrated, high conviction portfolio with a high active share.
International Equity
The Global Franchise Strategy invests bottom-up in a concentrated portfolio of high quality, well managed companies at a reasonable price. Characterized by their powerful intangible assets, notably bands and networks, these companies have high and stable returns on operating capital which the team believes can be sustained for the long term. The strategy seeks to generate attractive long-term performance with reduced downside participation in challenging markets. The Global Quality Strategy is a concentrated, global equity strategy that offers a disciplined approach to investing in a portfolio of what we believe to be world class companies. The strategy seeks to generate attractive, long-term absolute and relative returns with good potential upside while retaining a clear focus on reduced downside participation. The strategy uses fundamental analysis and bottom-up stock selection to identify companies characterized by resilient, high cross- cycle, unlevered returns on capital, and strong free cash flow generation. The strategy aims to buy these stocks at attractive valuations relative to their cash flow based fundamental analysis. This strategy is also available excluding issuers which invest in, or derive income from, tobacco products. The International Equity Strategy invests primarily in equity securities domiciled outside of the U.S. The strategy invests in a diversified portfolio of two types of stocks: attractively priced High Quality Compounders, companies characterized by high returns on capital and strong free cash flow generation and Value Opportunities, companies with reasonable and/or improving fundamentals; the mix of the two types of stocks varies over time based on attractive valuation and company prospects. The Strategy seeks to provide superior returns over the long term by providing attractive absolute returns in rising markets while offering a measure of reduced downside participation in challenging markets. This strategy is also available with limited US exposure. The Global Sustain Strategy offers a high quality approach to ESG investing with a clearly defined process. The Strategy invests in high-quality companies at reasonable valuations that can sustain their high returns on operating capital over the long term. The Strategy seeks to provide attractive long-term returns with less long-term volatility than the broader market.
Applied Equity Advisors
The Applied Equity Advisors team uses a combination of quantitative factor models and fundamental stock selection to seek investment opportunities in companies with attractive valuations, above-average appreciation potential and competitive dividend yields. As 65 % and 35% of a manager’s return are derived by common factor exposures and stock selection, the team believes that individual stock and overall portfolio performance can be maximized by using both 1) Factor Timing and 2) Stock Selection Engines. Regarding the Factor Timing engine, as neither machines nor humans have perfect predictive powers, they believe the best outcomes are derived from a combination of quantitative output (the Grey Box) and qualitative overlay (Touch and Feel) to evaluate how much momentum a certain factor has, whether that factor is cheap or expensive, and whether the timing is right to be tilted toward that factor for any given region. The Stock Selection Engine begins its work once the desired factor positioning is understood. The Applied Equity Advisors Strategies are highly active long-only equity portfolios of fundamentally attractive stocks which the team believes could benefit from what they have identified to be quantitative investment styles likely to outperform in a particular region. The strategies exist on a U.S. Core, Global Core and Global Concentrated basis. The Applied Equity Advisors team also manages Enhanced Index strategies that rely fully on the team’s Factor Timing engine. The strategies seek to achieve performance of the benchmark net of fees. The strategies hold a representative basket of securities, closely aligned from a sector, style, and capitalization perspective with the underlying benchmark. The strategy exists on an Enhanced Index Russell 1000 basis.
Global Listed Real Assets
The Global Real Estate Securities Strategy seeks attractive long-term, risk-adjusted returns by investing in publicly traded real estate securities that offer exposure to the direct real estate markets at the best value relative to underlying asset values and growth prospects, primarily in developed countries worldwide. The investment team utilizes proprietary research to drive a long-term, value- oriented, bottom-up driven investment process and also incorporates top-down analyses. This strategy is available on a global, international and regional basis (e.g., U.S., North America, Europe, Asia). The Global Real Estate Securities Best Ideas Strategy and Global Concentrated Real Estate Securities Strategy seek to invest in publicly-traded real estate securities that offer the highest total expected returns on a risk-adjusted basis worldwide. To help achieve its objective, the investment team implements a rigorous, bottom-up, value-oriented investment approach to select the team’s highest conviction ideas. Depending upon client requirements, those strategies can be implemented in a highly customized manner. The Global Infrastructure Securities Strategy seeks attractive long-term, risk-adjusted returns by investing in publicly traded infrastructure securities that offer exposure to the direct infrastructure markets at the best value relative to underlying asset values and growth prospects worldwide. The investment team utilizes proprietary research to drive a long-term, value-oriented, bottom-up driven investment process and also incorporates top-down analyses. The Global Infrastructure Securities Unconstrained Strategy seeks an annualized targeted return at or in excess of OECD G7 Inflation plus 5% over a rolling 3 year period by investing in publicly traded infrastructure securities. To help achieve its objective, the strategy invests in public infrastructure companies that they believe offer the best value relative to their underlying assets and growth prospects on a risk-adjusted basis. Portfolios are constructed utilizing a process that emphasizes bottom-up analysis, and the strategy may opportunistically make use of various derivative instruments to insure against specific top-down risks (i.e., interest rate risk, equity market downside). Additionally, currency hedging may be implemented in order to mitigate the impact of currency movements on total return. The Liquid Real Assets Strategy seeks to deliver total return, targeted to be in excess of inflation, through capital appreciation and current income by primarily investing in real assets, which may include publicly- traded real estate, publicly-traded infrastructure companies, equities (including natural resource related equities), commodity-linked investments (including exposure to precious metals), master limited partnerships, Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities and other fixed income securities. The strategy will invest in companies or issuers of any size market capitalization located throughout the world, including investment in foreign securities and emerging markets. The strategy is managed as independent sub-portfolios for each real asset class with an asset allocation that aims to optimize the balance between return potential and risk across the publicly traded real asset categories. Across the underlying real asset categories, the investment approach combines a top-down process with bottom-up stock selection, with each team providing bottom- up insight into their specialist areas, determining sub-sector and regional preferences within listed real assets.
Active International Allocation
The Active International Allocation Strategy seeks long-term capital appreciation by leveraging a proprietary, top-down framework to quantitatively and qualitatively rank developed and emerging countries, where allocation decisions are based on a country’s projected future economic growth and equity market return potential. The approach combines country analysis with sector allocation and bottom-up stock selection, where investment decisions are implemented either through sector, industry or stock-specific allocations within and across markets. Investments are based on fundamental analysis, in an effort to identify those equities that stand to benefit the most from the team’s investment view.
Global Multi-Asset
The Absolute Return Strategy seeks to achieve absolute returns by investing in a blend of equity and fixed income securities of U.S. and non-U.S. issuers. It is a global macro strategy that seeks to identify and exploit inefficiencies between markets, regions and sectors to deliver returns in excess of a customized financial benchmark. In seeking to achieve this investment objective, the strategy utilizes a global tactical approach to achieving total return, and to control risk and volatility. The Global Tactical Asset Allocation Strategy seeks to achieve total return by investing in a blend of equity and fixed income securities of U.S. and non-U.S issuers. It is a global macro strategy that seeks to identify and exploit inefficiencies between markets, regions, and sectors to deliver returns in excess of a customized financial benchmark. In seeking to achieve this investment objective, the strategy utilizes a global tactical approach to achieving total return, and to control risk and volatility.
We engage in the following significant Fixed Income Investment Strategies:
Global Fixed Income (includes U.S. and non-U.S.)
The Global Fixed Income Strategies combine a top-down assessment of the global bond universe with rigorous bottom-up fundamental and/or quantitative analysis. The process begins with a top-down value assessment of the bond universe, including a consideration of macroeconomic conditions, business cycles, and relative valuations. The team seeks first to identify areas where implied market forecasts are out of line relative to historic trends and second, to identify what the catalyst will be for the market to adjust, and for the sector to re- value. From these assessments, the Asset Allocation team sets the broad overall investment direction. Portfolio managers subsequently work with our research analysts to implement these ideas across fixed income portfolios, in accordance with each portfolio’s objectives and guidelines. Macro Analysis: The team seeks to determine which themes are driving asset prices across rates, countries, and currencies and to evaluate the investment opportunity set based on a thematic investment thesis. The top-down process uses a combination of fundamental and quantitative analysis to identify and evaluate these investment opportunities. Asset Allocation: The primary role of the Asset Allocation team is to identify the key drivers of fixed income markets and to determine the relative attractiveness of each sector of the fixed income market, together with interest rate and currency positions. The team seeks first to identify areas where implied market forecasts are out of line relative to historic trends and second, to identify the catalyst for the market to adjust. Internal debate is a key feature of the team’s investment philosophy, ensuring investment ideas are tested thoroughly. The team debates relative value across sectors and recommends broad strategy. The team believes this creates a balanced and complete approach, ensuring that all fixed income asset classes are evaluated. Crucially, the team examines correlations and risks across fixed income markets. Ultimately, the team aims to identify the investments with the best risk/reward profile to implement our investment themes. Research: Research is conducted by dedicated teams specializing in a particular niche of the fixed income market. The research teams use in-depth fundamental analysis, complemented by quantitative tools, to generate bottom-up investment ideas and are responsible for security selection. The teams’ commitment to research is exemplified by the integration of their research and portfolio management teams, which ensures that their research findings are incorporated in their portfolio management activities. Each of the teams’ fixed income investment professionals is a member of one of their research teams covering Credits, Mortgages, Emerging Market Debt, and Macro. The portfolio managers and research analysts interact daily through informal meetings and regularly scheduled formal meetings throughout the week. This provides a robust forum for debate, review and implementation of investment ideas. Research analysts provide support to the portfolio managers, as well as critical input to the investment decision-making process. Portfolio Construction: Portfolio managers are responsible for implementing the investment strategies. They work to construct each portfolio in a way that conforms to individual client/strategy guidelines and objectives, while staying true to the broad strategy targets that are set by the Asset Allocation team. The portfolio managers achieve these targets by working with the research analysts to fill the sector buckets with bottom-up security selection ideas. This ensures that portfolios are both consistently benefiting from the team’s best investment ideas and adhering to client guidelines and risk/return objectives.
The Global Aggregate Strategy seeks attractive total returns from income and price appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of multicurrency debt issued by government and non- government issuers. To help achieve this objective, the strategy combines a top-down macroeconomic assessment, with rigorous bottom-up fundamental analysis and active currency management (where appropriate). The Global Convertible Strategy seeks attractive total returns by investing in convertible bonds issued globally. The strategy is designed to take advantage of the attractive risk/return characteristics of convertible bonds by allowing meaningful participation in equity market growth while attempting to provide downside protection through fixed income. The Global Credit Strategy seeks attractive total returns from income and price appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of multi-currency debt issued by corporations and non- government related issuers. To help achieve this objective, the strategy combines a top-down macroeconomic assessment to determine optimal beta positioning for the portfolio with rigorous bottom-up fundamental analysis. The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Strategy seeks attractive total return in any market cycle. The strategy maximizes the benefits of its global approach across all the sub-asset classes in Fixed Income to ensure “best ideas” are included. It focuses on absolute and risk-adjusted return over tracking error and benchmark, investing across currency, credit and interest rate markets. The strategy includes exposures to asset classes such as emerging markets, high yield, ABS/MBS, and convertibles. The Global High Yield Strategy is an active, value-oriented fixed income strategy that seeks to maximize total returns from income and price appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of debt issued by corporations and non-government issuers. The strategy utilizes a bottom-up credit intensive approach that looks for relative value opportunities, integrated with top- down macro analysis. The Global Sovereign Strategy seeks attractive total returns from income and price appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of multicurrency debt issued by government issuers. To help achieve this objective, the strategy combines a top-down macroeconomic assessment, with rigorous bottom-up fundamental analysis and active currency management (where appropriate). The Global Buy and Hold Strategy is an unconstrained fixed-income strategy that seeks income generation and price appreciation by investing in the most attractive sectors and a globally diversified portfolio of debt issued from various sectors of the fixed income universe. To help achieve this objective, the strategy combines a top-down proprietary quantitative model (bespoke for B&H portfolios) which screens through a large universe of eligible investments along with rigorous bottom-up fundamental analysis to build a portfolio to meet the criteria of the product. The Global Securitized Strategy seeks to provide an attractive rate of total return, measured in U.S. dollars, through investments primarily in U.S. and global residential mortgage-backed securities, commercial mortgage-backed securities, and asset-backed securities.
The European Aggregate Core/Core Plus Strategy seeks attractive total returns from income and price appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of Government and non-government debt denominated in euro. To achieve this objective, the strategy combines a top-down assessment of the macroeconomic conditions to evaluate the government bond universe alongside rigorous bottom-up fundamental analysis in order to assess the non-government fixed income and corporate bonds. The European Credit Strategy seeks attractive total returns from income and price appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of primarily euro-denominated debt issued by corporations and non- government related issuers. To achieve this objective, the strategy combines a top-down macroeconomic assessment, to determine optimal beta positioning for the portfolio, with rigorous bottom-up fundamental analysis. The European High Yield Bond Strategy seeks attractive returns through investing in a globally diversified portfolio of primarily high yielding fixed income securities. The team invests mainly in euro- denominated debt issued by corporations that offer a yield above that generally available on investment- grade debt securities. To achieve its objective, the strategy combines a top-down macroeconomic assessment, to determine optimal beta positioning for the portfolio, with rigorous bottom-up fundamental analysis. The European Strategic Bond Strategy seeks attractive total returns from income and price appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of government, corporation, and non- government debt denominated in euro and non-euro currencies. To achieve this objective, the strategy combines a top-down assessment of macroeconomic conditions and the corporate bond universe with rigorous bottom-up fundamental analysis. The strategy has a broad investment universe and can purchase securities rated BB- and above. The European Absolute Return Strategy seeks attractive total returns from income and price appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of government, corporation, and non- government debt denominated in euro and non-euro currencies. To achieve this objective, the strategy combines a top-down assessment of macroeconomic conditions and the corporate bond universe with rigorous bottom-up fundamental analysis.
The Sterling Credit Strategy seeks attractive total returns from income and price appreciation by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of primarily sterling denominated debt issued by corporations and non- government related issuers. To achieve this objective, the fund combines a top-down macroeconomic assessment, to determine optimal beta positioning for the portfolio, with rigorous bottom-up fundamental analysis.
Strategic Income
The Strategic Income Strategy invests in fixed income securities across a spectrum of asset classes including, investment-grade, emerging markets, high yield, ABS/MBS, and convertibles. The Portfolio's unconstrained approach provides the flexibility to allocate across these fixed income sectors and seek the best ideas through bottom-up security selection globally. It focuses on absolute and risk-adjusted return over tracking error and benchmark, investing across currency, credit and interest rate markets. The aim is also to construct a portfolio with less sensitivity to interest rate movements and the potential to capture positive returns across varying interest rate environments.
The Core/Core Plus Strategy seeks above-average total return over a market cycle of 3-5 years, using a disciplined, research-driven approach to identify attractive value and is index aware. Many mandates are customized to client’s objectives. The portfolio team strives to balance these risks to shape the portfolio by monitoring interest rates, inflation, the shape of the yield curve, credit risk, prepayment risk, country risk and currency valuations. The Investment Grade Corporate Strategy is a value-oriented fixed income strategy that seeks attractive total returns from income and price appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of predominantly investment grade debt issued by corporations and other non-government issuers. To help achieve this objective, the strategy combines a top-down macroeconomic assessment, to determine optimal beta positioning for the portfolio, with rigorous bottom-up fundamental analysis. The Short & Limited Duration Strategy seeks to offer clients an attractive risk-adjusted return with low volatility. Many mandates are customized to client’s specific objectives. The U.S. High Yield Strategy is an active, value-oriented fixed income strategy that seeks to maximize total returns from income and price appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of U.S. high yield debt issued by corporations and non-government issuers. To help achieve this objective, the strategy uses a bottom-up, credit-intensive approach that looks for relative value opportunities. The U.S. Long Duration Strategy seeks above-average total return over a market cycle of 3-5 years, using a disciplined, research-driven approach to identify attractive value and is index aware. Many mandates are customized to client’s specific objectives. The U.S. Mortgage Securities Strategy seeks to provide an attractive rate of return through investments in high credit-quality mortgage related securities. The strategy primarily invests in residential mortgage- backed securities issued by government agencies, but also invests in highly- rated asset-backed securities, commercial mortgage-backed securities and residential mortgage- backed securities issued by private institutions.
Emerging Markets
Macro analysis: The team begins with a top-down macro analysis of the global environment, and examines the impact of various geopolitical, economic and business trends (including global economic growth, business and inflation cycles, and commodities prices) on a universe of 70 or more emerging market countries. The output of the team’s macro analysis is an overall risk assessment and risk target for the overall portfolio. Country analysis: The team’s objective is to identify countries that exhibit signs of positive rates of fundamental change using frameworks that meld economic, political and social assessments. In analyzing economic factors, it distinguishes between policies (such as fiscal, monetary and exchange rate regimes), and objectives (for example GDP growth, inflation, external accounts and debt serviceability). The team focuses on the governments’ ability to formulate and implement policies and on the economy’s responsiveness to them. It also emphasizes socio-political factors including political risks, leadership, election calendars, regime changes and social stability. Security selection: The team screens a universe of sovereign, quasi-sovereign and corporate fixed income securities in each country for the most attractive opportunities. This is based on risk/return profiles for EM Domestic Debt and EM External Debt Strategies. The EM Corporate Debt Strategy selects securities based on yield, targeted duration, security, covenants and other considerations. The Emerging Markets Domestic (Local Currency) Debt Strategy is a value-oriented fixed income strategy that seeks high total return from income and price appreciation by investing in a range of sovereign, quasi- sovereign and corporate debt securities in emerging markets. Investments are mostly denominated in emerging market and/or non-U.S. currencies. To achieve its objective, the strategy combines top-down country allocation with bottom-up security selection. All investment recommendations undergo peer review, and final decisions with respect to portfolio construction and market-risk exposure are made on a team basis. The Emerging Markets External Debt Strategy is a value-oriented fixed income strategy that seeks high total return from income and price appreciation by investing in a range of sovereign, quasi- sovereign and corporate debt securities in emerging markets. Investments are mostly denominated in U.S. currency, and, to a lesser extent, in non-U.S. and/or local currencies. To achieve its objective, the strategy combines top- down country allocation with bottom-up security selection. All investment recommendations undergo peer review, and final decisions with respect to portfolio construction and market-risk exposure are made on a team basis. The Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Strategy is a value-oriented fixed income strategy that seeks to maximize total return from income and price appreciation by primarily investing across the credit spectrum in the debt securities of emerging market corporate issuers. Investments are mostly denominated in U.S. currency, and include non-U.S. and/or local currencies. To achieve its objective, the team follows a disciplined investment process that combines top-down country allocation with bottom-up credit analysis to identify undervalued emerging market corporate debt securities. All investment recommendations undergo peer review, and final decisions with respect to portfolio construction and market-risk exposure are made on a team basis. The Emerging Markets Fixed Income Opportunities Strategy seeks high total return from income and price appreciation by investing in a range of sovereign, quasi-sovereign and corporate debt securities in emerging markets, which may include U.S. dollar-denominated, local currency, and corporate debt securities. We believe that emerging markets experiencing positive fundamental change may present attractive investment opportunities for investors. To help achieve its objective, the strategy combine top- down country allocation with bottom-up security selection.
Liquidity Separate Account Strategy
The Liquidity Separate Account Strategy seeks preservation of capital, liquidity, and current income as its objective. The strategy may invest in liquid, high quality U.S. dollar-denominated money market eligible instruments of U.S. and foreign corporations (both financial and non- financial) and obligations issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government and its agencies and instrumentalities, foreign securities, asset-backed securities, repurchase agreements and local authority obligations. The investment team utilizes proprietary research to drive a value-oriented, fundamental investment process that combines bottom-up and top-down analysis.
Alternative Investment Strategy
The core of our investment approach is a research intensive strategy and manager selection process intended to exploit market inefficiencies and other situations outside the mainstream of conventional investing while minimizing risk. Investments managed on a discretionary basis are selected opportunistically and managed dynamically from the complete range of liquid and private market strategies appropriate for each account. The offering documents and/or governing documents and, in applicable cases, the client's investment management agreement provide a fuller description of the types of Underlying Investment Funds in which we cause an account to invest. Our personnel use a wide range of resources to identify attractive Underlying Investment Funds and promising investment strategies for consideration in connection with investments by the accounts. Our main sources of information include contacts with industry executives, established business relationships, and research materials prepared by others.
Fund of Hedge Funds Strategy
Our fund of hedge funds investment process consists of (i) investing in funds managed by Underlying Investment Managers who employ a variety of non-traditional liquid market investment strategies; (ii) investing in certain investment funds managed in a traditional style; and (iii) making secondary market purchases of Underlying Investment Funds. Non-traditional investment strategies include a wide range of arbitrage (convertible bond, statistical, term structure, merger, mortgage-backed security, global bond and capital structure), long-short equities and bonds, convergence, directional trading, distressed securities and options. These strategies allow Underlying Investment Managers the flexibility to use leverage or short-sale positions to take advantage of perceived inefficiencies across capital markets and are referred to as “alternative investment strategies”. “Traditional” investment companies are characterized generally by long- only investments and limits on the use of leverage. Underlying Investment Funds following alternative investment strategies (whether hedged or not) are often described as “hedge funds”. We may also seek to gain investment exposure, on behalf of an account, to certain Underlying Investment Funds or to adjust market or risk exposure by, among other things, entering into derivative transactions such as total return swaps, options and futures, and investments in the Risk Premia fund. Some of our Hedge Fund Solutions clients may also invest in Targeted Opportunities as part of their investment strategy. For certain funds that employ a fund of hedge funds investment strategy we manage a portion of such fund's assets in overlay strategies related to portable alpha applications of its alternative investments. Portable alpha is the process whereby alpha (defined as the return in excess of the risk-free rate) is transported onto a traditional asset class return (such as equities or fixed income) to enhance the return of the monies allocated to the underlying asset class without necessitating an alteration in the investor's asset allocation. For example, we may enter into a total return swap (with an external counterparty) on behalf of the fund for the total return on the S&P 500 Index in exchange for payments of Libor + 50 basis points. The net return to the investor = (Fund of hedge funds return + S&P 500) - (Libor + 50 basis points). In some situations, an Underlying Investment Manager will agree to accept direct investments from our clients or the clients of our affiliate into an Investment Fund. We provide investment recommendations and/or portfolio construction advisory services focusing on such Investment Funds in arrangements where the clients retain investment discretion. For these client-direct investments, we do not utilize leverage.
Risk Premia Strategy
Certain Clients may, as a part of their investment strategy, invest in Underlying Investment Funds managed by an Affiliated Adviser that invest in a broad set of Risk Premia Investments, currently expected under normal market conditions to constitute a diverse set of different strategies or factors, including, without limitation value, carry, curve, trend/momentum, mean reversion, volatility, congestion opportunistic, hedge and other similar strategies, as well as equity specific low-beta, size, value, quality and momentum strategies. A risk budgeting layer is implemented to adjust the Risk Premia strategy’s portfolio based on the Affiliated Adviser’s fundamental understanding of the premia. The Affiliated Adviser intends to implement the Risk Premia strategy primarily through total return swaps, and will gain such exposure through multiple counterparties. It is expected that these total return swaps will be based on custom risk premia indices, each with a published methodology containing the index-specific rulebook regarding construction. The Risk Premia strategy may also buy and sell futures, listed options and common stocks. The Affiliated Adviser will generally invest in Risk Premia Investments directly, but may also invest indirectly, through Underlying Investment Funds who invest in Risk Premia strategies. Risk Premia Investments seek to generate returns through particular investments in the broader securities markets that are designed to give exposure to independent risk factors, such as price momentum, size risk, commodity carry risk, and currency carry risk. These strategies call for investments in securities possessing one or more attributes that have historically been associated with, or are otherwise believed to offer, attractive investor returns as a result of their exposure to a particular risk factor.
Private Market Fund of Funds
For our Private Market Funds of Funds strategies, consists of three primary investment approaches: (i) primary commitments to Underlying Investment Funds; (ii) co- investments, primarily alongside our existing primary Underlying Investment Managers; and (iii) secondary market purchases of existing private markets Underlying Investment Funds and other private markets assets. Our Private Markets Fund of Funds strategies may, in some cases, make investments in other Underlying Investment Funds (both on a primary or secondary basis) or Co-Investments, such as illiquid private assets sourced from other alternative investment vehicles and/or publicly traded securities of private markets businesses or funds (“Other Investments”). Our Private Markets Fund of Funds investment process generally consists of making primary commitments to and investing in private markets funds managed by Underlying Investment Managers who employ a variety of non-traditional private markets investment strategies, including buyouts, growth capital, venture capital, distressed companies, special situations, mezzanine, real assets partnership interests purchased and sold on the secondary markets, emerging markets and other categories. A Private Markets Fund of Funds Client may also make Other Investments and Co-Investments in any of the aforementioned strategies as part of its overall investment strategy.
Portfolio Solutions Group
The Portfolio Solutions Group (“PSG”) has developed proprietary approaches for measuring the risk and return of alternative investments and incorporating them within a broader portfolio. PSG designs and manages highly customized multi-asset investment portfolios and advises its clients on all aspects of portfolio construction, including: (i) analyzing manager performance (both hedge funds and traditional managers); (ii) creating strategic portfolios that include equities, fixed income, alternative investments; and developing commitment strategies for private equity and real estate investments and portfolio transition plans.
Structured Products
For our Collateralized Loan Obligation (“CLO”) Strategy, clients may obtain exposure to a portfolio of CLOs backed by leveraged, broadly syndicated, floating rate, U.S. loan facilities. The strategy is managed by the Leveraged Credit team within our Global Fixed Income Group, and aims to construct diversified CLO portfolios on the basis of a disciplined, bottom-up fundamental credit analysis that is designed to optimize risk and return, and actively manage portfolio drift.
Managed Solutions Group - Defensive U.S. Large Cap Core Equity
The Defensive U.S. Large Cap Core Equity Strategy is currently offered to retail and institutional investors through wrap fee sponsor platforms and direct separate managed account mandates.
The Morgan Stanley Defensive U.S. Large Cap Core Equity strategy is an enhanced beta offering which seeks to provide investors with core U.S. Large Cap Equity market exposure, but in a more defensive way and with lower volatility than traditional equity investments. This outcome- oriented solution seeks to offer S&P 500 index exposure. This strategy is meant to be used as a strategic allocation which seeks to complement diversification as an additional risk management tool for client portfolios. During muted and down markets, the strategy seeks to outperform the equity market by designing and implementing a portfolio with partial downside protection as well as amplified upside participation to a predefined level. The investment management team will use both a qualitative and a quantitative approach when constructing and maintaining the structured investment laddered portfolio. The maturity dates will be staggered such that approximately one note will mature each month with the anticipation that proceeds will be rolled into a new note creating a structured note ladder that lasts in perpetuity. Clients investing in this strategy should understand that there will be periods of time, in particular, when initially investing the account, where the client’s assets will not be fully invested and therefore, will have limited market exposure. Any uninvested cash within the account will be swept into the bank deposit program at our affiliate, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. No advisory fees will be assessed by MSIM or its affiliate on the cash held in the account or in the bank deposit program. As with all managed investment strategies, transaction costs will be borne by the client at the account’s net asset value. These costs, which are not reflected in the investment management fee, will affect the strategy’s performance. The strategy offers daily liquidity on a best efforts basis under normal market conditions.
Risk Considerations
All investing and trading activities risk the loss of capital. Although we will attempt to moderate these risks, no assurance can be given that the investment activities of an account or fund we advise will achieve the investment objectives of such account or fund or avoid losses. Direct and indirect investing in securities involves risk of loss that you should be prepared to bear. Set forth below are some of the material risk factors that are often associated with the types of investment strategies and techniques and types of securities relevant to many of our clients. The information included in this Brochure does not include every potential risk associated with an investment strategy, technique or type of security applicable to a particular client account. Clients are urged to ask questions regarding risks applicable to a particular strategy or investment product, read all product-specific risk disclosures and consult with their own legal, tax and financial advisors to determine whether a particular investment strategy or type of security is suitable for their account in light of their specific circumstances, investment objectives and financial situation. Risk Considerations Associated with Investing - In General. The following is a non-exhaustive description of risks associated with investments generally and/or may apply to one or more type of security or investment technique.
• General Economic and Market Risks. The success of an account’s activities may be affected by general economic and market conditions, such as interest rates, availability of credit, inflation rates, economic uncertainty, changes in laws, and national and international political circumstances. These factors may affect the level and volatility of security prices and liquidity of the account’s investments. Unexpected volatility or lack of liquidity, such as the general market conditions that have prevailed recently, could impair the account’s profitability or result in its suffering losses. Economies and financial markets throughout the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, which increases the likelihood that events or conditions in one country or region will adversely impact markets or issuers in other countries or regions.
• Volatility Risks. The prices of commodities contracts and all derivatives, including futures and options, can be highly volatile. Accounts and Underlying Investment Funds that trade in commodities contracts and derivatives are subject to the risk that trading activity in such securities may be dramatically reduced or cease at any time, whether due to general market turmoil, problems experienced by a single issuer or a market sector or other factors. If trading in particular securities or classes of securities is impaired, it may be difficult for an account or Underlying Investment Fund to properly value any of its assets represented by such securities.
• Inadequate Return Risk. No assurance can be given that the returns will be commensurate with the risk of your investment. You should not commit money to an account unless you have the resources to sustain the loss of your entire investment. Any losses are borne solely by you and not by us or our affiliates.
• Inside Information Risk. From time to time, we may come into possession of material, non- public information concerning an entity in which an account has invested, or proposes to invest. Possession of that information may limit our ability to buy or sell securities of the entity on your behalf.
• Principal Investment Activities. Morgan Stanley generally invests directly in private equity and real estate private equity through other divisions. As a consequence, other than co-investments made by certain accounts alongside those private equity or private equity real estate fund managers into whose funds an investment team has invested on a primary basis, not every direct private equity or private equity real estate investment that meets an account’s investment objectives may be made available to our accounts.
• Cyber Security-Related Risks. We are susceptible to cyber security risks that include, among other things, theft, unauthorized monitoring, release, misuse, loss, destruction or corruption of confidential and highly restricted data; denial of service attacks; unauthorized access to relevant systems, compromises to networks or devices that we and our service providers, if applicable, use to service our client accounts; or operational disruption or failures in the physical infrastructure or operating systems that support us or our service providers, if applicable. Cyber attacks against, or security breakdowns of, us or our service providers, if applicable, may adversely impact us and our clients, potentially resulting in, among other things, financial losses; our inability to transact business on behalf of our clients; violations of applicable privacy and other laws; regulatory fines, penalties, reputational damage, reimbursement or other compensation costs; and/or additional compliance costs. We may incur additional costs related to cyber security risk management and remediation. In addition, cyber security risks may also impact issuers of securities in which we invest on behalf of our clients, which may cause our clients’ investment in such issuers to lose value. There can be no assurance that we or our service providers, if applicable, will not suffer losses relating to cyber-attacks or other information security breaches in the future. While we have established business continuity and risk management systems seeking to address system breaches or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems.
Legal and Regulatory Risks.
• The regulation of the U.S. and non-U.S. securities and futures markets has undergone substantial change over the past decade and such change may continue. In particular, in light of market turmoil there have been numerous proposals, including bills that have been introduced in the U.S. Congress, for substantial revisions to the regulation of financial institutions generally. In addition, regulatory change in the past few years has significantly altered the regulation of commodity interests and comprehensively regulated the OTC derivatives markets for the first time in the United States. Further, the practice of short selling has been the subject of numerous temporary restrictions, and similar restrictions may be promulgated at any time. Such restrictions may adversely affect the returns of accounts and Underlying Investment Funds that utilize short selling. The effect of such regulatory change on the accounts and/or the Underlying Investment Funds, while impossible to predict, could be substantial and adverse.
• Section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Act (commonly referred to as the “Volcker Rule”), along with regulations issued by the Federal Reserve and other U.S. federal financial regulators (“Implementing Regulations”) generally prohibit “banking entities” (which term includes bank holding companies and their affiliates) from investing in, sponsoring, or having certain types of relationships with, private equity funds or hedge funds (referred to in the Implementing Regulations as “covered funds”). Banking entities (including Morgan Stanley and its affiliates) were required to bring their activities and investments into conformance with the Volcker Rule by July 21, 2015, subject to certain extensions granted by the U.S. Federal Reserve that allow Morgan Stanley and its affiliates until July 21, 2022 at the latest to bring certain of their covered fund activities and investments into compliance with certain aspects of the Volcker Rule. The Volcker Rule and the Implementing Regulations impose a number of restrictions on Morgan Stanley and its affiliates that could affect us, a covered fund offered by us, the general partner of those funds, and the limited partners of such funds. For example, to sponsor and invest in certain covered funds, Morgan Stanley must comply with the Implementing Regulations’ “asset management” exemption to the Volcker Rule’s prohibition on sponsoring and investing in covered funds. Under this exemption, the investments made by Morgan Stanley (aggregated with certain affiliate and employee investments in a covered fund must not exceed 3% of the covered fund’s outstanding ownership interests and Morgan Stanley’s aggregate investment in covered funds does not exceed 3% of Morgan Stanley’s Tier I capital. In addition, the Volcker Rule and the Implementing Regulations prohibit Morgan Stanley and its affiliates from entering in certain other transactions (including “covered transactions” as defined in Section 23A of the U.S. Federal Reserve Act, as amended) with or for the benefit of, covered funds that it sponsors or advises. For example, Morgan Stanley may not provide loans, hedging transactions with extensions of credit or other credit support to covered funds it advises. While we endeavor to minimize the impact on our covered funds and the assets held by them, Morgan Stanley’s interests in determining what actions to take in complying with the Volcker Rule and the Implementing Regulations may conflict with our interests and the interests of the private funds, the general partner and the limited partners of the private funds, all of which may be adversely affected by such actions. The foregoing is not an exhaustive discussion of the potential risks the Volcker Rule poses for us.
• Departure of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU). On June 23, 2016, the UK voted by referendum to leave the EU, an event widely referred to as “Brexit”. On 29 March 2017, the UK formally gave notice of its intention to leave the EU under Article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union. Since then, the UK and EU have been engaged in negotiations on the terms of the UK’s departure from the EU (the “Withdrawal Agreement”) and a framework for a future relationship (the “Framework”). The UK’s departure from the EU was scheduled to take place on 29 March 2019 but, with the UK yet to ratify the Withdrawal Agreement and Framework, this date has been extended to either 12 April 2019 (if the UK does not ratify those documents) or 22 May 2019 (if the UK does ratify those documents). The outcome of the Brexit process is unclear and possible outcomes include a “no deal” exit; an exit with a deal and transition period, a “soft Brexit” where the UK remains in the EU single market and/or customs union; and a revocation of the Article 50 notice such that the UK remains in the EU. Accounts and pooled investment vehicles advised by MSIM, as well as the Underlying Investment Funds, may make investments in the UK (before and after its expected departure from the EU), other EU member states and in non-EU countries that are directly or indirectly affected by the expected exit of the UK from the EU. Adverse legal, regulatory or economic conditions affecting the economies of the countries in which an MSIM client conducts its business (including making investments) and any corresponding deterioration in global macro-economic conditions could have a material adverse effect on the MSIM client’s prospects and/or returns. Potential consequences to which an MSIM client may be exposed, directly or indirectly, as a result of the UK referendum vote include, but are not limited to, reduced access to EU markets, market dislocations, economic and financial instability in the UK and other EU member states, increased volatility and reduced liquidity in financial markets, reduced availability of capital, an adverse effect on investor and market sentiment, Sterling and Euro destabilization, reduced deal flow in the MSIM client’s target markets, increased counterparty risk and regulatory, legal and compliance uncertainties. Any of the foregoing or similar risks could have a material adverse effect on the operations, financial condition, returns, or prospects of the MSIM client, MSIM and/or sub-advisers, if any, in general. The effects on the UK, European and global economies of the exit of the UK (and/or other EU member states during the term of the MSIM client) from the EU, or the exit of other EU member states from the European monetary area and/or the redenomination of financial instruments from the Euro to a different currency, are impossible to predict and to protect fully against.
Risk Considerations Associated with Particular Markets, Investment Techniques and
Strategies. The following provides information on risks associated with certain types of investment techniques that may be used by accounts, pooled investment vehicles we advise and Underlying Investment Funds. Although risks have been grouped into categories based on type of technique, it is possible that risks within a particular category will apply to techniques in other categories. Additional information is available upon request. Investors in pooled investment vehicles and funds-of-funds should review the prospectuses, offering memoranda and constituent documents for additional information relating to the risk associated with investments in those pooled investment vehicles and funds-of-funds, respectively.
• Foreign and Emerging Market Securities Risks. Investments in foreign markets entail special risks such as currency, political, economic and market risks. There also may be greater market volatility, less reliable financial information, higher transaction and custody costs, decreased market liquidity and less government and exchange regulation associated with investments in foreign markets. The risks of investing in emerging market countries are greater than risks associated with investments in foreign developed countries. In addition, an investment by an account or Underlying Investment Fund may be denominated in foreign currencies and therefore, changes in the value of a country’s currency compared to the U.S. dollar may affect the value of an account’s investments.
• Growth Investing Risks. Growth investing attempts to identify companies that we believe will experience rapid earnings growth relative to value or other types of stocks, Growth stocks may trade at higher multiples of current earnings compared to value or other stocks, leading to inflated prices and thus potentially greater declines in value. The performance of growth strategies may be better or worse than the performance of equity strategies that focus on value stocks or that have a broader investment style.
• Control Position Risks. Certain accounts may directly, or indirectly through Underlying Investment Funds, take control positions in companies. The exercise of control over a company imposes additional risks of liability for environmental damage, product defects, failure to supervise and other types of related liability. If such liabilities were to arise, such Underlying Investment Fund would likely suffer a loss, which may be complete, on its investment.
• Hedging Strategy Risks. Certain client accounts, pooled investment vehicles, and Underlying Investment Funds may choose, but are not required, to engage in transactions designed to reduce the risk or to protect the value of their investments, including securities and currency hedging transactions. These hedging strategies could involve a variety of derivative transactions, including transactions in forward, swap and option contracts or other financial instruments with similar characteristics, including, without limitation, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, currency and interest rate swaps, options and short sales (collectively “Hedging Instruments”). Certain risks associated with Hedging Instruments are further detailed below under “Risk Considerations Associated with Security Types - Derivatives Risks”. Hedging against a decline in the value of a portfolio position does not eliminate fluctuations in the values of portfolio positions or prevent losses if the values of those positions decline, but establishes other positions designed to gain from those same developments, thus offsetting the decline in the portfolio positions’ value. While these transactions may reduce the risks associated with an investment by the account or the Underlying Investment Funds, the transactions themselves entail risks that are different from those of the investments of the accounts or Underlying Investment Funds. The risks posed by these transactions include, but are not limited to, interest rate risk, market risk, the risk that these complex instruments and techniques will not be successfully evaluated, monitored or priced, the risk that counterparties will default on their obligations, liquidity risk and leverage risk. Changes in liquidity may result in significant, rapid and unpredictable changes in the prices for derivatives. Thus, while the accounts and Underlying Investment Funds may benefit from the use of Hedging Instruments, unanticipated changes in interest rates, securities prices or currency exchange rates may result in a poorer overall performance for the accounts and Underlying Investment Funds than if they had not used such Hedging Instruments.
• Short Sale Risks. In a short sale transaction, an account sells a borrowed security in anticipation of a decline in the market value of that security. If we incorrectly predict that the price of a borrowed security will decline, an account may lose money. Losses from short sales differ from losses that could be incurred from a purchase of a security, because losses from short sales may be unlimited, whereas losses from purchases can equal only the total amount invested.
• Small Capitalization Company Investment Risks. Investments in small cap companies entail greater risks than those associated with larger, more established companies. Often the securities issued by small cap companies may be less liquid, and such companies may have more limited markets, financial resources and product lines, and may lack the depth of management of larger companies.
• Venture Capital Investment Risks. Certain accounts will directly, or indirectly through Underlying Investment Funds, make venture capital investments. Such investments involve a high degree of business and financial risk that can result in substantial losses. The most significant risks are the risks associated with investments in: (i) companies in an early stage of development or with little or no operating history; (ii) companies operating at a loss or with substantial fluctuations in operating results from period to period; and (iii) companies with the need for substantial additional capital to support or to achieve a competitive position. Investments in emerging growth companies involve substantial risks, as these companies often experience unexpected problems in the areas of product development, manufacturing, marketing, financing and general management, which, in some cases, cannot be adequately solved. In addition, such companies typically have obtained capital in the form of debt and/or equity to expand rapidly, reorganize operations, acquire other businesses or develop new products and markets. These activities by definition involve a significant amount of change in a company and could give rise to significant problems in sales, manufacturing and general management of these activities. In addition, these companies may (a) be operating at a loss or have significant variations in operating results, (b) require substantial additional capital to support their operations, finance expansion or maintain their competitive position, (c) rely on the services of a limited number of key individuals, and the loss of any could significantly adversely affect a company’s performance, (d) face intense competition, including competition from companies with greater financial resources, more extensive development, manufacturing, marketing and other capabilities, and a larger number of qualified management and technical personnel, and (e) otherwise have a weak financial condition or be experiencing financial difficulties that could result in insolvency, liquidation, dissolution, reorganization or bankruptcy of the relevant company.
• Special Situations Investment Risks. Certain of the companies in whose securities an account or the Underlying Investment Funds may invest may be involved in (or are the target of) ac please register to get more info
On December 22, 2015, we settled charges by the SEC relating to prearranged trades by a former portfolio manager/trader. The settlement covers the period from late 2011 through early 2012, during which time the SEC found that a former MSIM portfolio manager/trader engaged in six pairs of unlawful prearranged sales and buybacks of fixed income securities with a trader at an unaffiliated broker-dealer, which resulted in the undisclosed favorable treatment of certain MSIM advisory clients over others. The MSIM portfolio manager/trader was terminated by MSIM in May 2014. Without admitting or denying the findings, we consented to the entry of an administrative cease and desist order finding violations of Section 17(a)(3) of the Securities Act of 1933, Sections 203(e)(6), 206(2) and 206(4) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and Rule 206(4)-7 thereunder, and aiding and abetting violations of Section 17(a)(2) of the Investment Company Act of 1940. We were censured and also agreed to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of $8,000,000 to the SEC. We also agreed to distribute a sum total payment in the amount of $857,534 to compensate certain pooled investment vehicles and separately managed accounts, and to certify, in writing, compliance with the distribution of funds, which certification was supported by written evidence of compliance and exhibits. On November 16, 2011, we settled charges by the SEC relating to The Malaysia Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”), a closed-end management investment company that we managed. The settlement relates to the period from 1996 until the end of 2007, during which time the SEC found we represented to the Fund’s investors and board of directors that the Fund's unaffiliated Malaysian sub-adviser, AMMB Consultant Senderian Berhad (“AMMB”), was providing certain services that AMMB in fact was not providing. Effective December 31, 2007, AMMB was terminated as sub-adviser to the Fund. The Fund was liquidated on August 17, 2012. Without admitting or denying the findings, we consented to the entry of an administrative cease and desist order finding violations of Sections 15(c) and 34(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and Sections 206(2) and 206(4) of the Investment Advisers Act, and Rule 206(4)-7 thereunder. We were censured and were ordered to make a reimbursement to the Fund in the amount of $1,845,074.92 for the amount of advisory fees the Fund paid to AMMB from 1996 until the end of 2007, less a credit of $543,000 for the portion we had already reimbursed to the Fund. We were also was ordered to pay a civil money penalty in the amount of $1,500,000 to the U.S. Treasury. We were further ordered to implement and maintain policies and procedures, with respect to the U.S. registered mutual funds for which we serve as investment adviser, specifically governing: (1) the investment advisory contract renewal process; (2) our oversight of certain service providers, including sub- advisers; and (3) our disclosures regarding such service providers. Lastly, we were ordered to certify, in writing, compliance with the undertakings above, which certification was supported by written evidence of compliance and exhibits. please register to get more info
We are a wholly owned subsidiary of Morgan Stanley, a corporation whose shares are publicly held and traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “MS”. Morgan Stanley is a financial holding company under the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended. As a result, we are part of a large global financial services and banking group and you may have relationships with our affiliates beyond your relationship with us. In addition, we participate in a Wrap Fee Program in which our affiliate is a Sponsor. These relationships can cause conflicts of interest.
Broker-Dealer Affiliates
We are the parent company of Morgan Stanley Distribution, Inc. (“MSDI”), a broker-dealer registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “34 Act”) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”). Certain of our management persons are registered representatives of MSDI. We are also affiliated with Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC (“MS&Co.”), Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“MSSB”), and Prime Dealer Services Corp., each a registered broker-dealer under the 34 Act and with FINRA. We are also affiliated with foreign broker-dealers and financial services companies, including Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC, Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd., Morgan Stanley India Company Private Ltd., Block Interest Discovery System (BIDS), and TradeWeb LLC (hereinafter, together with affiliated broker-dealers registered under the 34 Act, collectively referred to as “Affiliated Broker-Dealers”). When permitted by applicable law and subject to the considerations set forth in Item 12 “Brokerage Practices”, we utilize Affiliated Broker-Dealers to effect portfolio securities, currency exchange, futures and other transactions for our managed accounts. The “Participation or Interest in Client Transactions” subsection in Item 11, “Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in Client Transactions and Personal Trading”, describes in greater detail the manner in which we utilize Affiliated Broker-Dealers to effect client transactions and the conflicts of interest that can arise. We pay placement fees to affiliated U.S. and non-U.S. broker-dealers. MSDI serves as distributor, placement agent and/or underwriter for certain registered and unregistered investment companies for which we act as investment adviser and in certain instances, receive distribution fees pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act or placement agent fees. Where applicable, MSDI pays such fees, in whole or in part, to MSSB and to any other selected dealer, including any other Affiliated Broker-Dealer, with whom MSDI has entered into a selected dealer or placement agent agreement. In addition, any sales charges derived from the purchase or redemption of an investment company managed by us are paid directly to MSSB, or to any of those other selected dealers, including any other Affiliated Broker-Dealer, from which such dealer pays its sales representatives and other costs of distribution.
Commodity Trading Advisor/Commodity Pool Operator Registration
We are registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) as a commodity trading advisor and a commodity pool operator. We are also a member of the National Futures Association (“NFA”). The NFA and CFTC each administer a comparable regulatory system covering futures contracts, swaps and various other financial instruments in which certain clients and pooled vehicles may invest. Certain of our management persons and employees are registered with the NFA as our Associated Persons.
Material Arrangements or Relationships with Affiliates
Investment Advisor Affiliates We are part of a group of investment advisers within the Morgan Stanley Investment Management business, including: (1) Mesa West Capital, LLC.; (2) Morgan Stanley Investment Management Company; (3) Morgan Stanley Investment Management Limited; (4) Morgan Stanley AIP GP LP; (5) Morgan Stanley Infrastructure, Inc.; (6) Morgan Stanley Private Equity Asia, Inc.; (7) MS Capital Partners Adviser, Inc.; (8) Morgan Stanley Real Estate Advisor, Inc.; (9) MSREF Real Estate Advisor, Inc.; (10) MSREF V, LLC; and (11) MSRESS III Manager, LLC (together, “Affiliated Advisers”). Morgan Stanley Investment Management Private Limited and Morgan Stanley Asia Limited (together, the “Participating Affiliates”) indirectly provides investment advice or research to certain of our accounts. Certain personnel employed by the Participating Affiliates indirectly provide investment advice to certain of our accounts in specialties in which they have particular expertise. The Participating Affiliates are subject to our supervision in respect of their provision of services to us and our accounts. From time to time and with prior client consent, we delegate some or all of our responsibilities, duties and authority under an investment management agreement to one or more of our Affiliated Advisers to the extent permitted by applicable law. Our Affiliated Advisers, in certain instances, likewise delegate some or all of their responsibilities, duties and authority to us. Investment Companies and Other Pooled Investment Vehicles We serve as investment adviser to the Morgan Stanley Funds, a U.S. mutual fund complex comprised of several stand-alone mutual funds, as well as the following series Funds: Morgan Stanley Institutional Fund, Inc. ("MSIF"), Morgan Stanley Institutional Fund Trust ("MSIF Trust"), Morgan Stanley Variable Insurance Fund, Inc. ("VIF"), Morgan Stanley Variable Investment Series (“VIS”) and the Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity Funds, each an open- end investment company registered under the 1940 Act. VIF, Select Dimensions, and VIS may offer their shares only to insurance companies for separate accounts that they establish to fund variable life insurance and variable annuity contracts, and to other entities under qualified pension and retirement plans. We have an arrangement with Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity Funds (mutual funds we advise) pursuant to which uninvested free cash balances in certain client accounts are automatically invested in shares of the portfolios of the Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity Funds at the end of each day. Prior to initiating this "sweep" mechanism for a particular client, we disclose the fact that we receive a fee in our capacity as adviser and administrator for the Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity Funds. Assets invested in the Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity Funds through the "sweep" mechanism will be reduced, to the extent allowed by applicable law, in determining both the fee charged by us for managing the client's account and in determining our fee as adviser and administrator for the Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity Funds. We are the investment adviser and administrator to the following closed-end investment companies registered under the 1940 Act: Morgan Stanley China A Share Fund, Inc. Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Debt Fund, Inc. Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Domestic Debt Fund, Inc. Morgan Stanley India Investment Fund, Inc. In addition, we or our affiliate serve as the administrator for certain of the Morgan Stanley Funds and serve as co-transfer agent for the Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity funds. We and certain of our affiliates also act as sub-adviser to registered investment companies which are not sponsored by us in addition to serving as adviser or sub-adviser to off-shore funds, group trusts, limited partnerships and limited liability companies, among others, that are sponsored by our affiliates. In certain instances, we or our related persons act as general partner or special limited partner of a limited partnership or managing member or special member of a limited liability company to which we serve as adviser or sub- adviser and in which our clients have been solicited to invest. In some cases, the general partner of a limited partnership is entitled to receive an incentive allocation from a partnership. Along with Morgan Stanley, we have established procedures intended to identify and mitigate conflicts of interest related to business activities on a worldwide basis. A conflict management officer for each business unit and/or region acts as a focal point to identify and address potential conflicts of interest in their business area. When appropriate, there is an escalation process to senior management within the business unit, and ultimately if necessary to firm management or the firm’s franchise committees, for potentially significant conflicts that cannot be resolved by the conflict management officers or that otherwise require senior management review.
Electronic Communication Networks and Alternative Trading Systems
Our affiliates have ownership interests in and/or Board seats on electronic communication networks ("ECNs") or other alternative trading systems ("ATSs"). In certain instances our affiliates may be deemed to control one or more of such ECNs or ATSs based on the level of such ownership interests and whether such affiliates are represented on the Board of such ECNs or ATSs. Consistent with our fiduciary obligation to seek best execution, we, from time to time, directly or indirectly, effect client trades through ECNs or other ATSs in which our affiliates have or may acquire an interest or Board seat. These affiliates may receive an indirect economic benefit based upon their ownership in the ECNs or other ATSs. We will, directly or indirectly, execute through an ECN or other ATSs in which an affiliate has an interest only in situations where we or the broker dealer through whom we are accessing the ECN or ATS reasonably believes such transaction will be in the best interest of our clients and the requirements of applicable law have been satisfied. Our affiliates may own over 5% of the outstanding voting securities and/or have a member on the Board of certain trading systems (or their parent companies), including (i) the entities that own and control the Block Interest Discovery Service (commonly referred to as "BIDS"), (ii) Turquoise Global Holdings Ltd., (iii) TradeWeb Markets LLC, (iv) OTCDeriv Limited, (v) Creditderiv Limited, (vi) Equilend, (vii) Chi-X Global Holdings LLC (CXG), (viii) FXGLOBALCLEAR, and (ix) EOS Precious Metals Limited. Our affiliates may acquire interests in and/or take Board seats on other ECNs or other ATSs (or increase ownership in the ATS's listed above) in the future. Our affiliates receive cash credits from certain ECNs and ATSs for certain orders that provide liquidity to their books. Such ECNs and ATSs may also charge explicit fees for orders that extract liquidity from their books. From time to time, the amount of credits that our affiliates receive from one or more ECN or ATS exceed the amount that is charged. Under these limited circumstances, such payments would constitute payment for order flow. EquiLend also provides securities loan transaction processing and reporting services to State Street, which serves as securities lending agent for certain clients. Because an affiliate of ours owns a non-controlling interest in EquiLend, we and our affiliates may benefit from State Street’s use of EquiLend’s services.
We outsource certain operations functions to State Street Bank and Trust Company (“State Street”). State Street provides a full range of investment operations outsourcing services including trade settlement, portfolio administration, reporting and reconciliation services. The agreement with State Street demonstrates our continued commitment to delivering best-in-class service to our clients, while allowing us to concentrate on our core competency, institutional asset management. please register to get more info
Code of Ethics
We have adopted the MSIM Code of Ethics and Personal Trading Policy (the “Code”) pursuant to Rule 204A-1 under the Advisers Act. Each of our employees is required to acknowledge the Code at the inception of his/her employment and annually thereafter. The Code is designed to make certain that all acts, practices and courses of business engaged in by our employees are conducted in accordance with the highest possible standards and to prevent abuse, or even the appearance of abuse, by employees with respect to their personal trading and other business activities. Additionally, all MSIM employees are subject to firm-wide policies and procedures found in the Morgan Stanley Code of Conduct (the “Code of Conduct”) that sets forth, among other things, restrictions regarding confidential and proprietary information, information barriers, information security, privacy and data protection, private investments, outside business interests and personal trading. All Morgan Stanley employees, including MSIM employees, are required to acknowledge that they have read, understand, are in compliance with and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct’s terms as a condition of continued employment. The Code requires all employees to pre-clear trades for covered securities, as defined under the Code, in a personal account. A pre-clearance request generally will be denied if there is an open order for a client in the same security. The Code also imposes holding periods and reporting requirements for covered securities, which includes affiliated and sub-advised U.S. mutual funds. Our employees are prohibited from acquiring any security in an initial public offering or any other public underwriting. Investments in private placements or an employee's participation in an outside business activity must be pre-approved by Compliance and the employee's manager. Certain of our employees who, in connection with job functions, make or participate in making recommendations regarding the purchase or sale of securities or who have real-time knowledge of such recommendations, are held to more stringent standards when placing trades in personal accounts. Violations of the Code are subject to sanction, including reprimand, restricting trading privileges, reducing employees discretionary bonus, if any, potential reversal of a trade made in violation of the Code or other applicable policies, suspension or termination of employment. We will provide you with a copy of the Code upon request.
Participation or Interest in Client Transactions
The following section addresses our trading activities, the various conflicts of interest that can arise, and how such conflicts have been addressed.
Broker-Dealer Affiliations
We do not act as principal or broker in connection with client transactions. We do, however, in the exercise of our discretion under an investment management agreement with a client, in certain instances, effect transactions in securities or other instruments for clients through Affiliated Broker-Dealers which perform all of the activities set forth below. In connection with transactions in which Affiliated Broker-Dealers will act as principal, we will disclose to you that the trade will be conducted on a principal basis and obtain your consent in accordance with the provisions of and rules under the Advisers Act. We will recommend that you engage in such a transaction only when we believe that the net price for the security is at least as favorable as could have been obtained from another established dealer in such security. Our recommendations to you may involve securities in which our Affiliated Broker-Dealers, or their officers, employees or other affiliates, have a financial interest. Affiliated Broker-Dealers and their officers, employees and other affiliates, can purchase or sell for their own accounts securities that we recommend to our clients. If permitted by your investment objectives and guidelines, applicable law, and our policies and procedures concerning conflicts of interest, we may recommend that you purchase, or use our discretion to effect a purchase of, securities during the existence of an underwriting or other public or private offering of such securities involving an Affiliated Broker-Dealer as a manager, underwriter, initial purchaser, or placement agent. . Among other things, we must disclose to you that the transaction involves an affiliate and obtain your consent to execute transactions with an affiliate on behalf of your account. Purchases may be from underwriters or placement agents other than an Affiliated Broker-Dealer in distributions in which an Affiliated Broker-Dealer is a manager and/or member of a syndicate or selling group, as a result of which an Affiliated Broker-Dealer may benefit from the purchase through receipt of a fee or otherwise. In situations in which you have not permitted, or where it is prohibited by law, rule or regulation, we may be unable to purchase securities for your account in an initial or other public or private offering of securities involving an Affiliated Broker-Dealer. With your consent, and subject to the restrictions imposed on such transactions by applicable law, we will effect portfolio transactions through an Affiliated Broker-Dealer on an agency basis, including transactions in over-the-counter (“OTC”) securities, where the Affiliated Broker will act as agent in connection with the purchase and sale of OTC securities from market participants and will charge our clients a commission on the transactions. Since these are agency transactions, there is no mark up or mark down on the price of the security. We will effect client transactions through an Affiliated Broker-Dealer when, in our judgment, you may thereby obtain the best execution of the transaction. Subject to our duty to seek best execution, we may effect such transactions through an Affiliated Broker Dealer even though the total brokerage commission for the transaction is be higher than that which might have been charged by another broker for the same transaction.
Cross and Agency Cross Transactions
We may effect “agency cross transactions” in which an Affiliated Broker-Dealer acts as agent for both the buyer and seller in the transaction. We will only trade with an Affiliated Broker-Dealer on behalf of a client on an agency cross basis when the client has consented to our effecting such transactions. Any agency cross transaction will be effected in compliance with applicable law, as well as policies and procedures we have designed to prevent and disclose potential conflicts of interest. The Affiliated Broker- Dealer can receive a commission from the seller and the buyer when it executes transactions on an agency cross basis under certain conditions. In effecting an agency cross transaction, we have potentially conflicting divisions of loyalties and responsibilities regarding the parties to the transaction. We may effect internal “cross” transactions between client accounts in which one client will purchase securities held by another client. Such transactions are entered into generally only when we deem the transaction to be in the best interests of both clients and at a price we have determined by reference to independent market indicators and which we believe to constitute "best execution" for both parties. We will not engage in cross-trade transactions for an advisory client whose investment management agreement does not explicitly permit the account to engage in cross trades and, as a result, that account may pay higher transaction costs for certain of its portfolio trades and our ability to achieve best execution for that client may be impacted. While we will seek to ensure that the terms of cross trades are fair and reasonable, and the transactions are executed in a manner that is in the best interest of the clients involved in the cross trade, clients should be aware that the price of a security bought or sold through a cross trade may not be as favorable as it might have been had the trade been executed on the open market. Neither we nor any related party receives any compensation in connection with such "cross" transactions. We, along with related persons of ours will effect portfolio transactions through an Affiliated Broker-Dealer on behalf of clients in respect of which we are a “fiduciary” as defined in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (“ERISA”) only on an agency basis and with prior written approval from an independent fiduciary in accordance with the terms of exemptions available from the Department of Labor, as well as in accordance with the restrictions imposed on such transactions by applicable law. Fixed income instruments typically trade at a bid/ask spread and without an explicit brokerage charge. While there is not a formal trading expense or commission, clients (including Wrap Fee Program clients) will bear the implicit trading costs reflected in these spreads. We may purchase securities on behalf of our ERISA clients from an underwriting or selling syndicate where an Affiliated Broker-Dealer participates as manager, or syndicate members with prior written approval from an independent fiduciary in accordance with the terms of exemptions available from the Department of Labor. We and our Affiliated Advisers may execute client transactions with broker-dealers that do not have their own clearing facilities and who may clear such transactions through an Affiliated Broker-Dealer. The Affiliated Broker-Dealer will receive a clearing fee for these transactions. We or our affiliates, in certain circumstances, and where permitted by applicable law, will engage in principal transactions with a CLO that we manage. In such instances, the Firm will comply with any disclosure and consent requirements applicable under the Advisers Act.
Services to Issuers Activities
Along with our affiliates, we provide a variety of services for, and render advice to, various clients, including issuers of securities that we also recommend for purchase or sale by clients. In the course of providing these services, we and our affiliates may come into possession of material, nonpublic information which might affect our ability to buy, sell, or hold a security for a client account. Investment research materials disclose that our related persons may own, and may effect transactions in, securities of companies mentioned in such materials and also may perform or seek to perform investment banking services for those companies. In addition, directors, officers and employees of our affiliates may have Board seats and/or have Board observer rights with private and/or publicly traded companies in which we invest on behalf of our client accounts. Along with our affiliates, we have adopted policies and procedures and created information barriers that are reasonably designed to prevent the flow of any material, nonpublic information regarding these companies between us and our affiliates. Directors, officers and employees of ours may also take Board seats or have Board observer rights with companies in which we invest on behalf of our clients. Generally we only do so with respect to private (not publicly traded) companies. To the extent a director, officer or employee were to take a Board seat or have Board observer rights in a public company, we (or certain of our investment teams) would be limited and/or restricted in our ability to trade in the securities of the company to the extent we (or certain of our investment teams) possessed or were deemed to possess material, nonpublic information regarding the company.
Investment Banking Activities
We believe that the nature and range of clients to whom our Affiliated Broker-Dealers render investment banking and other services is such that it would be inadvisable to exclude these companies from a client's portfolio. Accordingly, unless you advise us to the contrary, it is likely that your holdings will include the securities of corporations for whom our Affiliated Broker- Dealers perform investment banking and other services. Moreover, your portfolios may include the securities of companies in which our Affiliated Broker- Dealers make a market or in which we, our officers and employees and our Affiliated Broker- Dealers or other related persons and their officers or employees have positions. To meet applicable regulatory requirements, there are periods when we will not initiate or recommend certain types of transactions in the securities of companies for which an Affiliated Broker-Dealer is performing investment banking services. You will not be advised of that fact. In particular, when an Affiliated Broker-Dealer is engaged in an underwriting or other distribution of securities of a company, we may be prohibited from purchasing or recommending the purchase of certain securities of that company for our clients. Notwithstanding the circumstances described above, you, on your own initiative, may direct us to place orders for specific securities transactions in your account. In addition, we generally will not initiate or recommend transactions in the securities of companies with respect to which our affiliates may have controlling interests or are affiliated.
Investment Limits
Various federal, state or foreign laws, rules and regulations, as well as certain corporate charters adopted by issuers in which we may invest, limit the percentage of an issuer's securities that may be owned by us and our affiliates. We are more likely to run into these limitations than investment advisers with fewer assets under management and/or that are not affiliated with a large financial institution or financial holding company. In certain instances, for purposes of these ownership limitations, our holdings on behalf of our client accounts will be aggregated with the holdings of our affiliates. These ownership limitations may be in the form of, among others: (i) a strict prohibition against owning more than a certain percentage of an issuer's securities (the "threshold"); (ii) a "poison pill" that would have a material dilutive impact on our holdings in that issuer should we and our affiliates exceed the threshold; (iii) provisions that would cause us and our affiliates to be considered "interested stockholders" of an issuer if we and our affiliates exceed the threshold; and (iv) provisions that may cause us and our affiliates to be considered an "affiliate" or "control person" of the issuer. We will generally avoid exceeding the threshold in these situations. With respect to situations in which we and our affiliates may be considered "interested stockholders" (or a similar term), we will generally avoid exceeding the threshold because if we were considered an interested stockholder, we, along with our affiliates would be prohibited (in some cases absent Board and/or shareholder approval) from entering into certain transactions or performing certain services (including investment banking, financial advisory and securities lending) with or for the issuer. We will also generally avoid exceeding a threshold in situations in which we may be considered an affiliate of the issuer for the reasons set forth above, as well as the fact that should we be considered an affiliate of an issuer, our ability to trade in the issuer's securities would become limited. For additional information on certain regulatory risks, including the Volcker Rule, please see the “Legal and Regulatory Risks” sub-section in Item 8, “Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss”
Investments in Other MSIM Investment Funds
When permitted by applicable law and the investment guidelines applicable to individual client accounts, and considered by us to be in the best interests of a client, we may recommend to you, and invest the assets of your accounts in various closed-end and open-end investment companies and other pooled investment vehicles for which we or our affiliates receive compensation for advisory, administrative, or other services. In certain circumstances, when required by applicable law or by agreement with you, we will waive our investment management fee with respect to assets invested in pooled investment vehicles to the extent of some or all of the compensation received by us and our affiliates for services rendered with respect to such pooled investment vehicles. We do not, in all instances, waive such investment management fees.
Investment Management Activities
It is possible that our officers or employees buy or sell securities or other instruments that we have purchased on behalf of or recommended to clients. Moreover, we may purchase and sell on behalf of or recommend to clients the purchase or sale of securities in which we or our officers, employees or related persons have a financial interest. These transactions are subject to our policies and procedures regarding personal securities trading, as well as to the requirements of the Advisers Act, the 1940 Act and other applicable laws. Our policies and procedures, the Advisers Act and the 1940 Act require that we put your interests before our own. From time to time, various potential and actual conflicts of interest may arise from the overall advisory, investment and other activities of us, and our affiliates, and personnel (each, an “Advisory Affiliate” and, collectively, the “Advisory Affiliates”). The Advisory Affiliates may manage long and short portfolios. The simultaneous management of long and short portfolios creates potential conflicts of interest in portfolio management and trading in that opposite directional positions may be taken in client accounts managed by the same investment team, and creates potential risks such as: (i) the risk that short sale activity could adversely affect the market value of long positions in one or more portfolios (and vice versa) and (ii) the risks associated with the trading desk receiving opposing orders in the same security simultaneously. The Advisory Affiliates have adopted policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to mitigate these potential conflicts. The Advisory Affiliates may invest on behalf of themselves in securities and other instruments that would be appropriate for, held by, or may fall within the investment guidelines of the mutual funds and/or managed accounts managed by them (collectively, the “Advisory Clients”). The Advisory Affiliates may give advice or take action for their own accounts that may differ from, conflict with or be adverse to advice given or action taken for any of the Advisory Clients. Potential conflicts also may arise due to the fact that certain securities or instruments may be held in some Advisory Clients but not in others, or the Advisory Clients may have different levels of holdings in certain securities or instruments, and because the Advisory Clients pay different levels of fees to us. In addition, an Advisory Affiliate may give advice or take action with respect to the investments of one or more Advisory Clients that is not be given or taken with respect to other Advisory Clients with similar investment programs, objectives, and strategies. Accordingly, Advisory Clients with similar strategies may not hold the same securities or instruments or achieve the same performance. The Advisory Affiliate also may advise Advisory Clients with conflicting programs, objectives or strategies. Any of the foregoing activities may adversely affect the prices and availability of other securities or instruments held by or potentially considered for one or more Advisory Clients. Finally, the Advisory Affiliates may have conflicts in allocating their time and services among their Advisory Clients. We will devote as much time to each of our Advisory Clients as we deem appropriate to perform our duties in accordance with our respective management agreements. Different clients of ours, including funds advised by us or an affiliate, may invest in different classes of securities of the same issuer, depending on their respective client's investment objectives and policies. As a result, we may at times seek to satisfy our fiduciary obligations to certain clients owning one class of securities of a particular issuer by pursuing or enforcing rights on behalf of those clients with respect to such class of securities, and those activities may have an adverse effect on another client, which owns a different class of securities of such issuer. For example, if one client holds debt securities of an issuer and another client holds equity securities of the same issuer, if the issuer experiences financial or operational challenges, we may seek a liquidation of the issuer on behalf of the client that holds the debt securities, whereas the client holding the equity securities may benefit from a reorganization of the issuer. Thus, the actions taken on behalf of one client may negatively impact securities held by another client. We have adopted procedures pursuant to which conflicts of interest, including those resulting from the receipt of material, nonpublic information about an issuer, are managed by our employees through information barriers and other practices. We, or our affiliates, may pursue acquisitions of assets and businesses and identify an investment opportunity in connection with its existing businesses or a new line of business without first offering the opportunity to fund of funds clients. Such an opportunity could include a business that competes with a fund of funds or an investment fund or a co-investment in which a fund of funds client has invested or proposes to invest. From time to time, we may be retained to manage assets on behalf of a client that is a public or private company in which we have invested or may invest on behalf of our mutual funds and other client accounts.
General Process with Potential Conflicts
All of the transactions described above involve the potential for conflicts of interest between us or related persons of ours and our clients. The Advisers Act, the 1940 Act and ERISA impose certain requirements designed to decrease the possibility of conflicts of interest between an investment adviser and its clients. In some cases, transactions may be permitted subject to fulfillment of certain conditions. Certain other transactions may be prohibited. In addition, we have instituted policies and procedures designed to prevent conflicts of interest from arising and, when they do arise, to ensure that it effects transactions for clients in a manner that is consistent with its fiduciary duty to its clients and in accordance with applicable law. We seek to ensure that potential or actual conflicts of interest are appropriately resolved taking into consideration the overriding best interest of the client. We have adopted policies and procedures and established controls such as the MSIM Conflicts of Interest and Franchise Committee designed to require review of transactions in which conflicts of interest may exist, including those described above, to ensure that applicable policies and legal and regulatory requirements are followed. please register to get more info
Best Execution and Brokerage Selection Factors
We select broker-dealers for the execution of transactions for client accounts in accordance with our duty to seek “best execution” (i.e., the most favorable overall price and execution). In seeking best execution, we are not obligated to choose the broker-dealer offering the lowest available commission rate if, in our reasonable judgment, (i) we believe that the total costs or proceeds from the transaction might be less favorable than may be obtained elsewhere; (ii) a higher commission is justified by the brokerage and research services provided by the broker-dealer that fall within the safe harbor of Section 28(e) of the 1934 Act (“Section 28(e)”) or otherwise is permitted under applicable law, rules, and regulations of the relevant jurisdictions in which we operate (collectively, “Applicable Law”); or (iii) other considerations, such as the order size, the time required for execution, the depth and breadth of the market for the security, minimum credit quality requirements to transact business with a particular broker-dealer, or the quality of the broker- dealer’s back office or other considerations support our decision to use a different broker-dealer. When effecting transactions on behalf of clients, we may trade with any broker-dealer on our list of approved broker-dealers. Approved broker-dealers have met criteria as established by our Counterparty Risk Subcommittee (“CRS”). Our CRS reviews and approves broker-dealers periodically to determine whether broker-dealers on our approved list continue to meet such criteria. When selecting an approved broker-dealer (including an affiliate) to execute securities transactions, the trading desk may consider the following factors:
• Best available price;
• Reliability, integrity and reputation in the industry (which may include a review of financial information and creditworthiness);
• Execution capabilities, including block positioning, speed of execution and quality and responsiveness of its trading desk;
• Knowledge of and access to the markets for the securities being traded;
• Potential ability to obtain price improvement;
• Ability to maintain confidentiality;
• Ability to handle non-traditional trades;
• Commission and commission-equivalent rates;
• Technology infrastructure;
• Clearance and settlement capabilities;
• The size of the trade relative to other trades in the same instrument;
• Ability of our counterparty to commit its capital to our trade and its access to liquidity;
• Counterparty restrictions associated with a portfolio, including regulatory trading, documentation requirement, or any specific clearing broker-dealer requirements;
• Client directed execution;
• Client specific restrictions; and
• Such other factors as may be appropriate.
Soft Dollars – Commission Sharing Arrangements
Subject to our duty to achieve best execution, we and certain of our Affiliated Advisers use a portion of the commissions generated when executing client transactions to acquire brokerage and research services that aid us in fulfilling our investment decision-making responsibilities in accordance with Section 28(e) and Applicable Law. Commissions paid to broker-dealers providing us brokerage and research services may be higher than those charged by other broker-dealers. We receive a benefit when we use client commissions to obtain brokerage and research services because we do not have to produce or pay for the brokerage research services ourselves. Therefore, we have an incentive to select or recommend a broker-dealer based on our interest in receiving brokerage and research services, rather than solely on our clients’ interest in obtaining the best price. We have adopted policies and procedures designed to help us track and evaluate the benefits we receive from brokerage and research services, as well as to track how much our clients pay above the amount that broker-dealers from which we receive brokerage and research services may have charged solely for execution of such trades. We and our Affiliated Advisers utilize a voting system to assist us in making a good faith determination of the value of brokerage and research services we receive in accordance with Section 28(e) and Applicable Law. In many cases, these involve subjective judgments or approximations. We and our Affiliated Advisers have established a process for budgeting research costs and allocating such costs across client accounts. Each of our portfolio management (“PM”) teams establishes a research budget at the start of each calendar year that sets the expected cost to be spent by the team on external research services for the same year. These research budgets are initially reviewed and approved by our Research Committee, allocated across all accounts managed by the PM team in accordance with our policies and procedures and reviewed on a regular basis. We and certain of our Affiliated Advisers have entered into commission sharing arrangements (“CSAs”) with executing brokers (“CSA Partners”) and a third party vendor (“CSA Aggregator”) that assist us with administration of our trade execution arrangements, including payments for brokerage and research services. Pursuant to these arrangements, and under our supervision, the CSA Partners and the CSA Aggregator track execution and research commissions separately and pool and distribute research credits in accordance with the policies and procedures discussed above to approved research providers (which may include executing brokerage firms or independent research providers (“Approved Research Providers”)) that provide us with brokerage and research services. They also reconcile research credits from trades with CSA Partners and that are payable to Approved Research Providers and provide other related administrative functions. In addition, a CSA Partner may provide us and our Affiliated Advisers with proprietary research it has developed and, upon our instruction, may retain research commission credits as compensation for the provision of such proprietary research services. We believe that these arrangements allow us to monitor the amount of trading costs that are attributable to execution services on the one hand and other brokerage and research services on the other. Transactions that generate research credits include equity transactions executed on an agency basis where the executing broker-dealer receives a commission. We and our Affiliated Advisers do not use CSAs or otherwise have arrangements to pay for brokerage and research services with client commissions in connection with trading fixed income securities. Consistent with long-standing industry practice in the fixed income markets, however, we and our Affiliated Advisers, subject to Applicable Law, may receive brokerage and research services and other information, including access to fixed income trading platforms that dealers provide for no charge to their customers in the ordinary course of business. Fixed income instruments typically trade at a bid/ask spread and without an explicit brokerage charge. While there is not a formal trading expense or commission, clients will bear the implicit trading costs reflected in these spreads. We and our Affiliated Advisers may receive “mixed use” products and services from an Approved Research Provider, where a portion of the product or service assists us in our investment decision- making process in accordance with Section 28(e) and a portion may be used for other purposes. Where a product or service has a mixed use, we will make a reasonable allocation of its cost according to its use and will use client commissions to pay only for the portion of the product or service that assists us in our investment decision- making process. We and our Affiliated Advisers may have an incentive to allocate the costs to uses that assist us in our investment decision-making process because we may pay for such costs with client commissions rather than our own resources. To the extent we receive “mixed use” products and services, we and our Affiliated Advisers will allocate the anticipated costs of a mixed use product or service in good faith and maintain records concerning our allocations in order to mitigate such conflicts. Client accounts that pay a greater amount of commissions relative to other accounts may bear a greater share of the cost of brokerage and research services than such other accounts. We may use brokerage and research services obtained with brokerage commissions from some clients for the benefit of other clients whose brokerage commissions do not pay for such brokerage and research services. We may also share brokerage and research services with our Affiliated Advisers, and the clients of our Affiliated Advisers may receive the benefits of such brokerage and research services. These arrangements remain subject to our overall obligation to seek best execution for our client trading. Certain of our Affiliated Advisers are subject to the European Union’s Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (“MiFID II” and such Affiliated Advisers, “MiFID II Affiliated Advisers”), which is a European regulation governing conduct by investment advisers, among others. Under MiFID II, our MiFID II Affiliated Advisers may receive research (other than research that qualifies as a “Minor Non-Monetary Benefit” under MiFID II (“MNB”)) without it constituting an unlawful inducement if they pay for the research directly from their own resources or from research payment accounts funded by their clients. Our MiFID II Affiliated Advisers may engage us as sub-adviser or otherwise delegate to us authority to manage their client accounts (“MiFID II Accounts”). While we are not directly subject to the provisions of MiFID II, in accordance with those arrangements, we make a reasonable valuation and allocation of the cost of the research as between MiFID II Accounts and other accounts that participate in CSAs and will pay for any research we receive with respect to MiFID II Accounts (other than research that qualifies as a MNB) from our own resources. We and our MiFID II Affiliated Advisers may separately pay for fixed income research from their own resources.
Trade Aggregations
When permitted under Applicable Law, each Portfolio Management team generally will aggregate orders of its clients for the same securities in a single order so that such orders are executed simultaneously in order to facilitate best execution and to reduce brokerage costs. We may aggregate client orders with the orders of clients of our Affiliated Advisers and accounts in which we or our officers, employees or related persons have a financial interest. However, we effect aggregated orders in a manner designed to ensure that no participating client is favored over any other client. In general, accounts that participate in an aggregated order will participate on a pro rata or other objective basis. Pro rata allocation of securities and other instruments will generally consist of allocation based on the order size of a participating client account in proportion to the size of the orders placed for other accounts participating in the aggregated order. However, we may allocate such securities and other instruments using a method other than pro rata if their supply is limited, based on differing portfolio characteristics among accounts or to avoid odd lots or small allocations, among other reasons. These allocations are made in our good faith judgment with a goal of ensuring that fair and equitable allocation will occur over time. There may be times that we are not able to aggregate orders because of Applicable Law or other considerations when doing so might otherwise be advantageous. We and our Affiliated Advisers are subject to differing requirements governing aggregation of orders, including provisions of the 1940 Act that restrict joint transactions and MiFID II that govern the circumstances under which MiFID II Accounts may pay for research. As a result, MiFID II Accounts included in an aggregated order may pay commission rates that are below the total commission rates paid by other client accounts included in the order.
Directed Brokerage Arrangements; Wrap Fee Programs
Clients may limit our authority to advise accounts or execute transactions in a number of ways, including by (1) requiring that certain securities transactions be authorized by them in advance, (2) prohibiting or limiting the purchasing of certain securities or industry groups or (3) seeking to require that all or a portion of their transactions be executed through a designated broker-dealer (“Designated Broker”) and/or restricting us from executing transactions through a particular broker-dealer (“Directed/Restricted Trades”). Designated Broker arrangements may be structured as “directed brokerage” arrangements or as “brokerage recapture” arrangements. In addition, a Wrap Fee Program client may impose reasonable restrictions on the management of their account. In most Wrap Fee Programs, the Sponsor or overlay manager is responsible for implementing client restrictions and guidelines. In those Wrap Fee Programs in which we are responsible for implementing client restrictions and guidelines, the client is responsible for identifying any security or group of securities which may not be held in the account. If a client identifies a category of restricted securities without identifying the underlying companies of which the category is comprised or a source for identifying such underlying companies, we may utilize outside service providers to identify the universe of companies that will be considered in such category. When a security is required to be sold or is restricted from being purchased for an account, this may adversely affect the account’s performance and cause it not to track the performance of the managers’ investment strategies. The change of the classification of a company, the grouping of an industry or the credit rating of a security may force us to sell securities in a client’s account at an inopportune time, possibly causing a taxable event to the client. Clients will still be exposed to securities they restrict if they hold in their account commingled vehicles that invest in such securities. In certain instances, Wrap Fee Program accounts may bear additional costs as compared to our other client accounts. For example, Wrap Fee Program accounts that hold fixed income instruments will bear the implicit costs of such instruments’ bid/ask spread that are in addition to the “wrap” fee paid to the Sponsor. With respect to certain Wrap Fee Programs, rather than “wrap” our fees for investment advisory services together with the Sponsor’s fees for brokerage, custody and other services, we enter into an investment advisory contract directly with the Wrap Fee Program Sponsor’s clients and receive our investment advisory fee directly from those clients. Because the clients have also entered into an agreement with the Sponsor to provide for brokerage and other services at a fixed cost or rate, we place most or all trades for those clients through the Sponsor. We enter into arrangements with certain Wrap Fee Programs where we have discretion to select broker-dealers to execute trades for accounts. If we select a broker-dealer other than the Sponsor to execute a trade, the Wrap Fee Program accounts typically will bear any execution costs charged by that other broker-dealer in addition to the “wrap” fee paid to the Sponsor. The restrictions imposed by Designated Broker arrangements and Wrap Fee Programs may cause us to trade the securities held by these accounts differently as compared to how we trade for client accounts for which we are not so restricted. Directed/Restricted Trades and Wrap Fee Program trades may not be aggregated for execution with transactions in the same securities for other clients, and we may be unable to obtain best execution on Directed/Restricted Trades or Wrap Fee Program trades for a number of reasons, which may include:
• A client direction may restrict our ability to obtain as favorable a transaction price or commission rate as we might otherwise be able to obtain on an unrestricted trade;
• The account may forego benefits from savings on execution costs that may otherwise be obtained, most notably commission savings and/or price improvement that derive from aggregating orders for various client accounts;
• If a Designated Broker or Wrap Fee Program Sponsor is not on our approved list of brokers, there may be additional credit and/or settlement risk for such trades;
• We will not be obligated to, and in most cases will not, negotiate with a Designated Broker or Wrap Fee Program Sponsor to obtain commission rates more favorable or otherwise different than those to which the client has agreed;
• A Directed/Restricted Trade or Wrap Fee Program trade may result in a client account paying higher or otherwise different commissions than other clients of ours for transactions in the same security; and
• We may effect a transaction through a Designated Broker pursuant to a Directed/Restricted Trade or provide the applicable models, recommendations or updates to one or more Wrap Fee Program Sponsors after another broker has effected transactions in the same security for client accounts for which we have discretion to select the broker and trading venue, which also could negatively affect the prices received by clients that direct trades or Wrap Fee Program clients. Notwithstanding the foregoing, where a client has directed brokerage for its account and maintains that we remain subject to best execution, if eligible, we may aggregate those Directed/Restricted Trades along with trades executed for other client accounts through the broker-dealer that we believe will offer the best execution for such transaction and, thereafter, instruct such broker-dealer to “step-out” or allocate a portion of the trades to the client’s Designated Broker for billing and settlement. With respect to Wrap Fee Programs, the terms of each client’s account in a Wrap Fee Program is governed by the client’s agreement with the Sponsor and disclosure document for each Wrap Fee Program. Wrap Fee Program clients are urged to refer to the appropriate disclosure document and client agreement for more information about the Wrap Fee Program, MSIM’s advisory services and fees. The fees for a Wrap Fee Program may result in higher costs than a client would otherwise realize by paying our standard advisory fees and negotiating separate arrangements for trade execution, custodial and consulting services. Designated Brokers, including those participating in “step-out” arrangements, and broker-dealers executing trades for our Wrap Fee Program clients generally do not provide us with the brokerage and research services. As a result, the brokerage and research services obtained with brokerage commissions from our clients that do not participate in Designated Brokerage arrangements or Wrap Fee Programs may be used for the benefit of our clients who do so participate, which may result in such other client accounts bearing a greater share of research costs than clients participating in Designated Broker arrangements and Wrap Fee Programs. These arrangements remain subject to our overall obligation to obtain best execution for our client trading. please register to get more info
Our portfolio managers generally review all accounts on a daily basis. Accounts are reviewed for a number of factors, including but not limited to, performance, sector and asset allocation, adherence to investment policies and strategies and specific security ownership, all within the context of client guidelines and objectives. If we manage your money as a separate account, you are provided reports of transactions as they are effected (if you request), portfolio valuations and summaries of portfolio changes on a quarterly basis or as otherwise negotiated with you. Additionally, we will meet with you quarterly, annually or as requested to discuss the performance of your account, our management of your account, and any other issues of concern to you. We will provide additional reports or information to you upon request. With respect to model portfolios offered through our Wrap Fee Program, models are generally reviewed on a daily basis. With respect to single contract Wrap Account, the portfolio managers generally review all accounts on a daily basis. With respect to CLOs, the governing documents include certain investment guidelines and restrictions and contain other tests, including coverage tests, overcollateralization tests, and interest coverage tests that are monitored. The CLO trustee prepares schedules of fees and expenses, distributions, and dividends (the “priority of payment waterfalls”). On at least a monthly and quarterly basis (as applicable), we review each CLO for compliance with relevant guidelines, restrictions, and tests. We will produce written reports as detailed in the CLO governing documents. Investors in the CLOs receive monthly trustee reports and quarterly distribution reports from each CLO’s trustee. please register to get more info
We have compensated, and may continue to compensate, affiliates and unrelated third parties for client referrals in accordance with Rule 206(4)-3 of the Advisers Act. The compensation paid to any such entity will typically consist of a cash payment stated as a percentage of our advisory fee, but may include cash payments determined in other ways. We are also referred advisory clients by affiliated and unaffiliated parties/consultants that are retained by clients or prospective clients. While we do not make payments for solicitations or client referrals to these consultants, we make cash payments to participate in conferences sponsored by such consultants to obtain information about industry trends and client investment needs. We may also purchase products or services from the consultants and/or their affiliates. These arrangements may cause referrals to us by these affiliates and other third parties for reasons other than the client’s best interest. please register to get more info
We are deemed to have “custody” of client assets in a variety of circumstances, and in each case we will comply with the custody requirements under the Advisers Act. We have custody of client assets any time that we have authority or ability to obtain possession of client assets. We may be deemed to have custody of the assets of the funds for which we or an affiliate serves as general partner or for which we or an affiliate serves as the managing member or otherwise has the authority or ability to obtain possession of fund assets. In those cases, the funds generally provide audited financial statements on an annual basis in accordance with applicable law. Additionally, where we are deemed to have custody over other advisory client accounts, clients will receive quarterly account statements from the qualified custodian for such account. Clients should carefully review the account statements received from the qualified custodian and compare them to statements received from us. If a client elects to retain our affiliate, MSSB, to act as qualified custodian of its account we may be deemed to have "custody" of those assets as well. We may also be deemed to have "custody" over our client accounts from which we are authorized to deduct fees or other expenses. With respect to Wrap Fee Program clients, we may be deemed to have custody of assets if we contract directly with the Wrap Fee Program clients for services and if an affiliate of MSIM acts as Sponsor of the Wrap Fee Program. In such cases, the Sponsor or a qualified custodian will send required periodic account statements to the Wrap Fee Program client. please register to get more info
We typically receive discretionary authority to select the securities and other instruments to be bought or sold at the time we establish an advisory relationship with you by entering into an investment management agreement. In all cases, however, such discretion is exercised in a manner consistent with your stated investment objectives and guidelines. As discussed under Item 12, “Brokerage Practices”, in this Brochure, you may impose certain limitations on our use of broker- dealers. For registered investment companies, our authority to trade securities may also be limited by certain federal securities and tax laws that require, among other things, diversification of investments. please register to get more info
We use our best efforts to vote proxies as part of our authority to manage, acquire and dispose of account assets. We and our affiliates generally vote proxies under the MSIM Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures (the “Policy”) pursuant to authority granted under the applicable investment advisory agreement or, in the absence of such authority, as authorized by the Board of Directors/Trustees of the Morgan Stanley Funds. We will not vote proxies unless the investment advisory agreement or Board of Directors/Trustees explicitly authorizes us to vote proxies. We and our affiliates will vote proxies in a prudent and diligent manner and in the best interests of clients, including beneficiaries of and participants in a client’s benefit plan(s) for which we manage assets, consistent with the objective of maximizing long-term investment returns (the “Client Proxy Standard”). In certain situations, you may provide us with a proxy voting policy. In these situations, we will comply with your policy. In addition to voting proxies at portfolio companies, MSIM generally engages with the management and may also engage with the board, of companies in which we invest on a range of governance issues. We consider governance to be a window into management and board quality. MSIM typically engages with companies where we have larger positions, voting issues are material or where we believe we can make a positive impact on the governance structure. We believe that MSIM’s engagement process, through private communication with companies, allows us to understand the governance structures at investee companies and better inform our voting decisions. The Policy addresses a broad range of issues, and provides general voting parameters on proposals that arise most frequently. However, details of specific proposals vary, and those details affect particular voting decisions, as do factors specific to a given company. We endeavor to integrate governance and proxy voting policy with investment goals, using the vote to encourage portfolio companies to enhance long-term shareholder value and to provide a high standard of transparency such that equity markets can value corporate assets appropriately. We seek to follow the Client Proxy Standard for each client. At times, this may result in split votes, for example when different clients have varying economic interests in the outcome of a particular voting matter (such as a case in which varied ownership interests in two companies involved in a merger result in different stakes in the outcome). We also may split votes at times based on differing views of portfolio managers. We may abstain on matters for which disclosure is inadequate. We usually support routine management proposals except for certain “other business” and “meeting adjournment” proposals. From time to time, MSIM retains third-party advisers to provide a variety of proxy-related services, including in-depth research, global issuer analysis, and voting recommendations (“Research Providers”). While MSIM may review and utilize the recommendations of such Research Providers, MSIM is in no way obligated to follow such recommendations, and votes all proxies based on the Policy and Client Proxy Standard. Votes on board nominees can involve balancing a variety of considerations, including those related to board and board committee independence, term length, whether nominees may be overcommitted, director attendance and diligence, financial knowledge and experience, executive and director remuneration practices, board diversity, and board responsiveness. We consider withholding support from or voting against a nominee if it believes a direct conflict exists between the interests of the nominee and the public shareholders, including failure to meet fiduciary standards of care and/or loyalty. We may oppose directors where we conclude that actions of directors are unlawful, unethical or negligent. We consider opposing individual board members or an entire slate if we believe the board is entrenched and/or dealing inadequately with performance problems; if we believe the board is acting with insufficient independence between the board and management; or if we believe the board has not been sufficiently forthcoming with information on key governance or other material matters. We examine a range of issues, including proxy contests and proposals relating to mergers, acquisitions and other special corporate transactions, on a case-by-case basis in the interests of each client. We support substantial management/board discretion on capital structure, but within limits that take into consideration articulated uses of capital, existence of preemptive rights, and certain shareholder protections provided by market rules and practices. We are generally supportive of reasonable shareholder rights. We vote on advisory votes on executive pay on a case-by-case basis. We generally support equity compensation plans if we view potential dilution/cost as reasonable, and if plan provisions sufficiently protect shareholder interests. We also support appropriately structured bonus and employee stock purchase plans. We support proposals that if implemented would enhance useful disclosure, but we generally vote against proposals requesting reports that we believe are duplicative, related to matters not material to the business, or that would impose unnecessary or excessive costs. We consider social and environmental shareholder proposals on a case-by-case basis. Process: An MSIM Proxy Review Committee (the “Committee”) has overall responsibility for the Policy. Because proxy voting is an investment responsibility and impacts shareholder value, and because of their knowledge of companies and markets, portfolio managers and other members of investment staff play a key role in proxy voting, although the Committee has final authority over proxy votes. The Committee meets at least quarterly, and reviews and considers changes to the Policy at least annually. If the Director of our Global Stewardship Team determines that an issue raises a material conflict of interest, the Director may request a special committee to review, and recommend a course of action with respect to, the conflict(s) in question. We generally will not make any filings in connection with any shareholder class action lawsuits and similar matters involving securities held or that were held in separate accounts and will not be required to notify custodians or clients in separate managed accounts of shareholder class action lawsuits and similar matters. We will not be responsible for any failure to make such filings or, if we determine to make such filings, to make such filings in a timely manner. Upon client request, we will consider on a case-by-case basis participation in non-US class action lawsuits. Further Information: You may contact your Client Representative or Financial Advisor for information on how to obtain a copy of the Policy or proxy voting records. In the case of registered investment companies we advise, the fund’s proxy voting records filed with the SEC are available (i) without charge by accessing the Mutual Fund Center on our web site at and (ii) on the SEC’s web site at please register to get more info
Registered investment advisers are required in this Item to provide you with certain financial information or disclosures about our financial condition. We are not aware of any financial condition that impairs our ability to meet contractual and fiduciary commitments to you, and have not been the subject of a bankruptcy proceeding.
Appendix A
Fee Schedules
Fee Schedules
Core Plus Fixed Income .250% on the first $50 million of assets under management .200% on the next $50 million of assets under management .150% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Core Fixed Income .200% on the first $50 million of assets under management .150% on the next $50 million of assets under management .125% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Short and Limited Duration .150% on the first $75 million .100% on the next $75 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Short and Limited Duration .100% on the first $150 million .075% on the next $350 million .060% on assets in excess of $500 million
Account Minimum: $150 million Long Duration .200% on the first $50 million of assets under management .150% on the next $50 million of assets under management .125% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Mortgage Backed Securities .15% on the first $50 million of assets under management .12% on the next $50 million of assets under management .10% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million US High Yield .500% on the first of $50 million of assets under management .400% on the next of $50 million of assets under management .300% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Emerging Markets External Debt .500% on the first $50 million of assets under management .450% on the next $50 million of assets under management .400% on assets in excess of $100 million Emerging Markets Domestic Debt .550% on the first $50 million of assets under management .500% on the next $50 million of assets under management .450% on assets in excess of $100 million Emerging Markets Corporate Debt .600% on the first $50 million of assets under management .550% on the next $50 million of assets under management .500% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Emerging Markets Fixed Income Opportunities .550% on the first $50 million of assets under management .500% on the next $50 million of assets under management .450% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Global Aggregate Fixed Income .250% on the next $100 million of assets under management .200% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $100 million European Absolute Return .300% on the first €50 million of assets under management .250% on the next €50 million of assets under management .200% on assets in excess of €100 million
Account Minimum: €50 million Sterling Credit .250% on the first £30 million of assets under management .220% on the next £30 million of assets under management .200% on assets in excess of £60 million
Account Minimum: £50 million Euro High Yield .400% on the first €50 million of assets under management .350% on the next €50 million of assets under management .300% on assets in excess of €100 million
Account Minimum: €50 million Euro Short Maturity .200% on the first €50 million of assets under management .150% on the next €50 million of assets under management .150% on assets in excess of €100 million Account Minimum: €50 million Euro Aggregate .250% on the first €50 million of assets under management .200% on the next €50 million of assets under management .150% on assets in excess of €100 million Account Minimum: €50 million European Credit .350% on the first €50 million of assets under management .250% on the next €50 million of assets under management .20% on assets in excess of €100 million Account Minimum: €50 million Global Sovereign .200% on the next $100 million of assets under management .150% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $100 million Global Credit .300% on the first $50 million of assets under management .300% on the next $50 million of assets under management .250% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Global Limited Duration .250% on the first $50 million of assets under management .150% on the next $50 million of assets under management .100% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Global Fixed Income Opportunities/Strategic Income .350% on the next $100 million of assets under management .300% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $100 million International Fixed Income .250% on the next $100 million of assets under management .200% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $100 million Global Convertibles .500% on the first €50 million of assets under management .450% on the next €50 million of assets under management .400% on assets in excess of €100 million
Account Minimum: €50 million Global High Yield .500% on the first $50 million of assets under management .450% on the next $50 million of assets under management .400% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Global Securitized .300% on the first $50 million of assets under management .250% on the next $50 million of assets under management .200% on assets in excess of $100 million Account Minimum: $75 million Investment Grade Corporate .300% on the first $50 million of assets under management .250% on the next $50 million of assets under management .200% on assets in excess of $100 million Global Buy and Hold .300% on the first $50 million of assets under management .250% on the next $50 million of assets under management .200% on assets in excess of $100 million Global Emerging Markets Equity 0.950% on the first $100 million of assets under management 0.900% on the next $100 million of assets under management 0.850% on the next $100 million of assets under management 0.800% on assets in excess of $300 million
Account Minimum: $100 million Emerging Markets Leaders 0.900% on all assets under management
Account Minimum: $100 million Emerging Markets Small Cap 1.25% on all assets under management
Account Minimum: $100 million Emerging Markets Breakout Nations .900% on all assets under management
Account Minimum: $100 million Emerging Europe, Middle East & Africa Equity 0.950% on the first $50 million of assets under management 0.900% on the next $50 million of assets under management 0.850% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Latin America Equity 0.950% on the first $50 million of assets under management 0.900% on the next $50 million of assets under management 0.850% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million India Equity 0.900% on all assets under management Account Minimum: $50 million Asia Equity 0.800% on the first $50 million in assets under management 0.700% in excess of $50 million in assets under management
Account Minimum: $50 million China A Equity 0.900% on all assets under management Growth 0.750% on the first $50 million of assets under management 0.500% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.400% on the next $25 million of assets under management Negotiable thereafter Account Minimum: $25 million Discovery 0.800% on the first $25 million of assets under management 0.700% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.650% on the next $50 million 0.550% on assets in excess of $100 million Account Minimum: $25 million Inception 1.10% on the first 25 million of asset under management 0.900% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.850% on assets in excess of $50 million
Account Minimum: $25 million Insight Asset Based Fee: 1.00% on total assets under management or Performance Based Fee: 0.80% on all assets plus 10% of alpha over benchmark per annum, no high water mark
Account Minimum: $25 million Advantage 0.750% on the first $50 million of assets under management 0.500% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.400% on the next $25 million of assets under management Negotiable thereafter
Account Minimum: $25 million Global Advantage 0.80% on the first $25 million in assets under management 0.75% on the next $25 million in assets under management 0.70% on the next $50 million in assets under management 0.65% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $25 million Global Opportunity 0.750% on the first $100 million of assets under management 0.650% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $100 million Asia Opportunity/ Developing Opportunity/ International Opportunity/International Advantage 0.750% on the first $100 million of assets under management 0.650% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million International Equity 0.800% on the first $25 million of assets under management 0.600% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.500% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.400% on assets in excess of $75 million Account Minimum: $100 million Global Franchise 0.800% on the first $25 million in assets under management 0.750% on the next $25 million in assets under management 0.700% on the next $50 million in assets under management 0.650% on assets in excess of $100 million Global Quality 0.800% on the first $25 million in assets under management 0.750% on the next $25 million in assets under management 0.700% on the next $50 million in assets under management 0.650% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Global Sustain 0.72% on the first $50 million in assets under management 0.65% on the next $50 million in assets under management 0.60% on assets in excess of $100 million in assets under management 0.53% on assets in excess of $200 million in assets under management 0.50% on assets in excess of $350 million in assets under management
Account Minimum: $50 million
European Equity Alpha 0.700% on the first $25 million of assets under management 0.600% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.500% on the next $50 million of assets under management 0.400% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $25 million Eurozone Equity Alpha 0.750% on the first $25 million of assets under management 0.650% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.550% on the next $50 million of assets under management 0.450% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $25 million European Champions 0.750% on the first $25 million of assets under management 0.650% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.550% on the next $50 million of assets under management 0.450% on assets in excess of $100 million Account Minimum: $25 million Active International Allocation 0.650% on the first $100 million in assets under management 0.600% on the next $100 million in assets under management 0.550% on assets in excess of $200 million Account Minimum: $25 million Global Equity Allocation 0.650% on the first $100 million in assets under management 0.600% on the next $100 million in assets under management 0.550% on assets in excess of $200 million Account Minimum: $50 million Global Real Estate Securities 0.750% on the first $100 million in assets under management 0.500% on the next $300 million in assets under management 0.400% on assets in excess of $400 million
Account Minimum: $75 million Europe, Asia, International, North America and US Real Estate Securities 0.650% on the first $100 million in assets under management 0.500% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Global Real Estate Best Ideas Base fee of 1.00%, plus a performance-based fee of 10% of the outperformance versus the benchmark
Account Minimum: $50 million Global Concentrated Real Estate Securities 0.750% on the first $100 million in assets under management 0.500% on assets in excess of $100 million
Account Minimum: $75 million Global Infrastructure Securities/ Global Infrastructure Securities Unconstrained 0.700% on the first $50 million in assets under management 0.600% on the next $50 million in assets under management 0.500% on the next $300 million in assets under management 0.400% on assets in excess of $400 million
Account Minimum: $50 million Liquid Real Assets 0.750% on the first $100 million in assets under management 0.500% on the next $300 million in assets under management 0.400% on assets in excess of $400 million
Account Minimum: $100 million Global Tactical Asset Allocation 0.750% on the first $100 million of assets under management 0.650% on the next $150 million of assets under management 0.550% on the next $250 million of assets under management 0.450% thereafter Account Minimum: $100 million Global Multi-Asset 0.750% on the first $100 million of assets under management 0.650% on the next $150 million of assets under management 0.550% on the next $250 million of assets under management 0.450% thereafter Account Minimum: $100 million Absolute Return 0.850% on the first $100 million of assets under management 0.750% on the next $150 million of assets under management 0.650% on the next $250 million of assets under management 0.550% thereafter Account Minimum: $100 million Integrated Global Equity 0.900% on the first $25 million of assets under management 0.750% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.650% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.600% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.550% on the next $100 million of assets under management 0.500% on assets in excess of $200 million
Account Minimum: $25 million Applied US Core Portfolio 0.55% on the first $25 million of assets under management 0.50% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.45% on the next $50 million of assets under management 0.40% on balance Over $200 million negotiable
Account Minimum: $25 million Applied Global Core Portfolio 0.65% on the first $25 million of assets under management 0.60% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.55% on the next $50 million of assets under management 0.50% on balance Over $200 million negotiable
Account Minimum: $25 million Applied Global Concentrated Portfolio 0.70% on the first $25 million of assets under management 0.65% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.60% on the next $50 million of assets under management 0.55% on balance Over $200 million negotiable
Account Minimum: $25 million Applied Enhanced Index Russell 1000 0.30% on the first $25 million of assets under management 0.28% on the next $25 million of assets under management 0.25% on the next $50 million of assets under management 0.20% on balance Over $200 million negotiable Account Minimum: $25 million Liquidity Separate Account Strategy1 0.13% for total asset size $150 million - $299 million of assets under management 0.11% for total asset size $300 million - $499 million of assets under management 0.09% for total asset size of $500 million - $799 million of assets under management 0.08% thereafter Account Minimum: $150 million 1 For balances falling below $150 million of assets under management fees will be 0.16% of the total asset size. please register to get more info
Open Brochure from SEC website
Assets | |
Pooled Investment Vehicles | $80,794,368,389 |
Discretionary | $377,704,422,193 |
Non-Discretionary | $4,593,073,380 |
Registered Web Sites
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